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#1 Digimon Guild where you can actually be a Tamer with your very own Digimon. 

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A Pokemon Black Nuzlocke Journey Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:07 pm

For those of you who don't know what a Nuzlocke Challenge in I must address you to this site: www.nuzlocke.com or I must insist that you google it. MY brief description is it's a playthough of a Pokemon game that follows specific rules. My rules for this nuzlocke are:

1)Can only catch the first pokemon that appears in each area.

2)When a Pokemon dies it must be released, or permanently boxed.

3)All Pokemon must have a nickname.

4)If there is a black/white out it is game over. No second chances

5)No using masterballs
6)Legendaries must be killed.

I was soundly asleep when I had the most peculiar dream. A women named Juniper was questioning me. She asked if I was male or female and my only reply was "Are you serious?" She looked puzzled with her reply "Girl?" Angrily I shouted "I AM A BOY!" She pulled out a clipboard and marked down something and then she asked my name. I cooled down enough, thinking this dream is odd, I told her my name. "Ah, Z, that's fitting, short name for a boy whose adventures will be cut short" she said. "Wait...what?" I questioned, but instead of giving me an answer she said "We'll meet each other soon enough, see ya soon Z" and she vanished.

The morning after I had a dream, I awoke to notice my friend Cheren (such a sissy name for a guy) standing over a package on my table.

"Hey, Z, Z, Z, Z-" he hums annoyingly.


"You got a package from that new professor lady, Juniper was it?" he replied.


I needed answers and if I didn't get them soon heads were going to start hitting the ground hard.

"Well, she gave it to your mom, saying something about how she's noticed the 3 of us coming of age to start a journey in the wonderful world of Pokemon or something. Your mom called my house and Belle's house to tell that Juniper gave us a gift to start our Journey." he said.

"Oh, well that seems perfectly logical." I sarcastically replied.

Just then Belle enters my room "Sorry I'm late guys, I had some...um...stuff to take care of..." she gave her usually excuse.

"What took you so long Belle it's time to open whatever the Professor left for u-"

Cheren was cut off by Belle


Cheren questioned "Why?"

She replied "Pokemon USA".

"What in the name of Arceus is that?" I asked.

"Not a clue, but all I know is my name is Bianca now." Bianca replied.

"Okay enough of the chit-chat let's open this box" Cheren said.

"Okay, well I'll get to open it since it's in my room, in my house, any objections?" I said.

Neither of them had any so I opened the box. It had a card inside and 3 pokeballs each containing a different pokemon. The letter read "Here's some pokemon to begin your monotonous quest-Professor Juniper". "Well since I get first picks I'm gonna choose the toughest guy outta the bunch" I thought as I looked them all over. "Ah-ha" I exclaimed as I picked up a pokeball that had a little orange pig inside of it.

"I choose this guy and I'm gonna call him...Mr. Bacon" I announced.

Bianca chose the smug looking green guy saying "Isn't he just adorable?".

"Yeah if you like douchebag looking pokemon" Cheren replied as he looks in the box to see a retarded blue pokemon in the box.

"How come I get the retard?" He whined.

"Well look at the bright side at least it's color coated to match you" Bianca said.

"Oh ha ha." he retorted.

"Anyway if you're done QQing why not have a pokemon battle?" Bianca said.

"Your on!" Cheren said.

So they both decided to challenge me and not each other...oh, great. Bianca was taken out in a split instant, my Mr. Bacon struck out the douchebaggy green Snivy in 2 hits. Cheren healed up Mr. Bacon before he tried to take it out, but my Mr. Bacon put the Tackle down on his Osshatwat with one Critical hit.

"Well that's tha-HOLY s**t WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY ROOM!?" I excalaimed.

"He he...looks like pokemon battles do a lot of damage indoors..." Bianca said.

"Hey, let's see if your mom will do it, use I'm a growing boy and I'm gonna start my pokemon journey." Cheren said.

"Fine, cause I'm not gonna do it anyway." I said.

So we went down stairs rushed out the door as I yelled "Hi mom, wehadapokemonbattleinmyroomandneedyoutocleanupcausei'mgonnabecomeapokemonmaster, bye mom"

"Okay honey" she replied.

We walked up to the Pokemon lab. We opened the door and Professor Juniper pops out of nowhere "Hey, I've been expecting you here, take these pokedexs and meet me at route 1" she says and then walks out of the lab. "What the f$2%" I thought as we followed along...

As we approached Route 1, Cheren gave one of his explanations about pokemon and such.

"She gave us, pokedexs, which are basically electronic pokemon encylopedias that unlock a pokemon's data as you catch it and records what pokemon you've seen." explains Cheren.

"Well that explains everything" I reply sarcastically.

We approach Professor Juniper on route 1. "Now I'm gonna teach you how to catch the pokemon, here take these balls" she hands us some pokeballs and walks into the tall grass only to get vicously mauled by wild patrats. "Well I guess class is out for today."

One trip to the hospital later we wind up back on route 1 so the nutty professor can teach us to catch pokemon. A wild lilipup appears before us and she sends out a Mincinno. Mincinno beats the living s#17 out of the poor thing and then she throws a pokeball at it. "And that's how it's done." we all look in awe as we just saw two animals beat the hell out of each other. "Anyway see you guys in the next town. Catch some pokemon or some stuff like that and meet me at the pokemon center. Bye." She walks off and disappears amongst the tall grass. "Well okay let's start this thing." I say hesitantly as we begin our pokemon journey.

Pokemon/Stats: Tepid-Mr.Bacon-Level 6-Relaxed Nature
PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 10:50 am

Cheren and Bianca raced off ahead because they're a-holes leaving me behind. Well since I wanted to take my time any way I decided to look for a new pokemon to help me on this journey I have embarked on.

Not even two steps in my first pokemon appears. A wild Patrat.

"Go Mr. Bacon" I yell as I through the pokeball out.

Mr. Bacon turns to me and says "You do realize I am a GIRL, right!?" it said.

My face looked in awe as Mr. Bacon spoke.

"What got nothing to say for calling me "Mr. Bacon" instead of "Ms. Bacon"." she said.

I could only reply "I'm sorry...how about as soon as we find out how to change your name I'll change it to Ms. Bacon, is that okay? If so then will you help me with becoming a pokemon master?"

Mr. Bacon nods in agreement and gets ready to attack the now snoozing Patrat who was waiting for us to attack. "Alright Bacon you know what to do" I said. Mr. Bacon unleashes a takle on the Patrat. After the Patrat came back with a week attack I threw a pokeball at it...IT FAILED! No, my first pokeball. Patrat attacked Bacon again. "Hang in there Bacon" I thought as I threw my second ball, which caught with success.

"Alright now to name the little guy." I thought to myself.

"I got it! I'll name you Al Capone, how's that little guy" I asked the newly added Patrat.

"Not bad, dollface" he replied.

"I'm a guy" I replied.

"I know that, I have Keen Eye you know." he retorted as he lit up a cigar using flames from "Ms. Bacon".

"Is it okay for pokemon to smoke under level 18?" I asked Patrat.

"Meh what do I care? How 'bout a drink there." replied Patrat.

"Nah, we gotta get to the next town." I said.

"Is it big, will there be beautiful broads?" Patrat asked. I could only reply with

"I don't know we have to go there to check it out."

"Alright den let's get it moving." Patrat said. We started moving ahead battling pokemon and leveling up along the way.

As my team and I reached Accumula town we met up with Cheren and Bianca.

"Thanks for waiting up for me!" I said sarcastically.

"Who cares about that how many pokemon do you have?" Bianca said.

I point to Al Capone and "Ms. Bacon".

"Ah so we all have two pokemon now, well we better go find Juniper to see what she wanted us for." Cheren said.

"Wait before we go, I made a mistake on a pokemon name how do I get it changed?" I asked.

"What did you screw up on?" Cheren questioned.

"Mr. Bacon is a Ms." I said.

"You idiot, well there's this guy who legally changes pokemon names in this City called Castelia Ci-" Cheren was cut off.

"Are there any broads there?" Al Capone the Patrat interrupted.

"..." we all stayed silent until I broke it with "Okay...let's go find Juniper."

The other two nodded in agreement as I headed towards a building called a Pokemon Center. The sign outside read "Pokemon Center and Store, buy useful trainer items and heal your pokemon for free." Down at the bottom it reads "Sponsored by: Pokemon Universal Health Company". I walk in and low and behold Juniper is standing right there.

"Hey you, kid who I gave a pokedex come here, see this thing back here." She points to behind a Nurse to a big machine.

"That thing heals pokemon, and this computer over here next to the counter stores pokemon, and that counter over there is where you buy stuff...anyway I'm out...important Professor stuff to do. Bye" She walked out the door.

Well that was...odd. Anyway, I walked up to the nurse handed her my pokemon and she healed them right up, then I went and stocked up on potions and pokeballs because I need them. After that I went back to route 1 for some more leveling. Al Capone and "Ms. Bacon" brought a cd player for a training montage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btPJPFnesV4&ob=av3e).

