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[PLOT] The Value of a Lifemate. Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:59 pm
Hello and welcome to my small corner of a plot thread. xD

Below you can find all the current details and future hopes for one particular soquili of mine, named Jumanjii. Please understand that he is very near and dear to my heart, so while my muses and RL may take away time for proper rp, this is still an endeavor that I would very much enjoy plotting out between pms. I find it much more fulfilling to chat and discuss the development of a duo- even if they are sparse due to time issues, rather than having an instant love-connection. This is not the place to look if you are interested in flings/quick babies.

So with that in mind, please do take a browse about and if you have any potentials, please do let me know! I don't bite! xD
Thanks for visiting! ^__^

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Name: Jumanjii
Age: In human years, roughly 30.
Mood: challenging
Theme Song: Headstrong

The son of a bashful mare and a free-spirited Troll makes for a very confused individual. While Jumanjii' holds great pride from his father's blood, his mother's temperance has played an important role on his behavior. Manners is a must, no matter what the situation! However, Manjii' will not let that hold him back from speaking his mind and doing things as he sees fit. Thing is, he has a poor way of doing so in a considerate manner, usually coming off as blunt and ignorant to anyone else opinions. This was never a problem as a colt, being allowed a wide range of freedom to be rough and blunt with his equally challenging siblings. But with age came the awkward adjustment of what's considered appropriate and mature. It's this boundary that Jumanjii' found himself forced to understand, lending an open ear to the opinions of others but still sharply correcting them if he thinks they are being unreasonable. Even if it does take him forever to accept and acknowledge the same correcting treatment from others.

Truth be told, Jumanjii' holds many self doubts about his mannerisms. This is due to how he was raised, separated from his family and raised under the exerting influence of a semi-Kalona stallion. It was an experience well taught, as Manjii' grew in strength and developed a pessimistic wisdom of the world around him. The Manjii' of youth was gone, and in his place stood a robust and unyielding stallion. In his mind, nothing will cross his path that he won't be able to surpass. Except maybe his dear mother or any other female, having also been taught that it is a male's honor to respect the opposite sex. And if anything does stand in his way, be it a willing opponent or a clueless acquaintance, Manjii' will openly face the other to bring an end to the situation. By wit, strength or will, Jumanjii' puts his all forward to prove his worth both to himself and the spirits guiding him, having a small spiritual faith of the unseen energies around them. He vows to not follow the anguished path of his mentor, but instead to make an existence that delivers happiness upon him and his family. Especially as of late, learning that a path of selfish and tempered desires leaves nothing but emotional and physical scars to his name. This insight has shown Manjii' humility where he'd normally puff with pride, and is slowly changing his demeanor to those around him. His short-tempered ways are being replaced with patience, and where he once allowed nature to take it's fate of others, he's now more willing to lend a hand when others are facing difficult times.

Brief History:
-Born to loving parents with 2 siblings; 2 half-siblings.
-Was separated one winter as a colt, and became 'fostered' by a half-Kalona stallion.
-Grew up learning the lifestyle of taking care of #1, under vigorous exercise and 'training'.
-Was reunited with his family in adulthood.
-Engaged in a battle with another soquili (yet to be named) and lost the use of his left eye.
-Wanders the Soquili lands without pause, and mostly found within the deep woodlands.

Positive Traits:
-Introspective and enjoys moments of quiet

Negative Traits:
-Takes words to heart; seriously
-Relies too much on physical strength in confrontations.
-Unreliable vision. 8D;

Plots Wanted:
What I truly want to see is for Manjii' to find a lifemate, but moreso a soulmate. Someone who can heal and deal with his conflicting ways, while he can do the same. It may not be something they are both aware of, but even so they would find a peace and comfort in relying on each other, having no doubts or hesitations of their trust. They would go above and beyond the best of themselves, finding that they are such positive and cherished influences in each others lives. If need be, we could even do backdated plots that involve them meeting in their childhood?

Now as to what he is looking for in a mare's unique personality....I have absolutely no idea. 8D; Since Manjii' himself faces so many different moods, he could easily find himself swayed/compatible with a variety of personality types...so long as there is that click. She could be as big and tough as his family of Trolls, of she could be as dainty and timid as a princess. Who knows? One thing you can be certain of is I am not looking just for zomg super-awesome edits. No, the physical appearance doesn't matter.

So there you have it.
If you think you have a match for my grumpy but lovable boy above, then feel free to post any details in this thread. There is no posting form, so you can type to your hearts content about your potential plots. 83
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:45 am
Beautiful boy! I love his personality and background. While I'm not so sure of what plots could happen, I figured I'd just throw my girl out there in case she might work.

