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Alikia Tsuki

Invisible Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:06 pm
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"Its Top Secret" Words you hear all the time and yet your never think you'll hear them said to yourself when asking about your own father's work. Surprising to find out your father died when you haven't heard from him in years, then to find out that hes been working with the government creating some strange creatures. Next thing you know your on a helicopter being shipped with your mother across the sea to a small island where the research lab is. Not a boring two hours one would think.

____ is the son of a renowned scientist who has been out of contact with the world for years. Many claim hes just disappeared while others claim the government got him for working on something illegal. Only ____ and his mother know what really happened but they haven't been allowed to tell anyone. They don't even know what ____'s father is working on. That is until one day two government officials show up with a letter for ____ from his father. Something to turn his whole life around.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 10:30 pm
Your character is going to be ____. Follow the skeleton profile and submit through a pm titled A Father's Gift.

USS: Must be Seme or Seke leaning towards Seme

Name: Edward
Age: 17
USS: Uke
Personality: Calm except when angered. ____ can be very much like a child though his affections are quite a bit more fleeting, he can not like you one minute the in the next he may follow you everywhere. ___ has the tendency to overreact to everything. Quite often it makes him violent.
Appearance:User Image

Alikia Tsuki

Invisible Lunatic

Alikia Tsuki

Invisible Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:44 pm
Name: Kaz Yokoyama
Age: 17
USS: Seke
Personality: Kaz is a happy-go-lucky kid who almost always feigns a smile to keep everybody around him happy. When those around him arenʻt happy, Kaz will do everything possible to try and make them. But in reality, Kaz is actually an incredibly lonely kid who canʻt keep a secret to save his life. So, instead of risking his familyʻs secret, Kaz distances himself away from people so that secrets canʻt get passed his lips. Itʻs difficult, since people are naturally drawn toward Kazʻs decently good nature.
Appearance: Kaz  
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:01 pm
My Dear Son,

XXXXX It has been awhile since you’ve heard from me I’m sure. No doubt I’ve been wrapped up in my research so far from home. Your mother must have given up on the hope that I will come home by now, it seems every time I talk to her or write her I have more excuses. However, this is not what I am writing to you about. It seems my son that if this letter finds you then I am dead. There will be some government officials accompanying this letter of that I am sure. Most likely because they either do not like the fact that I have given you something or they want your help.
XXXXXMy son I begin the rest of this letter by apologizing to you. What I am about to give you will cause you a great deal of stress but I hope it will be worth it. What I have given you is a being of my own creation. I have created more than one of course, fascinating things as they are. The one I have given you is number 13.
XXXXXNumber 13 is a very interesting creature but the government thinks 13 as no more than a beast, something they can use to meet certain expectations. It’s not true of course, 13 just doesn’t particularly like the government. 13 is the most spirited of my creations, as an added result also the strongest and possibly the most deadly. The government wishes to control 13 if they can, if not than they will destroy the poor creature. However they cannot do this without your consent my son, it is your decision now what 13’s fate shall be.
XXXXXI’m sure they will ask you as soon as you have finished this letter as no doubt they have read it. You will have two choices; you can destroy 13 now without seeing the best of my creations, or any for that matter. I would understand my son, I know you are probably angry at me for never being there and leaving your mother and you to continue my research; I would not blame you for having nothing to do with me. Your other choice is for you and your mother to go with the government officials that accompany this letter and meet 13 and the others. From there you can make your decision on 13’s fate. I can only hope my son that your decision will not be one your regret. Once again I apologize my dear son for the strain and sudden responsibility I have placed upon your shoulders.

