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Blind's Plot Thread-- AMELIA!! Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:21 pm

Welcome to Blind's Chat and Plot threads!!

It seems that my family of Soquili have outgrown my former plot and chat zone so we are moving here!!! Feel free to look around and pm me anytime!

wahmbulance Lumriel and Nightmare babies ahoy! wahmbulance

*Amelia Nox
*Current Roleplays

Blind is: Getting back into the swing of things! I am available for AIM rps as well and I quite enjoy them. Aerassan, drop me a line!

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:26 pm
-Lost in the Knight-

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"The light has left my life in far more ways than just one."

Name: Callan {Last name pronounced MacTawl}

Gender: Stallion

Mate: Bella Swan

Children: Edana, Fearthainn, Searlait, Calibor, Arthur.

Rp color: Darkred

Personality: Callan is a cynic and he trusts no one. The first time that he meets someone and they begin speaking to him he always assumes that they are doing it in order to get something in return. Perhaps they wish harm upon him or are trying to pump him for information. He is always wary and often times answers in short replies that are very vague. He thinks that love is a stupid idea and that it is only meant to cause heartache and pain to its victims. He has turned his heart into a rock that blood cannot be squeezed from. Or can it?

Besided the doom and gloom side to him there is an air of protectiveness about him. When he makes a good friend he will do anything to protect them along with those that he {may} love. Even so, he does not confide in them and he keeps his feelings bottled up so that no one else will have to be bothered by them. He has a very strong will and is not easily swayed when he has chosen to do a mission.

As stated in his breed he is a knight and therefore follows the ways of chivalry. Though, at times, he will be rude to another he normally ends up regretting it in the long run. Mostly he is impolite to others because he prefers his solitude but, the odds are, if you are able to brush it aside he will as well.

History: Callan Rónán MacTaíl was born in Achill Island, Irleand many years ago. His mother was the palest mare any man had ever seen with eyes the color of mist and hair the red of a flame. She was a kind female with many talents and that is what drew Callan's father to her. One day she had wandered away from her normal feeding ground in order to find a better patch of grass and she came upon a very strong looking stallion named Gearalt {GAR ult}. He was proud and brave, watching over his herd with tender eyes. Upon seeing the beautiful mare approaching he found himself unable to resist meeting her. Knowing that she was no threat he headed in her direction, curiosity pushing him on.

As the story goes he was able to woo the mare into breeding with him and that is how Callan came to be. Soon after Callan was born his mother left his father for her own reasons and dragged her son with her. It wasn't long before some humans saw them and decided that they would go for a good price in the market. His mother was the first to be caught and, after quite the struggle, Callan gave in as well. They were taken to a place that reeked of death and excrement. He was separated from his mother too soon and fear overtook the small colt. That is when he was put in a stall with a male named Roderick who was kind enough to take him under his care. After that day Callan never did see his mother again and he was soon purchased by a young man who would change his life forever.

Lium was the lad's name and his dream was to become a Knight in Camelot. When he stood before Callan and looked him over with an appraising eye Roderick said something he would never forget. He told Callan that he was to belong to a human and that he must do as expected in order to survive. The Irish colt stared into the kind eyes of the elder, not quite understanding why he would be so submissive. Without further adue a rope was tied snugly around his throat and he was dragged away from Roderick and the market.

He grew up on a lush green farm situated beside the ocean but this did not comfort his hollow heart. He wished to be back to the place where he was born. He did Lium's bidding but with only half of his heart placed in each exercise. When he grew into an adult the training became harder and finally it was time for Lium to part from the other two-leggeds he seemed to care for. The scene was something Callan hadn't ever seen before. The adult male and female looked very sad but at the same time they looked proud. He was patted on the nose by the older male who whispered something into his ear.
"Take care of my son."

The words still echoing in his ears Callan was loaded up with bags and whatnot and he and Lium left the small stone cottage. The road was long and full of troubles. At one point Callan ended up becoming stone bruised and was pulled painfully along by his reigns. It rained almost non-stop and Callan couldn't seem to get warm no matter what he did. A couple of times Lium snuggled up to him because he was cold as well. Callan would allow the boy this small priviledge but his insides would jerk with revulsion. There was something about him that would not allow him to become domesticated.