After that we headed back to the Pokemon Center to recover, as my training had me going back and forth already "Thank Arceus for free pokemon healthcare" I giggled as I thought to myself walking outside the Pokemon Center. As soon as I stepped outside I noticed at huge crowd gathered in the center of town and gazing over the crowd I notice Cheren at the front. Needless to say he noticed me too and dragged me to the front just to see a punch of weirdos in dresses with some big bizarro world guy that's wearing something Lady Garbador(C wat I did that) would wear.

"People of Accumula Town I want you to free your pokemon. kthnxbai" he announces then walks off.

Well that isn't the weirdest thing that has happened all day. As the crowd left one person stayed and stared at me.

"Hey greenhaired pansy boy you gotta starin' problem?" Al Capone said to the person.

"Wasn't that speech inspirational, didn't it make you want to free your pokemon from inside there captive cells known as pokeballs?" he said.

"If you can call that a speech?" I replied.

"Now let me hear your pokemon." he said as he called out a Purrloin.

"Let's go "Ms.Bacon" take care of that wimps p***y." I said.

"Alright, but when do I get my name officially changed?" she asked.

"According to the map that I took with me before I left it's the town with the third gym so by the time you evolve you'll have your name changed." I replied.

"Alright." She said and then charred the person's Purrloin with Ember.

"EZPZ" I said.

"So your pokemon have that to say...by the way my name's N, I gotta go kthnxbai." and N walked away.

Well all I can say is this journey is weird as hell.

Pokemon and Stats:

Tepig-Mr.Bacon-Relaxed-Level 10
Patrat-Al Capone-Hardy-Level 10



PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 3:55 pm

Night begins to fall as I say goodbye to Accumula town. I heard from Cheren that the next town is called Striaton City, and the it's the first stop for new trainers to test their strength and earn a Gym Badge against the Gym leader. It was as if I had no other choice than to be on my way then.

As I take my first steps onto the dimly lit Route 2, I hear a familiar voice...OH DEAR GOD IT'S MY MOTHER! Shockingly she only stopped me to give me my running shoes and left. The whole conversation felt devoid of any emotion as if she wasn't my mother at all. I shrugged it off and carried on knowing that I need to be the best, the best there ever was. While on the way I had a chance to get a new friend, but Al Capone murdered him only saying "This team ain't big enough for two Patrats" then he pulled out the CD player, and I bet you know where this is going. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPFCHuEegsk)

Al Capone and "Ms. Bacon" were soaked in the blood of their grinding victims. We approached the oddly small city and were about to enter when an eerie feeling filled us...Bianca.

"HAI GAIZ! GAIZ! HAI GAIZ!" She shouted to us.

"Ugh...what is it Bianca" I mumbled.

"We should have a pokemon battle! Let's do it!" Bianca chirped annoyingly.

"Fine let's get it over and done with." I groaned.

"I got this." Bacon said as she pointed to herself and looked at me.

"Alright, the sooner we can get to Castelia, the sooner we can change your name "Ms.Bacon"" I replied.

"Ms. Bacon" tackles Bianca's Lillipup to near comatose as she tried to potion it up, and made a burnt salad out of Snivy.

"Okay, you win!" Bianca cried.

"You did good "Ms. Bacon" now let's go to the gym." I said.

"Good job, kid" Al Capone said as we walked up to the Pokemon Center to heal up before challenging the Gym.

Al Capone looks over to the gym as we exit the Pokemon Center.

"Hey what's that mooks big idea blocking the doorway to the gym, we got some gym a** ta kick" he said.

"I don't know I'll check it out." I replied.

I walked up to the gym the guy spoke "Hey you!"

"Me?" I questioned.

"Yeah you, you're Z right, Blue jacket, Black and White Cap, a kid named Cheren was looking for you." He said.

The only thought in my head was "Oh god, not another battle."

"He's over at the Pokemon School of Noobs, if you want to find him." He said.

"Thanks...I guess." was the only thing I could reply.

I just wanted to fight the damned Gym Leader by this guy is blocking my way and Cheren probably wants to battle me like Bianca did. What to do?

"Well let's go kick da twerps a$$ and get da hell in dat gym ta beat da Gym Leada" Al Capone said.

"I guess you're right." I replied as we marched over towards the Trainer School o' Noobs.

Al Capone busts through the door and I just follow behind.


"I'm not a pansy rat" Cheren snarls at Al Capone.

"I'd like to see you say dat afta I'm through witchya" Capone retorts.

"Bring it, let's go Osshawott.

"Let me 'andle dis business boy." He smirks and pulls out a tomi gun.

"Try some of my new and improved bite ya little Osshatwat" he grins and fires as teeth fly out.

Osshawott faints with a face full of teeth.

"Be lucky it wasn't no bullets." Al Capone smirks.

Cheren sends out Purrloin next.

"Time ta put this kitty down for a cat nap" Al Capone puts the smack down on Cheren's Purrloin.

"ENOUGH! you homicidal Rodent" Cheren screams gathering his Pokemon and rushing towards the Pokemon Center.

"And dat's the end of dat chapter, time to hit the gym" Al Capone dusts his hands off and we exit the Trainer School and head for the Gym.

Round 2 with going to the Gym, and someone's still blocking the way.


"Excuuuse me, you mild mannered little rat, I am the Gym Leader of this City, and I ain't the only one either. So come on in and challenge us, but before you do that you better go brush up on you skills in the dream lot over there. You'll need it. Ha"

He points over to the dream lot and walks into the gym.

"Think we should brush up on some scrubs before challenging the big guy?" I asked.

"I'M GONNA RIP DAT PRISSY BOY'S POKEMON TA SHREDS" Al Capone just wouldn't calm down, so I put him in his pokeball to chill out for a bit.

"Ms. Bacon" followed me into the Dreamlot. "Alright "Ms.Bacon" you are the toughest member of the team, but you're behind a few levels so it's all you. Tear through 'em" I said as a trainer approaches us for a battle. "Ms. Bacon" simply knocks the trains Purrloins out and then takes out a youngsters Patrats and Lilipup. "Well you did need the experience" I smirked as we approached a kid who didn't appear to be a trainer.

"Hey you're a trainer right? And I can see you started with a Tepig. Want this free Pokemon. It's a Grass Monkey called Pansage" She chirped.

"Sure, but I'm gonna name him SteveIrwin." I replied.

I call him out of his Pokeball along with Al Capone.

"Al Capone, I'm happy to announce we can go fight the gym leader now." I say.

"FINALLY FOR F%$# SAKE!" He yells.

"Crikey, check out the mouth on this bugger" SteveIrwin says.

"Who de hell is dis Aussie boy!?" Capone demanded.

"Our new team mate, SteveIrwin, cause three's company" I said.

"Yeah but four's a crowd" Al Capone snidely replied.

"Well let's get going to the gym guys." I said as we walked back towards Striaton City Gym.

We stepped through the big doors on the Gym's Structure.

"Crikey, this ain't a gym"Steve said.


The guy who was blocking the door noticed us and said

"Hey sorry about before, I'm Jim Guy, my brothers and I give trainers challenging the gym a few tips and a fresh water to referesh yourselves during battle."

"Uh-huh..." was the only thing I could say.

"So you see that curtain there and how it has a symbol on it." I nod as he points it out

"Well there's 3 buttons on the floor and one of those buttons will open the curtains. It's all based on Water beat Fire, Fire beats Grass, and Grass beats Water. It's really simple you just have to go out there and do it." he finishes.

I just simply nod and trudge forth. We make it past the first curtain just to have found a Trainer/Waiter waiting to battle us. "Ms. Bacon" took care of him and the other one write after that. The third room was finally the Gym Leader, but wait...THERE ARE 3 OF THEM!

"Sorry you won't get to battle me, I know your ill-mannered rat wanted to but you will have to battle my brother, Cress" the prissy green haired gym leader smirks.

"Oh hiiiii, I'm like totes super glad that I getta battle you this will be SUPER" he exclaims flamboyantly. "Fine den, bring it one" Al Capone says as Cress sends out Lillipup. "Isn't he just so omega adorable?" Cress says.

"Not when I'm trough wit it." smirks Al Capone.

"Looks like you're gonna use bite again I'm I right" I said.

"Damn straight." he smirks as Lillipup eats the floor with a face full of teeth marks.

"OH NOOO THIS IS SO NOT FABULOUS" Cress cries out as he sends in Panpour.

"Oh a water type, well I have the perfect counter meassure for that.

"SteveIrwin go hunt that thing down" I call.

"Crikey boss, I'm on it" Steve says as he snaps out his vine whips and finishes Cress's Panpour.

"Looks like you just got your butt...whipped". I gloated in victory as we were presented with out first badge of the Unova League.

