Hania Shen is very timid and can be shy sometimes. Thought now that he is an adult he is more open then he use to be. He knows he is scary and scares others away. He knows this very well. So this makes him very cautious around others. If someone has a lot of energy and is bouncy, there is a good chance he won't go near you. He will simply walk away. He doesn't say much, but his words will send chills through you. It's because he is one with the spirits and his words are like ice.
He is very nice and can be an extremely loyal friend once you get to know him, but it takes a lot of getting use to how he is. He doesn't understand feelings and when you try to explain it he still doesn't understand. So it's best to leave him alone about it. Word to the wise...it's best not to develop feelings for him because he won't understand them and might end up breaking your heart.
Though now with him being an adult he is most curious then ever to meet others. :3 He LOVES asking questions so if your Soquili doesn't like that then it's best they don't talk to him.
Also he is VERY old fashion. He believes in love before children. He won't consider you if you already have a family, but he will be nice and stay friends with you. Just he won't fall in love with you most likely. He wants to talk it through mutually before agreeing on a family.