Finally a castle came in to view and they were safetly out of the rain. Over the next few months Callan was fixed with armor, trained in combat and introduced to a lovely mare named Anela. Anela's eyes were the color of amethyst and her hair the color of the golden fields of rye. She was the one who comforted him when he was wounded while training or the one who pushed him to keep on trying. Before long he found himself fallling in love with her and he stated so.

They were happy together, believing that they would be together for the rest of their natural born lives. Sadly, it was not meant to be. One night some bandits snuck into the stables where Anela and the others were kept. A fire broke out, and though Callan tried to rescue her, the flames engulfed the mare. From that instant he lost the will to feel anything. When in battle he was a dull killing machine that had not guilt nor remorse. Things got worse when Lium was killed when an arrow bit into the flesh between the bottom of his helmet and the neck of his armor. He had failed Anela and he had failed the silent pact he had made with Lium's father. The wars soon ended and Callan was cursed to wander the lands for eternity. He doesn't know exactly how he had lived so long but it must have something to do with the crackling of magic he heard the night that Anela died.

Some speculate that Callan was cursed by the wicked Morgan Le Fay, or by queen Mab. Some even say that Merlin made it so that the stallion would survive on earth forever. The reasons are unclear as to why this would happen. Callan has found that he likes night more than day and sometimes, blood has an alluring affect on him. He hardened his heart and went through the centuries as one goes through a text book.

That was, until he met a strange mare named Bella Swan.

What he is looking for:

Friends: I don't care! As long as they can take the heat from an Irish stallion they are cool with me.

Foals: Callan is going to be a daddy soon! Unfortunately he never had a father figure so he hasn't a clue how to behave in the presence of a little one. What Cal needs is a foal that will help him soften up. This foal must be able to put up with some of his bitterness without getting too offended and storming off.


1. Bella Swan
2. Bella Swan
3. Bella Swan

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:27 pm
-Logical Lady-

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Name: Fearthainn

Gender: Mare

Breed: Second Generation Regular

Siblings: Edana, Searlait, Calibor, Arthur.

Parents: Callan and Bella

Mate: Alexiel

Children: Aneurin, Lumriel.

Rp color: Green

Personality: To Fearthainn, or "Ainn" as she is affectionately called by her sister Edana, the world is made up of questions and answers. To her logic and the pursuit of knowledge is everything! She doesn't believe in coincidence or fate but merely probability. She is a bit stiff when speaking to others because she always over thinks things. She rarely understands sarcasm or jokes and normally attempts to logically explain them. She loves her family but she is often quiet around them because she is very pensive.

As a foal Fearthainn didn’t do much beyond venturing out and observing as many things as she could. She mainly avoided others for she was far more interested in the secrets that the universe hid from all those involved in it. Her mother and father remained skeptical of her well being, but as most parents are, they supported her and answered whatever odd questions she asked. Though she loved her parents fully she always felt that they didn’t truly understand her. Often she would get strange looks from her father and loving yet worried looks from her mother, this is where Edana came into play. Fearthainn always felt that Edana understood her best of all, they were both strange in comparison to their sire and dam. She the analytical one, always looking for answers about life as opposed to actually living it and Edana the fiery thief who knew her father would never approve. Both of them could talk freely to one another without worry of the other telling the parents or mocking. They spent their foal hood smiling over their secrets and collaborating about the one their father seemingly held.

As adults Fearthainn and Edana’s bond only grew and their secrets became evermore elaborate. By this time her parents had stopped trying to figure her out and had decided just to love her as she was. This made life easier but both her mother and father insisted she needed to interact with someone other than Edana, widen her horizon when it came to social skills. They began forcing her to mingle with other Soquili, young and old, each time finding them to be surprised by her bluntness and lack of understanding when one was telling a joke. When foals attempted to play with her she found herself quite confused, especially about tag, why pop someone and run away? It didn’t help that others found it strange that an adult was still playing with foals, or rather, attempting to play with foals. Eventually they left her to her own devices, deciding once again that she was perfect the way she was. Again her life became calm and she was able to do whatever she desired, this didn’t keep her parents from worrying though. When the other three siblings came along her parents were further distracted and she and Edana finally were no longer the center of their attention.