Pokemon and Stats:

Tepig-Mr. Bacon-Relaxed-Level 15

Patrat-Al Capone-Hardy-Level 10

Pansage-SteveIrwin-Mild-Level 11
PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:03 am

It was a long day, I haven't had any sleep but it seems "Ms. Bacon", Al Capone, and SteveIrwin were well rested after that victory over Striaton City Gym. I exit the Pokemon Center only to see a quirky mannered woman looking for someone. She approaches me

"I'm looking for a strong trainer to help me." She then the notices my gym badge

"Oh so you and your pokemon beat the gym here. Can you take this technique called cut and go into Dreamlot and grab some dream smoke from a pokemon called Munna, for me? she asked.

"Um...sure, but how do I use this Cut thingy?" I asked.

She gives me the most evil glare "MAGIC" she growls.

I piss myself in fear. First changing my pants...then dreamlot.

One pants changing later I found myself at the Dreamlot where an overly annoying Bianca was awaiting me.


Why couldn't the wild Patrat's have mauled her instead of Juniper first.

Anyway I replied "Yeah, I can..."

Earlier Al Capone grabbed the Cut technique disc from me and in a flash the disc became a knife.

"Al Capone use CUT" I said.

Al Capone grinned as he made short work of a tree that was blocking our path to an abandoned building, and the rest of the dream lot. As we enter the lot we here a pokemon's cry and follow the noise. It lead us to a poor Munna being kicked around by Team Plasma grunts. "

WHAT ARE YOU DOING LEAVE MUNNA ALONE!" Bianca hollers at them.

They turn around and call out their Pokemon.

"I thought Team Plasma was about liberating Pokemon, yet here you are using them and abusing them." I smirk with a cocky grin.

"What do you know brat, Patrat attack!" he calls.

As the Patrat comes near "Ms. Bacon" swats it away with a Nitro Charge.

"Bring it" I say as they call their Pokemon to attack.

Al Capone makes quick works of the first goons Patrat while "Ms. Bacon" smokes up Goon number two's Purrloin.

"You done yet?" I say cockily.

They flee the scene kicking Dream Mist that was oozing out of the slightly injured Munna.

Things start to go hazy, the world starts to shift and I pass out.

Several hours, it seemed, I had awoken to notice a Musharna and Munna going away from the scene. As I slowly came to full conscience I saw that Bianca had gone and the two Plasma goons had left too. All that was there was an item on the ground labeled as "Dream Mist". Bianca must've done that. She may be annoying, but she does have her uses. I got up and checked to make sure nothing was stolen from me and everything was in order. My team looked a little beat from battling, but that was to be expected. I decided since I was awake and fine I'd do some training just to see Al Capone and "Ms. Bacon" got the CD player out just to do the same, but before we cold start training a wild Pokemon caught my eye. It was a Munna, but it didn't look like the one that went with that Musharna. I sent Al Capone in to weaken it, but he fell asleep so I had no choice but to sit there and throw pokeballs at it. I was down to my last pokeball. I tossed it...beep...beep...beep...BING! Munna had been captured! The only name to appropriatly fit this guy...CLAY AIKEN! I called out Al Capone, "Ms. Bacon" and SteveIrwin to great our new partner.

"Oh hai guyz, I'm Clay, and I'm not gay, I like to sing, but I'm not Gay" Clay introduced himself.

"Sure ya aren't ya pink dink" Al Capone said.

"Crikey, nice ta meetya Mate" Steve said.

"Ms. Bacon" sulked because I named everyone appropriately except her.

"Ms. Bacon" I said. "We're moving along we'll get your name changed in no time" I continued.

Al Capone added in "And if he don't dollface I make sure it does somehow."

After the training session we headed back to see the nutty lab tech that sent us on this mission.

"Hey doc, we got your Dream Mist stuff so can we go?" I said.

"Certainly ,but I'd like to give you this" she said handing me a strange device.

"This is a C-Gear. It allows you to see what trainers are near by you in "Other Dimensions"" she said.

"Okay...now can I go" I was getting creeped out and really wanted to leave. "

Sure just grab the notebook labeled "Pal Pad" on the way out.

Someone else will explain to you what that does" I rush out of there taking the Pal Pad. "Finally now I can leave this damned city"

Pokemon and Stats:


Patrat-Al Capone-Hardy-13


Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-10



PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 4:28 pm

I depart the city and start heading down route 3 when a particular bunch of kids catch my eye. Little did I know they were vicious Pokemon battling monsters. I did the only thing that came natural to me now.

"Al Capone, dust 'em" I said.

The children cried to their teacher as Al Capone beat their pokemon. The teacher called out a Lillipup and Munna. Al Capone pulled out his tomigun and grinned

"I don't bite..." he said as he fired his bite gun.

"...I kill" he finished.

After they were defeated the teacher allowed us to stop by anytime to recover. We rested up and continued along our journey.

There came a fork in the road. One path leading to a cave and the other one seemed to be leading to the next town. I was about to head to the next time when I was stopped by a voice. "Hey Z, I'm ready for another battle." it said.

I turned around slowly only to see Cheren awaiting a battle with his pokemon at the ready.

"You want to battle then let's battle." I said angrily as I sent out SteveIrwin.

"Crikey, time to take these critters out" Steve said as he unleashed a Vine Whip upon Cheren's Osshawott.

Next up was Cheren's Purrloin with Steve attacked with a barrage of Fury Swipes.

"Looks like Purrloin got cat stratch fever" Steve said as he finished it off.

"You just keep getting better don't you." Cheren said.

I replied "It's not me it's my Pokemon." A

fter that was said a team of Team Plasma grunts push us out of the way to run towards the cave. Following them along is Bianca and a little girl

"CHEREN! Z!" Bianca calls.


Cheren turns to me and I look back, we nod as we begin the pursuit of the grunts.

We reach the cave where they ran into.

"Are you ready to get the girl's Pokemon back?" Cheren turned to ask me.

"As I'll ever be" I reply as we head into the cave.

We get confronted by two goons "NO KIDS ALLOWED!" they yelled.

"We'll leave when you give back that pokemon you stole." I said.

"Well looks like we'll have to take care of this the hard way." they said as they sent out Patrats.

Cheren took care of one while "Ms. Bacon" char broils the other.

Just then two more goons come along "What, you can't take care of two kids? Step Aside" they said as they keep sending in Patrats.

Out of all the pokemon in the world why do they only have Patrat?

Cheren and I team up and create steamed Patrat with an Flame Charge and Water Gun combination.

"Now are you going to return the Pokemon or not?" I ask as Al Capone cracks his knuckles.

They look at me in terror as they nod. They hand Cheren the Pokmon and run away.

"Good work Z, I'm going to go return this Pokemon to the little girl." he says as he leaves the cave.

Now that that's over I decided to explore the cave for a little bit. It was there that I met the newest addition to the team, a Woobat. I chucked the pokeball at it and without a beep it was captured. FLAWLESS VICTORY FRIENDSHIP! I named our new partner "Amelia" like Amelia that Amelia Airheart person. We left the cave after that.

We continued along our journey through Route 3 only to be stopped by Cheren again, but he didn't want to battle. He just said something about dark grass having two pokemon instead of one or something stupid like that, I didn't bother to pay attention. Amelia was flying high in the sky when suddenly I start hearing music coming from the direction of "Ms. Bacon". By now I'm guessing it was training time, but just as we were about to start I noticed an injured Blitzle and walked over to it.

"Hey there, don't be afraid. I'm here to help." I lay a pokeball beside it and that's how Janet joined the party.

Now that I had a full team and I had everyone healed up and ready to go training commenced (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw) during the training "Ms. Bacon" started to glow.

"Eh dollface what's happenin' to ya" Al Capone asked.

"Ms. Bacon" looked shocked as she started to change.

As the glowing faded an Omnipresent voice announced "Mr. Bacon has evolved into Pignite".

"Oh so this is evolution!" I said astounded.

The other pokemon looked at "Ms. Bacon" impressively.

Al Capone grabbed my collar and pulled me down. "How do I do dat?"

I looked at my pokedex then looked at him and replied "Training."

"Alrighty den back ta trainin'!" Al Capone and the others got back to kicking the snot out of other pokemon, but to their effort none of them had evolved so we just continued on to Nacrene City and the adventures that await us there.

Pokemon and Stats:

Pignite-Mr. Bacon-Relaxed-18

Patrat-Al Capone-Hardy-15


Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-10

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 10:12 am

Passing through a tunnel to enter Nacrene City I see a TV, but what was on the TV was odd to me.
"The former CEO of the company that brought hot products like the Poke'Etch, Steph Works has died at the age of 56. In other new..." the news person continued, but I stopped.
"The heck is a Poke'Etch" I looked at my pokemon puzzled.
They look back at me. I shrug it off and continue on.