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Buttercup is sweet as can be and can quickly understand when someone isn't ready for something. She will never push someone to do something until they are ready. She is willing to listen to all of a persons worries and problems and try her best to fix them or helping them with them. She is strong-willed and believes a persons trust is very important. Without trust and reliability you can never really build a strong friendship or anything more. Another thing is In her opinion getting to know someone is actually really fun. She enjoys meeting new people, who don't mind that while her look is darkening her personality is actually very bright. While she does have a tiny not very dark side, her optimistic personality always shines through. She loves flowers and is curious as can be at times. Another thing about her is there are times when she needs to think and for once her life during those times she is quiet.

chi honda

Adorable Dreamer

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Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:08 am
Since he has a variety of mood swings, and really I could see Jacqueline with any of them... xD

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Personality: Jacqueline is a very anxious girl who finds herself having a hard time connecting with people due to it. However, as of late she is going on a journey in which she plans and hopes to get over her anixety, but she won't get over it. She will simply get better at being around people, but she will still have anxiety attacks. When Jacqueline is around family or someone she can connect with she is a very sweet and carefree girl who believes whole heartidly in love, however, she doesn't believe she is good enough for anyone which leads her to fling.

She will be having a fling with one of Neph's boy's which will play into her believeing she is not good enough for anyone, however, this could be planned before she meets Manjii or inbetween. Maybe she believes he is to good for her and so she runs into the stallion (nephs boy), only to learn that Manjii loves her? (If love develops from roleplaying)

Since Jacqueline is going on a journey maybe Jumanjii meets up with her and agrees to go with her or something?

Meeting ideas:

Could be while she is on her journey, or maybe she meets him as a foal and he becomes one of the few people she feels comfortable around. Since he is older then her she could meet him when she is a foal and he is an adult, then when she grows up she meets up with him again, however, maybe he doesn't remember her? :]

All of these plots are open for changes or your own ideas. Jacqueline is a very easy soquili to play because she is so unique so I am sure she could fit into any plot you have. xD  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:54 am

Thank you for the offer, but one thing I did notice that could be a problem is that Manjii truly loves having moments of silence and time away from crowds. I'm afraid he may be too aloof for her, even with her kind disposition.

Thanks for the offer! It sounds like it'd be an interesting storyline. And while I had hoped for Manjii to share all his breedings with a single mare, I understand it's something that is necessary for your plot. I'd still like to wait though and see if anything else is posted for this thread, and perhaps that will give you time to fulfill your current plot too? Manjii is not the type to get involved with fresh relationships of others.


Shy Seeker

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:20 pm
*Coughs* I'm sorry hunny! I was of the impression you have lost interest, changed your mind or found someone more suitable so I didn't wanna be annoying and pester you. I'm always paranoid I'll come off pushy so I always end up being submissive. ._.;;;

If you still wanted to plot something out with Sparks that'd be cool, but I can totally appreciate if she's not the sort for him in the long term. <3
PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 8:07 pm
nearly a month, time for a bump!

[continues plot chatterings also] 83


Shy Seeker


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:13 pm
I remember this thread. c'8  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:16 pm

*Coughs* WELLLLL.
Jacqueline ended up finding a lifemate before I heard back from you. >w<;
But the good news is that I have a single mare who could potentially go with him! 8]
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Personality: Taja is a very kind and gentle mare who has more then her fair share of heart break. Thus her personality has suffered a bit. She is more thoughtful of others, quieter (but not shy), and is not afraid to say when she does not agree with something. However, she's not going to bully someone about her opinion or what they should think. Taja is a little afraid to fall in love again just because she was so heartbroken over the loss of her last relationship. While she is not going to be overly emotional or depressed, anyone that interacts with her will have to hold some kind of understanding of her 'awkwardness' so to speak, on the subject of love or a relationship. *Taken from her plot thread*
She can very much be a strong willed mare if the situation calls for it, but right now she is a little... shaken up, I suppose that would be the best way to describe her right now.
Regardless of whether or not it turns into something, I think they would be an interesting pair to RP. :] If you would be up for it?  


Romantic Raider

In Good Faith

Dapper Entrepreneur

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:33 pm
-edges into thread slowly-

Is there any way mr. Jumanjii might not HAVE to find love in a mare?8D;;;
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:10 am
Oh, I wouldn't mind rping the two to see how they work. 83 Manjii would definitely provide a shoulder to help her heal over time, be it as friend or more.

I never really mused over it, tbh. xD While I am not against it, it'd be something that'd need to be truly developed via rp. Manjii is horrible at expressing fond emotions, and I'm sure it'd be all the more strange for him with another male.