One not so extraordinary evening Fearthainn lay beneath of a tree watching as the sun dipped below the horizon when a seemingly haunted stallion approached her. They conversed for a while, finding one another to be quite interesting. Within Fearthainn bubbled a feeling which she didn’t understand and had her slightly fearful. Convincing herself it was merely her lack of social skills she continued speaking with him until she found her stomach swollen and two young ones on the way. She now contemplates telling Alexiel that she loves him, but she knows not the meaning of the words, only that you say them to someone who means much to you. Though she will never say, for in her mind it is irrational, she is worried about how her children will cope with such a strange mother.

What she is looking for:

Romance: Ainn isn't a big fan of love, she feels that it is a mere stress reliever and a distraction from real life. She is more likely to have flings than an actual relationship but if she meets the right male it is possible she will discover the true meaning of love. Yay for Alexiel!!!

Friendship: She is in need of a friend who will be patient with her and attempt to show her how fun life can be when you aren't diagnosing the entire thing. She needs someone to teach her to laugh, play, understand jokes, and...yes..even use sarcasm. I welcome any who are up for the challenge.


1. Alexiel
2. Alexiel (Currently attempting)
3. Alexiel
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:29 pm
-The Flirt-

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Name: Searlait

Gender: Mare

Breed: Second Generation Regular

Siblings: Edana, Fearthainn, Calibor, Arthur.

Parents: Callan and Bella

Mate: Ahote

Children: None

Rp color: #C25A7C

Personality: Being flirtatious is only a small part of who Searlait is. She is a fun loving mare who is always searching for an adventure and an opportunity to use her imagination. She is not easily pushed around, though she plays innocent she is very strong minded and holds her own. She is caring and attempts to look past what is skin deep when it comes to others.

History: Adventure always called Searlait’s name when she was young. Never could she stay in one place for too long, her imagination always came up with elaborate ordeals and scenarios which she just had to act out. Her brother Arthur would often attempt to keep her from wandering off so as to ensure her safety but she found solace in the knowledge that Calibor would always help her escape. She was a filly without fear! Always looking for goblins to fight or a water creature to befriend never worried about the horrors the world could bring for her father had taught her well in defense. She would use her moves to beat the snot out of any monster that would approach her and protect the friends she normally made along the way. One such friend was Ahote, a warm colt who humored her by playing along with her plan of fighting off goblins. Though she had met other foals she never really got to play with them the way she and Ahote did. He was willing to play in the role she put him in and they ended up becoming great friends.

As time went on and Searlait matured she still remained friends with Ahote but found a stallion she couldn’t resist. His name was Teagan Elric, and she had fallen for the icy eyed stud. She had planned on life mating with him and enjoying his company for the rest of her days when one morning he just vanished without word or a trace. She waited for days for his return but it soon became apparent to her that he hadn’t wanted what she had. So broken hearted she crawled back to her father, mother and siblings where they first got angered and then focused on making her feel better.

One day when she was out and about, still pouting over her loss she ran into Ahote. Ahote, the friend that had remained by her side since she had forced him into a game of pretend, always making her smile and feel right at home. She told him of her heartbreak and as he attempted to cheer her up and make her forget the worries she found herself with an epiphany. Why hadn’t she ever seen it before? He had always been there for her and she had never seen it coming. Suddenly, she realized that she didn’t truly love Teagan, she loved Ahote. He was twice the stallion and always would be, she knew she would be able to share her life with him without worrying about potential heartbreak.

What she is looking for:

Shy?!- I would very much like for Searlait to meet a shy Soquili regardless of breed or gender. She is flirtatious and therefore outgoing so it would be beneficial for that Soquili and for us, as the owners, because I am certain we will get some laughs out of it.