Wandering around following signs aimlessly trying to find the Pokemon Gym. We wander up to a museum. A sign outside says that it's a Museum/Pokemon Gym.
"What da hell" Al Capone says.
"What?" I ask.
"Why da hell don't dese gyms look like gyms" Al Capone questions.
"Do you even know what a gym is supposed to look like?" I ask.
"Um....ofcourse I do. Dey have pokemon and battles and...." he pauses.
"So you don't have a clue." I say.
"Nope." he laughs.
"Well then I guess we better carry on and enter" I say as we walk up towards the entrance only to be stopped.
"We meet again, Z." that N guy said.
"What do you want?" I asked angrily.
"Release your pokemon and all that." N said.
"Never!" I growled.
"Then I guess we have to battle, go Pidove" N called out Pidove.
""Ms.Bacon" flame broil his team." I say.
"When do I get my name changed" she asked me.
"Next town if Cheren's correct." I reply.
"Alright." she says as she turns N's pokemon into Deep Fried Pidove with a Flame Charge.
"Tympole, put out his Pignite's fire." N calls out Tympole.
"Ms. Bacon" smashes N's Tympole with a furious Arm Thrust.
"I will make you see! Timburr start his demolition" N says.
"Ms. Bacon" yawns as she sets N's final pokemon ablaze with a final Flame Charge.
"You done yet?" I ask smugly.
N just looks at me and runs away.
"He runs like sissy boy" Al Capone says.
"Well now time to take on the gym." I say.

We enter the museum/gym after dusting N. A man looks shocked as I enter. He hovers about me.
"Are you hear to see the museum!" he asked excitedly.
"Nope, here for the gym." I reply.
He looks disheartened and points to the back. I shrug off his depressed aura and headed to the back only to enter a Library. An announcement comes on.
"Hello Trainer and Welcome to the Nacrene Gym. Your job is to find the secret switch with in the boo-" the announcement doesn't even finish before I'm already pressed the switch to head down a secret flight of stairs.
"You ready to battle?" I ask.
"WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! that was fast!" The Nacrene Gym Leader says.
"Known for finding Waldo in less than 10 seconds" I reply.
"Fine then, I am Lenora the Gym Leade-" she gets cut off.
"Yeah, yeah, let's just battle." I send out "Ms. Bacon" to get ready.
"Looks like someone just likes to get to the point, fine, Herdier sick 'em" she calls.
"Ms. Bacon" simply just smirks as she crushes Herdier with Arm Thrust.
"Grrr, well then looks like I'm gonna have to use Watchhog! Go!" she yells as she sends out Watchhog.
I recall "Ms. Bacon" so she can shake off the leer that Herdeir gave before it was defeated.
"Al Capone!, Sma-" but before I could give the command.
"Watchhog! Retaliate!" Lenora smirked.
All I could do was watch...I saw Al Capone's body hit the floor.
"AL CAPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!" I screamed. Tears filled my eyes as I ran towards him. "Ms. Bacon" looked angrily at Watchhog as it stood there smug and proud as he killed our comrade.
"What, is that all you got kid?" Lenora said in a condescending tone.
""MS. BACON"! FINISH THIS! ARM THRUST!" I screamed filled with rage and anger over the fallen Al Capone.
With rage in her eyes "Ms. Bacon" ended the life of that Watchhog, and Lenore gave us the badge. I took it and carried Patrat's body out to be be buried.
"You did your best kid" tears filled up my eyes as a said this.
"You did your best"

Patrat-Al Capone
Lv: 3 - Lv: 18
Route 1.
"You did your best, kid"

I turned to look at my team.
"We cannot allow Al Capone's sacrafice to go in vain. We must carry on. We must become the best team!"
We headed back to the pokemon center leaving behind a good friend and a strong influence.

Pokemon and Stats:

Pignite-Mr. Bacon-Relaxed-21
Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-10



PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:20 pm

It was a rough night. We all had trouble sleeping after the events of yesterday. Amelia hovered overhead.
"You gotta cheer up Boss." she said.
"Yeah, but it's difficult." I replied.
"We gotta keep on flying for his sake. Isn't that was you said?" She gave a weak smile.
"Your right!" I said.
A new flame was set ablaze in my heart.
"Alright guys! LET'S MAKE TODAY COUNT!" I announce to my partners.

We stepped outside only to here the screams of help. Team plasma runs off into the distance by a near by forest.
"Stop them! They stole the Dragon Skull!" the Museum Director calls out.
Lenora comes from outside the museum and starts chasing.
"Ouch!" she said as she fell after bumping into someone.
"Sorry...Oh Burgh!" Lenora said shocked.
"Oh hi Lenora, what's with those guys running?" Burgh asked.
"They stole a skull from the museum! I gotta stop them" Lenora announced and ran off.
"Let me help you" he said and chased.
I just stood there puzzled by the events. I was about to go training when the Museum Director comes up to me.
"Can you help get that skull back?" he asked.
"Eh, sure...I guess" I said begrudgingly and walked in the direction of the chase.

While following the chase I came across a group of Timburr. One noticed me and suddenly attacked. This one was bigger than the others so I decided I wanted to catch it.
"Crikey, let me take care o' this 'ere bloak" Steve said as he jumped into battle.
"Just be careful Steve" I said.
"Don' worry mate" he winked back at me and unleashed Fury Swipe after Furry Swipe.
The timburr just stood there biding it's time. Steve unleashed another Fury Swipe and then Timburr stood and was about to begin the attack. In fear of losing Steve I threw a Pokeball catching the Timburr instantly.
"Crikey mate, good job!" he said with a wink.
Now what to name her. I think I'll name her Helga.
I let her out of the ball.
"Welcome to the team Helga." I said.
"Shut it baseball cap!" she snarled.
"Crikey what the bloody hell's your problem mate." Steve intervined.
"I don't want a weak trainer." She glared at me.
"Z is not weak!" Steve yelled.
"Oh really! Then why'd he cry when buried that Patrat!" He yelled back.
Rage took hold of me when she said that. I raised my hand and slapped her. My other pokemon backed away in shock that I could do something so cruel.
"That's more like it." She grinned.
"Sorry about getting you pissed, I just needed to know you had it in you" she continued.
Tears filled my eyes as I started to calm down. I'm not over the death of Al, I don't think I will be. My partners tried to console me.
"Sorry guys..." I said.
"It's okay. We understand." "Ms.Bacon." said.
After the intervention we had we carried on closer than ever, but not before a minor training session. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rfJ2JSWAM0)

The quick grinding session came to an end and we carried on the search for that skull that got stolen, so we entered the Pinwheel Forest. I instantly facepalm at the sight of all the Team Plasma members playing keep away with the Gym Leaders.
"Hiiiii" I hear a voice say and look around puzzled.
"Over here" it says again and I turn around to see a cottonee.
"My name Stich." the cottonee said.
"Hello Stich! Would you like to join me?" I ask it.
It looks and nods then tackles me.
"Ouch" I whimper as the it tackled harder than expected.
"I'm so cute I'm FLUFFY!" Stich yells.
"Um...Stich, I kinda can't carry you around with me even though you are awesome and all. Mind allowing me to teleport you to the PC where I can call on you later?"
"Stich okay with this!" It says as it nods.
"Alright Stich you'll join me later" I say as I press the transport button on my pokedex.
"Okay now time to fight these plasma guys." I say and give chase to them fighting gallantly one after another.
"HI HO BACON AWAAAAAAAY!" I yell as "Ms.Bacon" sets a blaze all Team Plasma's pokemon in it's trail.
"AAAAAAHHHHH!" the Plasma grunt screamed as we approached.
"Hey Punk! You gonna give back the Skull or not!" Helga said cracking her knuckles.
"Hold it!" an old man's voice came from behind me.
"We'll give back the skull, we didn't need it anyway. By the way I'm one of the seven sages of Team Plasma. Remember that, if you're nice I may put in a good word for when we conquer the world. Bye now." the old man says as he hands me the skull and leaves with the rest of the Plasma grunts.
As they leave Burgh and Lenora come up to me.
"Oh you got the skull back!" Lenora says.
"Cool dude!" Burgh says.
"Um...here?" I say handing Lenora the skull.
"Thanks, here's a moonstone and this is Burgh the next gym leader you'll be facing in Castelia City." Lenora says as she hands me a moonstone.
"What's this used for?" I ask.
"Ah moonstone is a very rare evolution rock that allows certain pokemon evolve. A good example is Munna. Munna use Moonstone to evolve into Musharna. There are many different types of evolution stones and many different types of evolutions out there. Well I guess I'll be taking this skull back to the museum and I guess Burgh will be heading back to his gym." she says.
"Yeah I'll be heading back, you can challenge me there Z" Burgh says as they both depart.
""Ms. Bacon" did you hear that?" We can get your name changed in the next town!" I say cheerfully to "Ms. Bacon"
She instantly perks up as we head to the next stop, Castelia City!

Pokemon and Stats:
Pignite-Mr. Bacon-Relaxed-24
Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-10
PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:18 am

We stand at the foot of an oversived bridge. A sign in front of it says “Skyarrow Bridge”.

“Well “Ms. Bacon” somewhere across this bridge we will find a man that can change your name officially” I said grinning.

