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Roxxie is a pretty normal student in highschool. She's always been the teacher's pet. Always made good grades and worked herself harder then others. Roxxie is in band, honor's everything. She's always known the right and wrong things to do. But that does all change when her finally year of highschool starts. Her english teacher Mr.(~~~), changes her outlook on things. Mainly on who and what belongs in her life. They enjoyed talking about many things, and Roxxie loved being able to have a talk with someone who undertood what she said. Over many many talks, they slowly started to know each other better. Soon they went out on a date to his place and coneccted very well, their minds that its. Mr.(~~~) and Roxxie have sworn to keep thier relationship hushed until she was out of highschool.They've dated for about 8 months. A mental conccetion right away, a physical one a few weeks laters. But now there are only 6 weeks of school left before they're let out, and nothing is going as it seems. Angie, a very rude and preppy cheerleader begins to pick on Roxxie more than ever. Roxxie losses a few of her friends. Lastly, Roxxie finds out she's pregnant. Only about two weeks along, and so confused about it all. She wonders how it happened and even at first she is pretty mad. But the mood must change and she must tell Mr.(~~~) because she will be showing soon enough. After telling him she must tell her family. Roxxie fears about how her boyfriend would react to this all. Hopeing he'll understand, and many want it too. But what will he really think? What will his emotions be about possibly being a father. There's a child in there and in 9 months it'll be out. It'll need love and care. Will he be able the handle it? Will she be able to handle it? How will their relationship work out? Only time shall tell....

I'm looking for someone you will be active to this roleplay and can be semi-lit. You have to be able to play a teacher. They don't cuss at students, hit/touch students, or show favoritism towards them. This IS a 1x1 between Me && _____

Age: 22+
Job: (Teacher)
Do you wish to keep it:
What gender would you like:

Roxxie Lush
In a band
Smart, Sweet, Kind, Caring, Deep, Loving, Shy, Emotional, Quiet.
Yea, it's my child.
I don't care either way.
I've not told my parents yet and I really don't want to but when I tell my boyfriend I know he'll force me to tell them. I'm short but kind like it because I tend to have more good times. I love performing with my band. I'm the lead singer and play the eletric guitar.
(Sorry about the size)
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