With all my love,
You Father

Alikia Tsuki

Invisible Lunatic


PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:20 pm
After reading the letter, Kazʻs brain kicked into overdrive. He was angry, no doubt, but his face didnʻt show it at all. His father, after everything he had put his mother through, wanted them to take in his creations? What kind of fool did his father take him for?
But, as if she were able to read his thoughts, Kazʻs mother instantly smiled and tried to persuade her son to see the creations. Perhaps there was one that he would like and he would keep them. After all... they had feelings, didnʻt they?
After putting on his normal, smiling facade, Kaz graciously accepted the governmentʻs offer to take them to see... this 13 that his father kept on mentioning in the letter. He wouldnʻt have to keep this secret anymore, would he? And besides, he wanted to see this thing that had kept him from his father for so long.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:26 pm
"Then come along sir." the agent said taking hold of the door handle. He opened the door and ushered Kaz and his mother outside to a helicopter. From there they were flown to a island not far off the coast but far enough it couldn't be seen from the coast mysteriously. They landed on the back side of the island where what seemed to be carved into a cliff was a giant facility of some sort. Kaz and his mother were led past the security at the doors and down a hallway into a small office like room. In the room sat what seemed to be a fairly old man sitting behind a fairly large stack of paperwork.

"Ah Kaz, am I correct?" the older man asked looking up, he hopped out of his chair quickly and walked up to Kaz shaking his hand. "Were so glad your here. We were beginning to think you weren't coming and we would be forced to destroy number 13 and possibly the others." the man explained seeming genuinely pleased that the boy was there.

Alikia Tsuki

Invisible Lunatic


PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:36 pm
The helicopter ride was short, considering that Kaz was secretly exciting to be going where his father worked. His mother seemed bored, but Kaz knew that she was feeling the same way that he did. The security guards were gracious enough, but Kaz still didnʻt like them. In fact, he didnʻt like people in general. But that was to be expected, after everything that had happened so far.

"Yes, my name is Kaz Yokoyama," Kaz said amiably as he shook the manʻs hand. "Iʻm glad to be here too, since I would hate to see my fatherʻs hard work be destroyed so nonchalantly." Letʻs just get this over with already... I donʻt want to be here anyway. Kaz thought. His father probably created some ugly octopus-wolf-bird-fish thing that had eight eyes and ate concrete for breakfast. And really, Kaz wasnʻt interested in seeing any of that.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:55 pm
“Yes yes it would be a shame to see such wonderful work have to be destroyed but unfortunately without your father his creations have been very difficult to contain and control, number 13 especially. In fact we’ve had to put number 13 in a stasis until we knew you would be coming. 13 should be coming out of his now if you would like to see the creature. We shall pass the others along the way, so if you’ll follow me we’ll go right this way.” The man informed before leading the Kaz, his mother and the two agents out of the office like room and down the hall. It was a bit of a walk to where the old man opened a new door and gestured everyone inside.

Inside was what looked like the outside world but there was a very high ceiling over the place. Inside the small little world were what looked like other people of the female gender. They all however seemed to have the same silvery blue hair and ruby eyes. They watched as the group entered the small world. The oddest feature about some of them was that they seemed to have very white angel wings that almost seemed to glow. “Those are numbers 1 through 11.” The man informed as he continued his path across the small world. They came upon a house like building and entered it with a wave of a badge from the older man.

Despite looking like a house the building was not. It opened up into what looked like a small observing room with a giant window and a door that seemed to need a key card to open it. On the other side of the window appeared to be yet another creature, this one of male gender. Unlike the ones Kaz and his mother had passed outside of the building this one had jet black hair and wings to match. The only similar feature between this creature and the ones outside was the ruby eyes. “This is number 13.” The old man informed as the creature threw whatever it could at the giant window between the two rooms with a feral yell.

Alikia Tsuki

Invisible Lunatic


PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:08 pm
As Kaz walked with the man, his mother, and the agents behind him, he looked at the creatures with awe-struck eyes. They were beautiful girls, all of them. This was nothing like what he expected of his father! Their ruby red eyes, the silvery blue hair... and their wings. Their wings were the most intriguing aspect of them all. They were like angels, so feathery and white. Already, without having seen all of them, Kaz didnʻt want to see them destroyed. They were too beautiful, too difficult to create from their appearance.