“Can I be something that doesn’t have Bacon in it?” she asked.

“Sure, but what do you want?” I asked.

“Can I be Ms. Piggy” She grinned.

“Alright, but we gotta get there first! You ready guys?” I say.

They nod.

“LET’S GO!” I say.

We start running across the bridge, but halfway through it we get tired.

“Arceus….damn…this….is….one….long….bridge” I say gasping for air with each word.

“I’m always flying so I can never be out of energy.” Amelia says.

I give her a glare and she hides behind Janet.

We decided to walk the rest of the way.

We finally reach Castelia.


“Now can we change my name” “Ms. Bacon” asked.

“Sure, and there’s a map here so we can find it.” I point to the map.

“Crikey! That hurt!” SteveIrwin yells as he was it in the head with a rock.

“Hey! Who threw that!?” I yell, but no one’s around.

I look around puzzled only to see SteveIrwin start to glow.

“Crikey! This is the same thing that happened to bacon!” Steve says.

“Holy crap! Your evolving because of that rock!” I say in awe.

The rock starts to glow and vanish as SteveIrwin finishes his mutating evolution.

“SteveIrwin has evolved into Simisage” an omnipresent voice said.

“Well Crikey, I look good.” he said.

“Nice” I said.

“I found it!” “Ms. Bacon” said.

“Found what?” I asked.

“The name rater guy” she replied.

“Where?” I asked.

“Follow me!” she said cheerfully as she lead us to a building near the edge of town.

“Here it is!” She announced happily.

We went inside, and an old man called to us.

“‘ey their sonny boy, you ‘ere ta get a Pokemon’s name changed?” he asks.

“Yes, are you the name rater?” I asked back.

“Sure am sonny. Now which pokemon do you want to have it’s name changed?” he asks looking at my pokemon.

“This one here.” I point to “Ms. Bacon”

“I’d like her name changed from Mr. Bacon to Ms. Piggy.” I said.

“Alright dere sonny boy.” He grins.

He pulls out a device that looks like a bigger pokedex.

“Done, and done.” he says as he presses a button on the device.

“Really? that fast?” I asked in shock.

“Yup, that fast” he replied.

“You here that? You’re Ms. Piggy now!” I say.

“Thank you!” Ms. Piggy says as she gives the old man and me a hug.

“You ready to go back out there to whoop Burgh’s team?” I say.

“Sure, but first don’t you think we need to do some training.” She smirks as we leave the name rater building.

“Oh…you!” I say as I pull out the cd player.

“Let’s do this!” I said. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIcZQVb88_g&feature=feedu)

While I was training a little girl challenged me to a pokemon battle.

“Hey mister. Would you like to pokemon battle?” she asked.

“Sure, why not I could always use more training.” I said.

“Alright Pidove go!” she called out a Pidove.

“Hey Amelia show that Pidove who rules the sky!” I call out Amelia.

“Alright Boss!” she says enthusiastically.

Pidove goes down thanks to Amelia’s new Heart Stamp attack.

“No, Pidove, let’s go Purrloin.” the little girl calls out a Purrloin now.

“Huh, a dark type, Amelia come on back now!” I call out to Amelia.

“Not so fast” the girl snickers!

“Purrloin use Pursuit!” she calls the attack.

In a flash Amelia crashes into the ground before she can return!

“AMELIA!” I yell.

“AMELIA!” I call to her again.

“Ms.Piggy! KILL THAT PURLLOIN!” I call out Ms. Piggy

“With pleasure, HIYAA” she screams as she let’s out an furious Arm Thrust.

Ignoring the little girl and her Pokemon I walk over to Amelia.

“I’m sorry Amelia. I shouldn’t have kept you in the batt-” I get silence she puts her wing over my mouth.

“No, I’m sorry I couldn’t make return to you faster…just remember…to keep flying” those were her final words.


We had to bury another friend today. Amelia and Al Capone both gone too soon. Before I began the eulogy I brought Stich into the party.

“Heya Stich, looks like you’re joining the Party sooner than expected” I said sullenly.

I began the eulogy.

“We lost another ally today, and you know what her final words were?” I asked my team.

My team nodded.

“That’s right, they were “Keep Flying!” that means we can’t stop, sure we can feel sadness and grief, but we can’t let their sacrifices be for nothing, we must “Keep Flying” towards our goal. Our goal to be the best” I finished and laid Amelia’s grave marker.




Wellspring Cave

“Keep Flying”

Regardless of our sadness or grief over the loss of our friend and ally we had to keep flying.

Pokemon and Stats:




Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-10





PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:16 pm

We continued to train furiously, until we found ourselves back in Nacrene.
"How the hell did we wind up back here?" I asked.
"Not a clue." Ms. Piggy said.
I wandered about for a bit, but Stitch ran off into someone's house.
"STITCH COME BACK!" I yell and give chase.
I find Stitch nuzzling a young girl.
"Is this your pokemon" she asked giggling.
"Yeah his name's Stitch, he's really a nice pokemon" I reply.
"You want him back don't you?' she pouts.
"Yeah, we're kind of a team." I said.
"What if I traded you a friend of mine to take Stitch's place. A friend for a friend." she suggests.
I take a look at Stitch's face. He seems to really enjoy her company.
"Excuse me, but I don't know your name, mine's Z." I introduce myself.
"I'm Lilo" she grin's.
"Well Lilo, seeing how Stitch seems to like you so much I'll take you up on that trade." I force a smile.
At least if I trade Stitch I know he won't die.
"But I need you to promise me something. Can you do that?" I ask.
"What" Lilo asks.
"Can you give him the best life possible?" I said.
"I sure can, I'll love him, and cuddle with him every night, I'll take good care of him." she says.
"Here's his pokeball he's all yours." I said giving her the pokeball.
She hands me a pokeball in return.
"This is my friend Lillil she's been wanting to go on a journey but she's been to modest to go. Take good care of her please?" she says.
"I will" I say leaving the house holding back my tears saying bye to Stitch. I'm sure he'll be happier with her.

I went back to training shortly thereafter.
"Alright Janet and Clay, we need you guys to boost up some levels."
"Okaaaaaaaaay" Clay says flamboyantly.
"Alright." Janet says.
Clay uses Psybeam on random Pokemon.
"Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself." he says as he confuses his opponents.
"Good job, Clay!" I said.
"Where's Janet at?" I asked.
"I don't knooooow" Clay says.
"I thought she was with you." I said.
Suddenly a loud crash is heard.
We follow the sound. Our faces were shocked with what we saw.
"JANEEEEEET!" I yelled.
She was surrounded by Timburr and couldn't get away. She was severly injured enough already.
"JANEEEEEET!" I yell again.
She turns to me and yells back.
"This is the end for me Master!"
Those were her final words as the Timburr deliver the final blow.
"CLAY SHOW NO MERCY PSYBEAM!" The Timburr that killed Janet destroyed themselves.
I run over to Janet.
"I'm sorry Janet, I took my eyes off you and let you down. Rest in peace now."

Route 3
"The world is not always Black and White."

Another team mate down, but we couldn't stop there. We needed more training. If we get finished off here then how the hell will we be able to defeat Burgh! We must keep going on. We have to keep going for them.
"Alright guys! We gotta keep moving!" I announce as we say goodbye to another ally.
"Boss, you should let me take care of some of these poke punks!" Helga said.
"You think you can handle it Helga?" I ask.
"I know I can" she smirks.
Just then bubbles surround Helga.
"Helga!? are you okay?" I call.
The bubbles disappear and there lies Helga.
"Not another one. DAMN YOU!" I yell.
"How many more have to die!?" I ask angrily.
"How many more of my friends lives must be sacrificed for this quest?!" I ask again.
"HOW MANY!? HUH!?" I yell into the sky.

Outside Pinwheel Forest
"I got this"

We can't keep losing friends and partners. We just can't that's why we train. We train in order to not lose them but we still lose them in the training. Yesterday Amelia, today Janet and Helga. How many more must die for this quest to become a Pokemon Master.
"Lillil, Lilo entrusted me to keep you alive, but I'm afraid I can't do that, will you at least help me by staying stong so we can win." I say to Lillil.
"Don't worry, Lilo read me books about the hardships of quests, but we are a family so we'll get through it." Lillil says,
"Your right" I say patting Lillil on the head.
"Let's get a move on guys" I say.
We head back over the Skyarrow Bridge and onward to Castelia City.

Pokemon and Stats
Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-20
PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:59 pm

Well this is redundant. We're back in the Castelia City where we should be. We travel to try to find the Pokemon Gym.

"CHECK OUT THE BATTLE COMPANY!" A man yells handing out flyers.

"What's the Battle Company?" I walk up to the man and ask.

"All the information is here." He says handing me a flyer.

On the Flyer:

"Take the Battle Company Challenge!

Beat all the employees and win a prize!"

Battle Company Located in between 3rd and 4th streets in Castelia City."