Also, he may do well with my Kyiyani, if you'd care to test either option. x3


Shy Seeker


Romantic Raider

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 1:29 am
Alright then. :]
Would you like to rp them out in the guild or aim?
Anddddddd, do you want me to start or would you like to? <3

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:28 pm
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Name: Awendela
- Meaning: Morning
Temper: Solace

This benevolent mare is a natural sedative; calming and serene, she offers solace to even the most erratic of Soquili. Her speech and mannerisms are soothing, her temperament docile.

Cool tones, shades of an early morning sky, grace her slender frame. She is fragile, for all her enduring spirit.

Her healing abilities are minute at best. Her body is not meant to be a vessel for such ethereal blessings, her blood less pure.
Mending even minor scratches leaves her somewhat fatigued... the strain of larger efforts could render her helpless for many moons. Even with this foreboding knowledge, she would not hesitate to sacrifice her own safety to lend aid to one in need.
She must learn to control her healing efforts, to give a little less of herself in the healing process. She has little control over what little gift she posesses.
As she matures, she will develop into a refined being renowned for her altruism.

She cares not for praise and false flattery; a simple "Thankyou," even if left unspoken, is more than enough. She does not help others for personal gain, nor of any divine sense of duty... it simply comes naturally to her.

Her mane and tail are long and unshorn, left to fall as they will. A young maiden of the Kawani village once offered to braid her long locks, as a gift to this sweet mare. The braid has since become rather disheveled. Perhaps, were she to pass through a two-legged village or happen across a dexterous raccoon, her braid would return... for now, Nature's whim determines her appearance.
She is not a vain creature, and goes to no great lengths to maintain her appearance, though she does ensure her continued health through cleanliness.


As a young mare, she wandered freely, gaining experience and wisdom. As she grew, she began to recognize the prudence of a stationary existence. If those in need knew where to find her... perhaps she could more readily offer her aid? It was not long before she realized that those who need help may not be capable of traveling even a short distance to find the assistance they so desperately need... She took to traveling once more, adopting a seasonal route that would allow those who knew it to find her while increasing the chance of a chance encounter with those who do not.

~ Calming; able to soothe others
I would love for her to encounter someone whom she could NOT soothe, someone immune to her natural abilities. She doesn't seek to manipulate others, and so would not be "upset" per say, however it would be interesting to see whether she becomes flustered with time... perhaps even stir some negative emotion?
If this character were to be abrasive or grating as well, generally a nuisance...
How deep does her calm go? How long can she resist the tug of anger or annoyance?

~ Self-sacrificing
If she were to heal beyond her abilities, and someone whom she knows were to encounter her in her recovery period... perhaps someone could instill in her the knowledge that It's Okay to look after yourself, sometimes. Survival is important; after all, she would not be able to help others if she were beyond help herself.

~ Equality
She treats everyone as equals, because in her mind everyone is worthy of equal respect and care. This is not to say that she tolerates those who harm others or engage in needless violence- she would not condone such actions. However, she tries not to judge.
This may prove interesting when faced with Manji's battle-scars and headstrong persona.

I believe that your grumpy stallion may respect her for her willingness to lend aid. He is becoming more willing to lend a hand during difficult times; she always lends a hand, even when it could mean harming herself. They may be able to balance each other, and he could show her that displaying one's vitality and fighting spirit is okay- it doesn't necessarily mean that she would harm another, or that she would ill-treat a stranger. She has been tucking away "negative" emotions for so long that she's starting to forget how to feel anything but warmth, kindness, compassion, and at times sadness- she needs someone to re-awaken these before she becomes completely inhibited.
I'm looking for someone to bring out passion (for something other than altruism) in her life.

If you are at all interested, I would love to discuss specifics and provide any other information you feel would be pertinent. I am very interested in Manji. ^.^

Thank you for your time and consideration.

The Dawn of Twilight


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:14 pm
If you'd like to start an rp I'd greatly appreciate it. 8D

I love all the small details and characteristics you've laid out for your lovely mare. 83 And it sounds like an intriguing concept to get the two interacting, with their different but negotionable views. I do admire her quiet nature, and would love to see if Manjii is capable of pulling some energy and emotion from her normally placid nature. He's certainly a stubborn support when it comes to achieving goals, whether for himself or others. But also sensitive enough to be patient with their limits, which might do well for Awendela.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:07 pm
I am glad to hear it! ^.^

If he were to encounter her under dire circumstances (drained too much from a healing, perhaps) it may be easier for him to overcome her normally placid nature to expose more ardent emotion. It may prove more interesting for Time to be the major force of erosion/revelation upon her tempered spirit... repeated encounters, his presence (which could be accomplished either by chance encounters, or perhaps a glimmer of interest in some "unique" characteristic of hers that catches his attention or grates at the ingrained importance of survival to him) and continued influence laying the foundation for flickers of intensity interspersing her normal lull?


The Dawn of Twilight


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:50 am
"I don't know why I keep these threads, but here they are!"

^bump. xD;
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