Come here big boy!- I would like for Searlait to meet up with a stallion while she is still a foal and develope a crush on him. She would follow him around and flirt with him as well as probably bug the crap out of him. Of course we would need a stallion who knows she is just a little filly and who won't be tempted to snap at her one day but calmly explain he is far too old for her. Thalea's Haides is going to fill this particular slot.

Childhood Sweetheart? I think it would be really cute if Searlait could meet another foal and they both became very close in the sense that they may fall in love. It would almost be like High School Sweethearts but better. They would separate for a while after becoming way close (wait for her to become an adult) then just meet up again one day as though it were fate. And thus there was Ahote!

-As an Adult-

Now look what you've done...- Searlait needs to have her eyes opened and realize that flirting is not always a good thing. I want her to meet a stallion who she will fall in love with and who will manipulate her, get what he wants and leave. (Breeding maybe?) Maybe this would be a good point for her childhood sweetheart to step in and heal the wounds?

Meeting Arthur- Her older brother is very protective of her and therefore will want to meet who she is involved with especially after she is manipulated and hurt. Of course he will pass the test, or not, and become her mate. We will see how this goes.


1. Ahote
2. Ahote
3. Ahote


Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:32 pm
-The Maiden-

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Name: Lumriel

Gender: Mare

Breed: Third Gen. Half Angeni Half Regular

Siblings: Aneurin

Parents: Fearthainn, Alexiel

Mate: Grown on the 8th of September

Children: Amelia, Anaon, Tanin

Rp color: #7D0541

Personality: Unlike her brother Lumriel (aka Lumri) isn't the type to simply march up to someone and introduce herself. She much prefers to stand behind her brother while he makes friends. She is a shy little mare but she has been raised to be polite and will speak, she just isn't very comfortable doing so and it shows. She won't always remain shy though, once getting to know to someone and talking to them a little she will crawl out of her shell little by little and show what a cutie she really is. She is soft spoken and caring, always helping those in need and attempting to hurt no one in any way. She is polite like her father and smart like her mother. Though she may be naive in some ways she is knowledgeable in others. All in all she will make a very dedicated friend once she warms up.

Though she comes from a long line of fighters and has learned a few things herself, Lumriel prefers not to resort to violence of any kind. She would much rather prefer to either turn the other cheek or talk out whatever the matter would be. She hopes to get along with everyone she meets and fight with no one. She is as gentle as the petals of a flower, attempting not to cause too much of a disturbance.


What she is looking for:

Wings- Considering that, aside from her father and brother, no one else in her family has wings I would love for her to meet up with another foal with wings. One who loves to fly and would coax her to soar among the clouds with him/her.

Halfblood!- It is kind of twisted but when thinking of this I kind of thought of Harry Potter and the Mud Bloods (sp). I was thinking she could encounter a foal or adult who is either full regular or full Angeni who thinks of her as being nothing more than a mut. I just thought it may be sort of an interesting thing for Lumri to think about.

I don't bite!- Lumriel is shy as stated under her personality but I would like it if she met someone who was rather forward and could help her along when speaking with others. Make her realize that it is alright to be polite and quiet but at the same time not everyone is as frightening as she seems to think. This way when she is an adult she can grow up to be a little less coy.

-As an Adult-

Wings of a different color- I would kind of like for Lumriel to meet a Kalona. Not one that is completely evil, I would even say that a half Kalona is fine. I just want her to see that her wings and those of winds are not the only ones she will encounter in the sky above. That, and aside from her father, she would be the first in the family to encounter one.

Love is like oxygen- So this plot has changed a little bit. Lumriel has met a stallion named Nightmare (Katch's) that she just cannot get out of her head. When she is old enough and after a bit more rp they are planning on breeding. After the breeding they are going to split due to mistaken reasons. Lumriel sets off to find her beloved and ask him why he has left her. After a time of searching she encounters another stallion who either manipulates her into believing that Nightmare never loved her but that he does or she will become disheartened and attempt to move on. After a time with this stallion she will either figure out the lie or realize that they just aren't right for one another and leave to find Nightmare again.