"Hey, guys up for a challenge." I ask.

"Let's do it HIIIIIYAA" Ms.Piggy says.

"Alright guys, let's do this!" I say as we head towards the Battle Company.

We open the doors to be created by a Janitor.

"Hello young'in you here for the Battle Company Challenge?" he asks.

I nod.

"Alright let me tell the boss man." he said.

"If you want to start now start on the 47th floor and then head on up." he says and then he enters the elevator heading up.

I wait a bit for the elevator to come back down so I can head up.


The elevator comes down.

"You guys ready?" I ask my team as we ascend to the 47th floor.

They nod.

Ding! The elvator doors open.

"Let's rock this place" I say as we start challenging employee after employee.

"You're doing great Ms. Piggy" I say as we take down the 47th floor.

"Hmm it seems we only have access to the 55th floor now" I say.

"Oh well let's go." I say and press the button to the 55th floor.

Ms. Piggy completely tosses the pokemon around shouting "HIIIIIIIIYA!"

We reach the final person on this floor, that's when we see the Janitor behind a desk clapping his hands.

"Good show lad, good show, I'm the head honcho of the Battle Company. Beat me and you get this prize." he says holding a box.

"Alright let's do this! Ms. Piggy go" I call out Ms. Piggy.

"Let's go Trubbish" he calls.

"Unleash fury with a Flame Charge" I call out to Ms. Piggy

"HIIIYYAAA" Ms.Piggy shouts.

Trubbish goes down.

"Alright Minccino mop the floor with him" the Battle Company Boss calls.

"Ms. Piggy, Arm Thrust!" I shout.

Ms. Piggy knocks Minccino out with a fury of Arm Thrusts.

"Good show lad" the Boss says recalling his Pokemon.

"You deserve this." He says handing me the box.

"It's called and Exp. Share. It allows you to train two pokemon at once by equipping it to a Pokemon that's not in battle." he explains.

"So if I battle with Ms.Piggy while having this equipped to Lillil they both get experience?" I ask.

"Yup that's the jist!" he says.

"Thank you!" I say as we leave the Battle Company and go back to search for the Gym.

After searching the streets for an hour or so we finally find it. Burgh runs out of the door and bumps into me.

"Hey, Z, sorry we're going to have to post pone our battle. Team Plasma popped up." He says and then runs off.

I have no choice but to chase and help out so we can get our battle over and done with.

I followed him to the docks there was Bianca crying with a girl.

"It's okay Bianca, we'll get her back" the girl tries to console Bianca.

Burgh notices me.

"Z, Team Plasma took this girl's Munna." he says.

"Z PLEASE HELP ME GET MY MUNNA BACK!" Bianca cries out as she notices I'm around.

I have no choice. They are my friends after all.

"Alright Burgh let's get 'em." I say.

"There goes a grunt now." Burgh points out and gives chase.

The grunt sees Burgh running after him and runs. I follow along. I just want to get this over and done with. We wind up back infront of the Pokemon Gym and right across the street Team Plasma huddles by a building.

"Alright Z! Let's charge in!" Burgh says.

Ms. Piggy busts through Team Plasma's defense with her overly powered Arm Thrust.

"HIYAAAA" She shouts as she tosses the grunts out of the way.

There stands Ghetsis.

"What do you want?" he says as he glares at Burgh and I.

"Bianca's Pokemon back!" I said.

"Oh okay here you go we're leaving now. Bye!" Team Plasma vanishes before our eyes.

Bianca and the Girl are outside the building.

"Here's your Munna back Bianca!" I said as Munna jumps into Bianca's arms.

"THANK YOU!" she cries out.

"Alright I'll be heading back to my gym, seeya there Z" he says as he walks across the street and into the gym.

"Speaking of which I should get back to mine too." the girl says.

"By the way I'm Iris the 8th Gym Leader. Hopefully I'll see you soon, Z" Iris said as she leaves.

Bianca already left.

"Will there be any more interruptions?" I ask myself as we head to the Pokemon Center to rest up for our Gym Battle against Burgh.

Pokemon and Stats:




Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-20



PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:47 pm

We enter the Gym Building. The interior looks like a hive.

"Hey champs in the making." a man that looks like Jim Guy called to us.

"This is a hive themed gym and my name is Jim Guy, you may have seen me in previous Gyms well those are my brothers. We're Octoplets." he said.

"Well that's convenient" I said.

"Very, well any way to get through this gym you must step on the buttons to make the lights above each gate light up. Both lights had to be lit for the gate to open." he says.

"In order to get through that Jelly-like substance you just have to use your strength and keep moving. Don't worry about a mess none of it will get on you." he contines.

"And here's a Fresh Water to begin you challenge" he finishes.

I turn to my pokemon.

"Ms. Piggy I want you to lead us through this gym. Looking at the theme I believe it's bug type and you'll have the advantage."

"Alrighty leave it to me boss man." Ms.Piggy says.

"Why do you guys keep calling me boss? I'm your friend. Just call me Z." I said.

"We can do this Z!" she says.

I nod and we charge through the gym. Our path burned before us as we arrived infront of Burgh.

"Whoa dude, that was fast man." Burgh said as he saw me before him.

"Are you ready to get this battle done?" I ask

"Certainly dude, Whirlipede go!" he calls out.

"Ms. Piggy burn our path to victory! Flame charge!" I call out to Ms. Piggy.

"Hiiiiya!" she shouts as Whilirpede goes down.

"Whoa, those flames man! are intense!" He says in amazement.

"Alright then time to put some dirt on that fire, Dwebble go!" he calls out a Dwebble.

"Ms.Piggy you know what to do." I said.

"Hiiiiiya!" she scorches Dwebble into charcoal.

"Whoa dwebble barbeque! Nice." he said.

"Alright dude, your making me use my Ace, Leavanny go!" he calls out his final pokemon.

"Ms. Piggy" I said.

She nods as she roasts it to bits with a final Flame Charge.

"Whoa dude, nice battling, here take this badge,you deserve it" Burgh says and hands me the Insect Badge.

"Another gym down now it's time to head to the next one" I thought to myself as I left the gym.

My xtranceiver starts ringing. I wonder who it is so I look...It's Bianca.


I hang up.

"Oh my Arceus, won't that girl just quit battling me. Same with Cheren. I know we need to train with each other to test out strength, but still..." I said.

"Crikey, looks like these mates are a pain in the butt." Steve says.

"Yeah, but if they're going to stay in the way until we beat 'em then we gotta beat 'em" I said.

"Crikey mate you sure are detirmined." Steve says.

"Um...Z..." Lillil speaks up.

"Yeah Lillil" I say.

"This adventure is great ,but I don't think I'm much cut out as a battler." Lillil says.

"Don't be so modest Lillil, you're great." I say.

"Really?" she asked smiling.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I haven't been battling with you more, it's just I want to keep you safe for Lilo" I said.

Lillil nuzzles up to me as if you give me a hug. "Thank you" she says.

"Alright you guys ready to face my childhood rivals?"

They nod and we head off.

"Bianca!" I call out to Bianca as I see her outfront of the Route 4 transistion station.


"Let's do this!" I say.

"HERDIER SICK 'IM" she calls out her Herdier.

"Ms.Piggy you know what to do." Ms.Piggy smacks away the Herdier with Arm Thrust.

"Hiiiiya!" Ms.Piggy shouts as Herdier goes down.

"MUNNA IT'S YOUR TURN!" Bianca calls out her next Pokemon.

"Hiiiiiiya!" Ms. Piggy shouts as she dishes out a Flame charge on Munna.

As Munna faints it lets out a Yawn.

Ms. Piggy falls asleep.

"What they heck?" I say.

"Ms. Piggy come back." I withdraw Ms. Piggy.

"SteveIrwin let's do this." I call out Steve

"PANPOUR WASH THEM AWAY!" Bianca calls out Panpour.

"Crikey, another one" Steve says.

"Take this mate!" Steve says as he throws out a Seed Bomb.

Panpour goes down.

"LET'S GO MY SERVINE!" she shouts out as Servine comes out.

"Clay Aiken let's do this." I call out Clay Aiken.

"I don't feel like it" Munna says with a yawn.

Servine falls asleep.

"Fine, then Ms.Piggy go!" I call out Ms.Piggy again and she wakes up.

"Hiiiiiiya!" she yells angrily as she unleashes a Flame Charge.

With that the battle was over. Bianca ran away in tears and I carried on to go face against Cheren.

We step through the transition station only to walk right into a desert.

"How the hell is there a desert in between two cities?" I ask bewildered.

My pokemon just shrug.

"Hey Z glad you could make, let's battle." Cheren's calls out.

"Cheren don't you think we should battle in a place less sandy?" I called back.

"Nope.avi!" he replied.

"That's it if I win this battle you aren't allowed to use internet memes when you speak!"

"Bring it!" he said.

"Ms. Piggy dust him!" I call out to Ms.Piggy

"Pidove go!"" Cheren calls out a Pidove.