"1 thru 11? What happened to number 12?" Kaz suddenly asked. Did number 12 die for whatever reason, or fail? There was almost no way for Kaz to know but ask, as intrusive as it may be. He just needed to know what happened to one of his fatherʻs thirteen creations, what had happened to the beautiful creature (or what he assumed to be beautiful).

Once they entered another building, though, Kazʻs breath caught in his throat. This creation was nothing like the others. This one was a male, and his appearance contrasted against the white wings of his kin. His were black, darker than even the t-shirt that Kaz was wearing. Yet, even though the creature threw something at the window, the boy couldnʻt help but feel mesmerized by it. This thing, whatever it was, interested him more than the females did. There was something mysterious about him... something... something that wanted Kaz to get to know it better.

"May I go inside?" Kaz ask the man, a soft look in his eyes. He wasnʻt really concerned about getting hurt. After all, Kaz had taken a good beating before. Itʻs not like he couldnʻt catch flying objects, or deflect thrown punches. But this was a creature, a non-humanoid, that was on the other side of that window. It would take a miracle for the boy to go in and get out unscathed.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:28 pm
“Number 12 didn’t make it very far past its creation, it died in quite tremendous way however and allowed your father to create number 13.” The older man informed grinning at the man’s search for answers. It meant to him that there was less of a chance of the brat choosing to destroy the creatures meaning they would be winning the war. ( I actually messed up there but easy fix XD )

The old man watched Kaz as they entered the building and catch sight of the creature. 13 was the strongest of the buildings what the boy decided with him would decide what would be done. He knew many were put off by the drastic change between 1 through 11 to 13. If he needed to he could use the females but it would not be the same. Seeing the boy not take his eyes off the creature did not give him any insight to the boy’s thoughts.

“If you wish it, though I would advise you to be very careful, he has become very wild since your father passed. The creatures also have a strange power that acts like gravity but in any direction. He can pin you to any wall he wishes without even touching you. We have a way to stop him and we will be here to get you out as soon as possible should he decide to something.” The man informed but handed over his keycard to Kaz.

13 continued to pick things up and throw them at the window unaware of the door Kaz entered through even opening, it opened quietly. The closing however was not as quiet and immediately caught the attention of the creature who turned to face Kaz. The dark wings flicked out as if an animal instinct demanded it of the male to make him look bigger and more threatening. He gave a growl revealing small sharp canines.

Alikia Tsuki

Invisible Lunatic


PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:12 pm
((Sorry, I had to run away to eat dinner...))

"The poor creature..." Kaz whispered quietly when he learned the fate of 12. How hard it would have been on his father to watch his creations die. It would be like watching his own son die. The anger came rushing back as Kaz thought about how his father would feel if he died. He wouldnʻt know, he was too busy working on his precious creations.

"Thank you," Kaz said with a grateful smile as he went to open the door to the other side of the window. "Please, donʻt stop him until I tell you to. It would only make him more agitated." And with that final request, Kaz was inside. The creature turned on him as soon as he closed the door, its feral eyes seemed to be trying to penetrate the boy, but he wasnʻt struck with fear.

"Hi," Kaz breathed, his voice coming out in near rasping breaths. He could feel the creatureʻs energy, as if it wanted nothing more than to kill the boy. But Kaz still wasnʻt frightened by the creature. He just wanted to get to know it better... he just wanted to know.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:26 pm
(Its cool i'm glad your back)

“We’ll do what we can but if things get too out of hand we’ll have to take measures.” An agent informed instead of the old man. 13 watched Kaz with his ruby eyes analyzing every move the man made. While his fight or flight instinct told him to fly he knew he couldn’t because he was trapped in the good sized room with the window that he couldn’t seem to break and the door he couldn’t open. Now he was in the room with someone he didn’t recognize. The man seemed to have a strange resemblance about him almost like “father…” the creature spoke softly.

The power that had been like a pressure in the room died and the creatures wings seemed to relaxed and pull in towards the creatures back. It seemed for a moment like the creature before Kaz was calm and those on the other side of the window watched in wonder. Then suddenly the power was back and shoving Kaz against a wall before the creature was in front of him sniffing about him almost curiously. "father's?" came a soft question. The door opened quickly and three agents entered each holding a strange weapon that the creature seemed to recognize because he hissed once more and released Kaz. Jumping back he was on the other side of the room in an instant.