2.Giolladhe (Attempts to begin in 2 months)

-Of course, general rp is always welcomed and if you have a plot you think she will fit into I am more than happy to oblige.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:36 pm
-He Who Has Much To Learn-

User Image

Name: Roman

Gender: Stallion

Breed: First Gen. Wind

Siblings: Cottus

Parents: Calixta, Ardus

Mate: Not actively looking

Children: N/A

Rp color: Dodger Blue

*Though on his temper it says he is avid that is not how he will be played as of this moment. It is my hope that in the future he will meet the love of his life who will once again restore his passion and protective nature.

Roman is rather world weary at this particular juncture. The loss of his younger brother still hangs heavily around his neck and there isn't a day gone by that he does not feel a sliver of guilt over it. His father dragged both of them all over the place and he feels as though he has seen everything and all of the "wonders" this world posesses. He finds it hard to be excited or passionate over things. He is a very blunt stallion, not really caring much what others think when it is the truth facing them. This is not to say he is intentionally rude or hurtful, he just doesn't know when to keep things in his mind. Love to him is a nightmare, he loved his brother and he was taken from him and he loved his father but his father did not reciprocate in the way Roman had hoped. He is willing to help others when they are in need but he is rather indifferent about their success or failures and pretty much acts as though he is reciting something already written down. He lives a nomadic lifestyle, not really settling down anywhere or calling someplace home. I guess you could even venture to say that he is a stallion who has wandered off of the path and cannot find his way.


Son of a powerful wind who seemed to be without any flaws and a mother who was killed when he was still in his basket Roman has seemingly seen it all. Without a mate to tie him down his glorious father decided to travel the lands with his two sons being swept up behind him. Roman was the eldest brother and spent most of his foalhood caring for his younger sibling who was often sickly and weak. It wasn’t that Roman’s father didn’t care for his own children; it was just that he had other things on his mind. When it is said that Roman’s father was without flaws it means physically and somewhat mentally. Though Ardus didn’t look out for his two colts as he should have he could defeat any enemy, diffuse any situation and master any task thrown his direction. Normally this wouldn’t be a big issue except that Ardus felt that Roman should be exactly the same no matter what Roman desired. Each moment they did not spend walking Roman’s father was grooming him to be exactly like his old man. Teaching him to take orders without question and to put aside his own selfish desires and do what was expected of him.

Life went on like this until Roman and his younger brother were both stallions, when their father vanished and never returned. Whether he went off to face an enemy or lost or merely forgot his way back to his offspring Roman doesn’t know. The loss didn’t impact him too greatly because he was old enough to be on his own and he still had his brother to keep him company. They continued with their nomadic lifestyle, perhaps driven by a secret desire to find their father until illness became too much for his brother to bear. They spent three days sheltered in the bowels of a cave until Roman’s brother finally succumbed to his sickness and passed from this world. Devastated at the loss of his love one Roman trekked on, searching for something of the likes of which even he was uncertain. He does not let his pain make him whiney and he certainly doesn’t go around telling a sob story to everyone he meets. He merely exists, forever searching for the trail that will pull him from his seemingly habitual routine in a dull life.

What he is looking for:

Meet and Greet: This is more benifical for me than for Roman, this allows me to come to grips with his character. I need soquili who are most likely to randomly start a conversation and who do not anger easily or decide to run off with faced with someone challenging. Roman will speak when spoken to but rarely does he ever start a conversation.

You?!: I would like for Roman to come face to face with the monster who murdered his mother, perhaps even his father? This creature will be vile and calculating, one who takes pride in the blood he has spilled in the past. Whether this will lead to a fight or not I am unsure, it can be discussed. This would cause him to become even more withdrawn and world weary. (Found!)

Father: After his brush with the monster who killed his parents Roman is injured and in need of assistance. Though Roman is old enough to be on his own I would like him to find a father figure or mentor. He needs to be able to become attached to something again and perhaps find some relief for his weary feet by finding a home.(Found!)

Please don't go!: I would like for Roman to meet up with a foal who has been injured and is in need of help. This foal will remind him of his brother causing him to become a little emotional. He will try to walk away, running from his past when the foal asks him to stay. This will be the first point of Roman facing his past.