"Ms. Piggy dust 'em" I call out.

"Hiiiiya!" she shouts as she makes roasted Pidove.

"Dewott, it's your turn" Cheren calls out his next pokemon.

"SteveIrwin, take care of it!" I call onto Steve.

"Crikey!" Steve says as he uses Seed Bomb.

Dewott goes down and without a word Cheren sends out Pansear.

"Ms. Piggy get it quickly." I call out to Ms.Piggy

"Hiiiya!" Ms.Piggy shouts again.

Pansear goes down and he sends out Liepard.

"Alright Piggy, you know how to handle this!" I say.

With that the Liepard goes down.

"Why can't I beat you?" Cheren asks.

"I guess I'm just lucky" I say.

With that the Xtranciever rings again. It's Juniper this time. Cheren's rings too.

"Hey, meet me at the end of Route 4, okay, bye!" Juniper says and hangs up.

"Well I guess I'll go on ahead, seeya there Z." Cheren says.

Now that I'm alone it's time to go find some new friends.

I turn to my pokemon.

"Ready to find some new partners?"

They look pleased as they nod.

As we brave the strong sands of Route 4 we hear a voice.

"You can do it man. Don't believe in yourself, but believe in the me that believes in you!"

I follow where the sound came from.

"We will drill a path straight to the heavens!"

The voice is coming from a Sandile.

"Hey!" I shout out the Sandile.

"Hello!" it replies.

"Well you're friendly aren't you. What's your name?" I ask the Sandile.

"My brothers call me Kamina!" he says!

"We're looking for a new partner for our team, how would you like to join us?" I asked.

"An adventure to unkown places?" he asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Sure would!" He agrees gleefully.

He nudged off one of my pokeballs and hopped into it.

"Well looks like he takes things into his own hands." I giggled.

After having Kamina join the crew we start wandering the Desert aimlessly. We seem to be having a tough time reaching Route 4.

"Hey big guy Z" Kamina says.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"We're about to enter a larger Desert Area." He says.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Come on I grew up around these parts how do you expect me not to know?" He says.

"Your right. I guess we should continue." I say.

"Well let's kick logic to the curb and move on!" he says.

"Let's do this!" I say as we trudge forth, but something caught my foot and caused me to trip. As I hit the sand the impact caused my pokeballs fly out of my bag. One of them went stray and hit a wild Darumaka catching it on impact. I dust the sand off of myself gathering up my items.

"Well it seems we have another partner?" I say sending out the Darumaka.

"And what would your name be there?" I ask it.

"My name is Axel, got it memorized" he replied.

"Yeah, yeah" Kamina shrugged.

"Crikey there's some ruins in the distance let's check 'em out mate." Steve says.

I nod as we travel closer and closer!

"Whoa whoa whoa. You might not want to do that." Axel says.

"Why?" I ask.

"My Darminitan buddies are in Zen Mode." He replies.

"How about if we walk by as quietly as possible?" I ask.

"That may work." he said unsure.

"Well then let's kick logic to the curb and make the impossible possible." Kamina makes an out burst.

"Sssshh!" we all turn to Kamina.

"Sorry..." he whispers.

We tiptoe past the Zen Mode Darminatan and into the Ruins.

"Dollface? Kid? Aussie? is that you?" a familiar voice calls out to us.

We turn to see a Yanmask wandering around with the Patrat mask.

"Al?" I said wary of the response.

"KID! IT IS YOU!" the Yanmask shouted happily.

"How the heck did you become a Yanmask?" I ask.

"Notta clue kid, by da way, didja ever get dollface's name changed?" he asks.

"Yup, she's Ms.Piggy now." I reply.

"Hey Al..." I continue.

"Yeah kid?" he says.

"I'm sorry I failed you." I said looking down.

"It's okay kid. You did your best." he replies.

"Will you give me another chance to be your trainer?" I ask.

"I was wonderin' how long it'd take for you ta ask dat." he said.

"and da answers ya kid, I'll be more den happy ta rejoin da team." he continued.

"Al...Welcome back to the team!" I said cheerfully.

"Good ta be back" he said.

"Well you know I have a full team right now. Don't worry though I'll come get you as soon as we hit the next town." I said.

"Aight kid, I'll be waitin'" He says as he gets teleported to the PC.

"Hey kid!" a a backpacker shouts from the left of me.

"Me?" I ask.

"Yeah, you. I found these two fossils. I can't carry both of them and I'm feeling genrous today, so you want one?" he says to me.

"Sure, but what do I do with it?" I ask.

"These are pokemon fossils, I hear in Nacrene city if you take a Pokemon Fossil there to the museum they will revive it as a full Pokemon." the backpacker says.

"REALLY?" I asked in amazement.

"Yup, so which fossil do you want? The Cover Fossil or the Plume Fossil? The cover is a prehistoric Turtle Pokemon and the Plume fossil is a prehistoric flying Bird Pokemon." the backpacker says.

"I'll take the Cover Fossil please." I said.

"Here you go kid." the backpacker says handing me the fossil.

I quickly make my way out of the ruins and out of the desert.

I got so excited to have Al Capone back that I went back into Castelia City. Well technically that's good. I just have to go back over the Skyarrow Bridge to get to Nacrene City to bring back the pokemon in the fossil, but first a stop at the pokemon center to bring out Al Capone.

"Clay, I'm afraid I'm going to have to keep you in the PC for awhile. Is that okay?" I ask Clay.

"Oh no. I don't like all this traveling anyway, it's all dirty." he replies.

"Okay then." I say as I put Clay into the PC and take out Al Capone.

"Welcome back Al." I say.

"Good ta be back" he says.

"By da way kid, where we headin'" he asks.

"First back to Nacrene City to ressurect this Pokemon." I said ,but then a moment of realization hit me. Al Capone did die there...

"Oh I've been wantin' ta see my grave, be pretty cool kid." he said so calmly and laughed it off.

"Sorry..." I said.

"No worries, let's go get dis mate outta hist rocky shell" he says.

We head off to Nacrene.

Pokemon and Stats:




Yanmask-Al Capone-Lonely-21





Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-20
PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:41 pm

What seems like days later we make it back to Nacrene City.
"Hey Lillil wanna go visit Lilo and Stich while you're here?"
"Sure!" she says smiling.
As Lillil visits Lilo I head to the museum with the Fossil in my hand.
"Hey you with the fossil!" A person outside the museum calls to me.
"Yeah?" I reply.
"Follow me then I'll revive it!" she said cheerfully.
"Are you sure?" I said following her into the museum.
"Positive" she says leading me into a room filled with high tech devices.
"Whoa, what is this place?!" I ask in amazement.
"The Fossil Revival room" she says.
"Place your fossil over there on the table" she continues.
"Is this really going to work" I asking placing the Cover Fossil on the metal table.
"It sure is" she says as she pulls a lever encasing the fossil in a glass tube.
Suddenly flashes of light surround the Fossil. Minutes later a blinding flash happens and the tube starts withdraws. I finally open my eyes that were closed because of the blinding flash only to see a Tirtouga sitting there.
"It's done and your Tirtouga is ready for the world." she says.
"I'm going to name you Faikous, how's that sound?" I asked.
"Sounds good, cause if you didn't I would've hurt you." he said.
"Ooookaaaay" I said then turned to the lady who revived him.
"Thank you!" I said and left the museum.

Outside Lillil was waiting for me.
"Um...Z..." she said.
"Yeah Lillil?" I replied.
"Do you mind if I stay here for awhile long?" she asked.
"Miss it that much, eh?" I asked.
She nods.
"Alright then, but promise me you'll be waiting to go on another adventure when I get back Okay?" I said.
"Okay" she says excitedly and goes back to Lilo.
Meanwhile make my way back to Route 4.


Night begins to fall and I see Nimbasa city at the end of Route 4. As I approach Juniper waits in the transition station to the city.
"Hey Z take these Ultra balls they will help you catch pokemon better, by the way I'm heading to this cave filled with Electric pokemon. See you there." she says and leaves.
I shrug it off and enter the city.
"Hey look an old man with a bike!" a voice says.
"Let's get him!' another voice calls.
Just then two Plasma grunts attack the old man.
"Hey kid! HELP!" the old man notices me and yells.
"What do I get?" I ask.
"This bike!" he yells.
"HOT DAMN I'M IN! Ms.Piggy Flame Charge!" I call.
Ms. Piggy sends the Plasma Grunts flying.
"Thanks kid, here's the bike!" he said.
"Oh by the way I have a Pokemon Daycare on Route 3. Leave pokemon there and they will be as strong as ever. Catchya later kid" he finishes and leaves.
"I'M GOING TO THE POKEMON MUSICAL!" an annoyingly familiar voice shouts as I see Bianca heading to an overly decorated dome.
Well this is eventful I might as well check out the town.

