Hello everyone :] I'm Ellie. I'm extremely eager to roleplay one of my revamped characters, Aru. It's been around two years since I've roleplayed her and I miss her with every little bit of my heart.
She's bisexual, but I really would like to try roleplaying her with a female counterpart. It's a sad thing I could only find like, one yuri guild, but I'll make do. Anyway. If you're interested, here's some rules and information. biggrin

-First and foremost, you should be comfortable with roleplaying as well as gaging in a sexual relationship(that is compliant with the ToS).
-Second, I am looking for a literate partner. I will not tolerate chat speak, or laziness; of course you're bound to make spelling errors and mistakes, I understand, but I'm not going to continue responding if you decide that each word you type will be wrong.
-Your character has to be a girl. Duh. That's the whole point of this inquiry.

-PM me if you're interested in roleplaying. I don't check threads very often, as much as I do my mail, so I'll be likely to respond to a message than a post on this thread.
-Send a small bio if you like, it just helps the process along.
-If you'd like to see a piece of writing I'd be more than happy to oblige- PM me once again, to get my attention.

Aru's Profile Sheet
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*Photo credit belongs to Bonhwa at http://Bonhwa.deviantart.com. I do not take credit for this picture.
Name: Aru Ohmoihi Yamakawa.
Age: 18.
Sex: Female.
Occupation: Part time assassin, part time bartender.
Orientation: Bisexual(She tends to swing towards girls, but she's never too picky.)
Race: Half vampire, half angel of hell's fire.
Mother Full: Maki Kutyusagi.
Father Full: Esu (Ace) Yamakawa.
Location: Summit Shore Highrise.
Family Medical History: No medical history.
Profile: Aru has long, rich ebony hair. Her bangs are cut clean across her brow, adding a touch of sophistication to her face, which is small, oval, and very feminine. With bright blue eyes, and a small nonexistent build, she's quite the model. She stands at a little over 5'3'', making her quite short. She may look utter skin an bones, but she's built like an ox, having mastered four types of fighting styles, as well as three types of swords fighting. She is seen mostly wearing black, or primary colors; the usual outfit is a lavish kimono, or a simple outfit of a shirt, and pants.
Personality: Aru is quite shy, and does not open up easily. She has few friends, but trusts them with every fiber in her being. She tends to be quite vulgar, and she has quite a running streak of being snappy. Although she doesn't open up well, she is very much a people person, and enjoys new people. She quite rarely feeds, for she has long denied the thirst, even if it tends to get the better of her thoughts. To the outsider, she is calm, collected, sophisticated. To the insiders, she is chaotic and rampant.
Likes: Alcohol, spicy foods, swords, guns, heavy weaponry, the summer, a good fight, blood, sweet smelling fruits, tea, hot showers, and . . . You!
Dislikes: Being disrespected, short jokes, mind games, persistent bitching, her father, her mother, and, well. You.
Other: Aru has thing for black. Most of her clothes are either black, or dark greys. She likes sleeping more than eating, and she tends to be quite loud with her friends. Aru is known to be vulgar and disrespectful. Regardless of any previous assumptions, Aru loves with all of her heart; if she says she cares, then she will always continue to show it.