The world still holds wonders: Roman comes across a mare or stallion who sees life as a wondrous adventure full of magic. Because he believes he has seen it all he will not jump to the other's opinion and is more likely to argue about it than anything else. It is my hope that this soquili can get the gears turning in his head, perhaps even to remind him that the world still is beautiful no matter how much of it you have seen.

The Biggest Step in The Journey is Letting Go: This plot is going to mean a lot for Roman and for me. Roman has met up with and been injured by the one who killed his parents. He is still resentful towards his father and holds the same opinion as when he was a foal about never forgiving Ardus. I think either an Elder or an Angeni would fit this plot well for Roman is going to forgive both his father and the murderer. It will not be easy and the Elder or Angeni will have to kind of pry it from him but in the end they will help him to clear his slate and be reborn.

Just Feel it: After Roman has forgiven his father and Barracus for the pain and darkness that consumed much of his life he still needs to be reminded of the world around him. He still feels dull and disconnected to it and needs someone to remind him. He already has been thinking about it but this Soquili must push all bounds and make it hit him in the face. Bring him to life again!


1. Not Actively Looking
2. Not Actively Looking
3. Not Actively Looking

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Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:39 pm
-The Pessimist-

User Image

Name: Amelia

Gender: Mare

Breed: 4th Gen.

Siblings: Anaon, Tanin

Parents: Lumriel, Nightmare

Mate: Too young

Children: N/A

Rp color: #7ed00a

Amelia has a hard time trusting in others or connecting with them on a deeper level. She resents her father for leaving her mother to weep over his absence and wonder what she had done to scare him off and also for not choosing her basket to go with him. Her mother cannot explain why her steps leave behind withered plants or why she is on fire. She cannot even explain Amelia's interest in the eerie and love for places such as the graveyard. She is somewhat pessimist and has a hard time just believing the words of others. She is quite intelligent but follows along an odd mentality.

Born to an angelic mother and a father who could nearly be classified as demonic Amelia often feels a little out of place. When still in her basket her father, Nightmare, took off with her sibling leaving her mother behind to wonder about what had gone wrong. Amelia's odd appearance often had her wondering about her father but her sister Anaon kept her mind occupied for the most part. Though she will never tell her sister she feels a great gratitude toward her and cares for her very deeply. Once the foals were deemed old enough to travel their mother decided it was time to go in search of the one she loved. They were given the choice to stay behind but both decided to join Lumriel, knowing she couldn't take care of herself.

What he/she is looking for:


1. Too young
2. Too young
3. Too young
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:40 pm
Current Rps

-------> TAG
It's Only What You Make Of It

-------> TAG
Grand Adventures

-------> TAG
Ask me why again, see what happens!

-------> TAG
This did not go as planned...

*Julius Monrey-Searlait
-------> TAG
The hands of a merciless clock

-------> TAG
Soaking Up The Sun

-------> TAG
Sometimes you just gotta live

* Alexiel-Fearthainn
-------> TAG
Emotions vs. Logic

-------> Need to Reply
A friendship for the ages

* Bella-Callan
-------> TAG
A simple yes can change a life

* Jaci-Callan
-------> TAG
From a Father to a Father-to-be

*Family Rp
-------> TAG
An unexpected turn of events

-------> TAG
A tree, a god and a knight

-------> TAG
From the Mouths of Foals

*MacSwan Family
-------> TAG
The MacSwan Family

-------> TAG
Beauty of the Heart

*Family Rp
--------> TAG
Family Rp

---------> TAG
Into the Sun the Pumpkin and Flower

----------> TAG

*Eden Cullen-Roman
----------> Have to Reply
The Whispering Winds

-----------> TAG

*Briallan Oralee-Roman
------------> TAG
What Lurks in Merky Depths?

-------------> TAG
You Shaped My Life With Shadows

*Self RP
How Life Once Was...

One Warm Day

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:41 pm
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:41 pm

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:42 pm
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:43 pm

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:44 pm
PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:45 pm

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

Regal Renegade

Eloquent Elocutionist

PostPosted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 9:46 pm
heart I think I reserved enough space, can never be too optimistic right? heart  
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