I head over to the the dome Bianca went to only to see Bianca being yelled at by her father.
"SHUT UP! YOUR NOT MY REAL DAD!" she yelled back.
Oh-ho looks like drama in the house.
Just then a women walks up to them.
"The tension between you to is electrifying." she says.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" Bianca's father yelled.
"Ouch such loud thunder...I'm the Gym Leader of this here Nimbasa City, Elesa, your daughter has already had a battle with me. Her and her pokemon are very strong you should have a little bit of faith in her and let her make her own decisions" Elesa said.
"Really?" Bianca's father asked.
"Yes, now can you two just kiss and make up" Elesa said.
"Alright, sorry Bianca, you can do the pokemons, I'm going back to Nuevea Town." he said and left.
Bianca went to enjoy the musical and Elesa walked by me heading to her gym.
From the way she looked and talked it seem she had a fondness for Electric type Pokemon.
I decided to rest up at the Pokemon Center before doing anything...

Pokemon and Stats:
Yanmask-Al Capone-Lonely-21
Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-20



PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:59 pm

As the sunrises I get excited. I've made it this far and Al Capone is back on the team sporting a new look as a Yanmask, but hey I'm not complaining. Although I wish Amelia, Helga, and Janet were here too. That's disappointing...Oh well time to go get this gym badge.

While on my way to the gym I spot an all too familiar face. It's N.

"Oh hey, Z" he calls to me.

"I want to talk with you...alone...on the ferris wheel...come on it'll be fun!" he says.

"Why should I?" I question.

"Because you'll get to see my awesome pokemon in a battle afterwards." he replies.

"Sure...I guess" I say.

"Okay let's go!" he says leading me to the Ferris Wheel.

He shoves me on. It goes up and he leans closer. Higher it goes and he continues to creep closer. We are almost at the top and he inches his face close to my ear.

"I'm the leader of Team Plasma." he screams!


"Yup!" he says.

"And as soon as we get down I'm going to be battling you again so my minions can escape." he conitnues.

"Bring it on!" I say.

The Ferris wheel reaches the bottom and we both get out and turn to each other.

"As the leader of team plasma I order you to release your pokemon!" he calls to me.

"Like hell I will!" I call back.

"Ms. Piggy show this guy why people and pokemon belong together!" I call out Ms. Piggy

"Sandile go!" but as he calls it out it gets sent flying back onto route 4 by Ms. Piggy.

"Um...Go Sigilyph!" he calls out Sigilyph.

"Ms. Piggy." I say.

"Hiiiiiya!" she shouts as Sigilyph gets toasted.

"Gaaah! DARUMAKA!" he calls out Darumaka and Ms.Piggy flattens it.

"Why!? Why can't I defeat you!? Scraggy do something!" N calls.

Ms. Piggy gives Scraggy an atomic wedgie with her Arm Thrust.

"We'll battle again until I defeat you!" he calls and runs away.

"'Ey kiddo, he still runs away like a sissy." Al Capone smirks as he says to me.

"Nice." I giggle a little bit.

"You guys ready to take onthe gym?" I asked.

"Ready? I was born ready!" Kamina says.

"Well then let's do this!" I say.

We enter the gym only to be amazed the it's a theme park themed gym. We hop on coaster to coaster shouting and screaming and pretty much enjoying ourselves. As we reach Elesa I began crawling towards her. Needless to say roller coasters aren't my forte.

"Ah you made it to battle me." she says.

"Yeah...I....made-*bleeeeeerrrgh*" I begin puking.

"EW THAT'S DISGUSTING!" she screams.

Exhausted I begin to stand slowly.

"It's...time..for..our..battle" I say catching my breath from puking.

"Fine, but if you lose your cleaning that up." She says.

"Fine...by me...Ms.Piggy...you got this!" I call out Ms.Piggy

"Hey!" Al Capone yells at me.

"How come you haven been usin' any of us" he asked.

"Well I've done the most training with Ms. Piggy so I'm less worried about loosing her in a battle than you guys. I know you can do it, but I don't want to take the risk." I answer.

"Come Z don't believe in yourself but believe in the me that believes in you." Kamina says.

"Sorry guys, but Ms.Piggy has this." I said.

"Eh I'm not worried just sit back and relax and see what happens." Axel says.

"Hiiiiiiya!" Ms. Piggy's shout is heard as we notice that she has taken out Elesa's pokemon.

"Well looks like I don't have to clean up after myself." I said.

Elesa hands me the badge. "Take this and get the hell out before you puke up more." she yells.

Well looks like Ms.Piggy shorted out her team.

With this victory comes a good party and a good rest.

Tommorow on my way to the next town.

Pokemon and Stats:





Yanmask-Al Capone-Lonely-21



Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-20

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:39 pm

After a good night of celebration we decide to go exploring. We headed the opposite way of where we needed to go just to see if we could find anything interesting. Needless to say the route we headed and countless trainers. Trainers that we defeated with ease. All that was left was patches of tall grass. So with my first step a wild Minccino attacked me.
"What do you think you're doing here!" it barked.
"Looking for a new partner." I reply.
"Partner for what?" it asked slightly aggrivated.
"For a quest to become the best like no one ever was." I replied.
"What would you say if I wanted to take you up on the offer to join this quest?" it asked.
"I'd be more than happy to take you in on the team." I said.
"Well then I'd like to join you" it asked.
"Well then that's good. What's your name little guy?" I asked.
"Kitsune Muggy, but you can call me Muggy, and I'm a girl." she answered.
"Well then this your pokeball." I said placing a pokeball on the ground.
She eagerly hopped in and the ball was teleported to the PC.
"Now then on to the next town." I announce.

As I head in the right direction Cheren stands there.
"Oh hey Z, time for another test to see who's stronger!"
"Fine then, Ms.Piggy!" I call out Ms.Piggy
"Liepard do your thing!" Cheren calls out Liepard.
With a shout from Ms.Piggy Liepard goes down.
"Go Dewott!" he call out Dewott.
"SteveIrwin you're up!" I call out Steve.
"Crikey mate it feels like forever since you called me out." he says.
"Yeah sorry about that, but now is your time to shine." I said.
"Crikey, alright." he says and unleashes a seed bomb that send Dewott flying.
"Pansear let's heat things up!" Chern calls out Pansear.
"Faikous, cool him down!" I call out Faikous
"Good thing you called on me, cause if you didn't I would've had to hurt you." Faikous said.
"Oookaaaay..." I said and slowly walked back.
"Tranquill let's do this" Chern calla out his final pokemon.
"Faikous do it!" I said.
Faikous unleashes a mighty Ancient Power crushing Tranquill.
"Why can't I beat you!?" he says.
Just then Elesa shows up.
"Oh puke boy and onion head. Follow me, I want you to meet the Pokemon Champion while I go ask the bridge guy to let down the bridge since you beat me." she says.
We follow her and there in the most peculier outfit is the Pokemon Champion...Alder.
"Oi, Hey there Elesa, and who are these kids?" Alder says.
"These are trainers that just beat my gym. I have to go let down the bridge for them so mind babysitting them for a bit" she said.
"Alright" he says as Elesa leaves.
"So kids want to have a battle with these two kids I randomly found that enjoy battles." he said.
"Sure..." I said.
"Alright then you two vs. these kids." he says.
Two little kids come over and call out heriders.
Cheren calls out Liepard and I call out Ms. Piggy , and in wall swoop the kids' herdiers get taken out.
"HEY KIDDIES BRIDGE IS DOWN!" Elesa shouts to us as the battle ends.
Away we go, but first a new route means a new partner. I better take this time to check the area.

Sadly I could find no other pokemon to join my party, but then that means... A familiar sound of music starts playing.
"Oh yea, I rememba dose times'" Al Capone says hitting the CD player.
Grinding Time (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFM140rju4k)
Kamina starts glowing during training.
"I feel so much energy flowing through me! WE CAN GO TO THE HEAVENS!" he exclaims.
He starts to evolve.
"Kamina has evoleved into a Krokorok." that strange omnipresent voice announced.
"Sweet! I evolved! Don't like my new look then Deal with it!" he said.
"Well I think it's time to get moving." I said.
We head off to Driftveil.

On my way over the bridge I found many many feathers so I decided to pick them up because they looked really neat. As I near the end of the bridge a wild Ducklett crashes into me.
"Sorry about that, I'm not that good at flying yet." the Ducklett says.
"That hurt like a Beedrill!" I yelled at it.
"Sorry, anything I can do to repay for causing problems." it said.
I smirk "Well there is one thing..."
"What is it?" the Ducklett asks.
"Join my team!" I answer.
"That it?" the Duclett asks.
"Yup, that's it!" I said.
"Alrighty then, by the way my names Lindbergh, Lindy for short!" he says.
"Welcome to the team Lindy!" I say as I place a pokeball next to him.
He hops into the pokeball and it teleports to the PC.
"Next stop Driftveil!" I annnounce as we make our way.

Pokemon and Stats:
Yanmask-Al Capone-Lonely-21
Munna-Clay Aiken-Naughty-20


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