Alikia Tsuki

Invisible Lunatic


PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:36 pm
Father. Immediately, Kaz thought of his own father and how much he resembled him. Perhaps his father had trained the creature to address him as such. Made sense, since these creations were like his fatherʻs children. But to think... this creature thought that Kaz was his creator. No, that was wrong. Kaz never wanted to be anything like his father. The creatureʻs wings pulled back, its body seemed to shrink down a bit. It was almost as if the creature was... debating whether it should trust Kaz or not.

But that all disappeared as soon as Kaz found his back pressed up against the metal walls of the building, his head slamming close to the door frame. His body was singing with pain, his eyes closed as he tried to regroup. He didnʻt see 13, he felt him. He could feel the creature close to him, could feel its breath on his neck as it whispered his father again. Then he was no longer pressed up against the wall and the door slammed open. 13 was on the other side of the room, and three agents holding strange weapons were next to him.

"N-No, itʻs fine!" Kaz said quickly, stepping in front of the agents. "Please, he meant no harm. Go back... " Once the agents left, Kaz sighed and turned back toward 13. Then, he sat on the ground. He could almost hear his mother hyperventilating on the other side of the window, could feel her heart beat increasing. Her baby boy was laying himself in front of a tractor. "I am not Father." Kaz said calmly, as if he were talking to a baby. "My name is Kaz; I am his son." The boy smiled, something that he hadnʻt done in a long time. He could almost feel the connection between himself and 13. A connection that could be made stronger, or broken forever. They were both offspring of his father. Literally... they were brothers through obsession.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 10:53 pm
13 hissed as the agents had advanced on him despite releasing the man that smelled so much like father and moving away. They didn’t understand he hadn’t been trying to hurt him, but he refused to talk to them anyway. They were evil creatures taking father away. He had thought they were going to get him when the man who smelled so much like father called them off. He watched the man make them leave and he settled down a bit. Maybe they wouldn’t return if he remained on his side of the room. It was obvious they didn’t want him near the man that had invaded his cage.

13 watched as the man that smelled like father sit on the ground. “No, you are not…” 13 confirmed not moving closer. “You smell like father…. He sent you. He called for you and you came like he said you would.” 13 spoke softly. The dark feathered creature felt more relaxed when the man smiled, it was like father had done when he had gotten scared when younger. Father had sat down smiled then spoken calmly to him while his sisters had watched in anticipation. “They call me 13…. But father named me Edward….” The creature ventured softly but still he did not move closer to Kaz giving a side ways glance to the window.

Alikia Tsuki

Invisible Lunatic


PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:09 pm
It spoke... Thatʻs all that Kaz was thinking when 13 began talking. Upon being dubbed a creature by the agents, Kaz immediately assumed that 13 was illiterate and couldnʻt speak. That had been a far-fetched assumption. And it seemed that he was calculating, since he was no longer moving from his side of the room. Kaz wanted 13 to trust him, not be afraid of him, or of the agents outside. He just wanted... he just wanted 13 to feel comfortable and not like an animal trapped in a cage.

"Father told you about me..." Kaz whispered quietly, rubbing his face with his hand quickly before standing up again. "Yet I have heard nothing about you... I didnʻt even know you existed..." The boy never felt so out of the loop before in his life. Hell, he never felt so horrible in his life! Slowly, cautiously, he walked toward 13, staring out the window the entire time at the agents. His mother was taken back by the look he was giving them as he walked. It was a cold-set glare. It was a glare that almost read plainly like a book, ʻCome inside of here one more time, and I will make your lives a living hell.ʻ "Donʻt worry about them hurting you, if thatʻs what youʻre worried about. Just donʻt push me up against the wall again... I wonʻt hurt you." Kaz whispered as he stopped a good three feet in front of the creature whose name was Edward.
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