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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

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Magical Incubator

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:53 pm
The School Office:

So you got a detention, or you got a little lost, or your overeager parents are ready to see you off at school. No biggie. Off to the school office you go!

The first thing you see is a very large black door barricading you from the office. Written below says:

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:02 pm
Upon opening the very large door, you encounter well, a rather horrific scene of chaos. There might be seats for you to sit and wait on, if they were not covered in a fine layer of slime. Some students seem to be sitting on the floor, waiting their turn - oh wait that might just be the skeleton of a student from a few years ago.

To your far right lies a small corridor and another room with a closed door that clearly reads Hellma's Office. Come here for The Princess Corner. You really hope you don't have a detention, ever.

To the more immediate center of the room lies a very large desk, adorned with an entire wall of bookshelves. A broken scamplifier set seems to be wrestling with the shredder on a slanted side-desk, and as you walk closer, you realize that the squish you just stepped on might have been the corpse of a poor fallen gnome.

On top of the desk there are a few things of interest. The first one is a giant pile of papers named 'application forms'. The other are all piles of scattered documents named different things such as 'report cards' 'deceased students', 'dorm assignments', and 'cleaning reports'. There also seems to be a light blue ice demon on top of the desk.

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It's.. best not to ask.


Magical Incubator


Magical Incubator

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:05 pm
The School Office is one large ORP

Your student can walk in at any time to ask a question in the office or drop off a form (or perhaps they got assigned detention, oh dear). They will be answered, sometimes a little later. Think of it as a chance for your student to get questions answered for them ICLY. This is thread for tiny 1-3 post rp "moments." Anything larger needs its own rp thread.

The office is also there to book appointments with people such as the school counsellor, Hellma, and the likes. Simply ICly write in a post and request (or whatever reason you have been sent here) and you will be answered.. eventually.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:31 pm
..There was an ice-demon on the desk (another stude-..no, she'd seen him before..student? Hellma's student-aide? Possibilties). Shehk, despite not wanting to have detention to start with (and the throbbing of her head not helping her in the least. Hnngh, alcohol.. she could barely remember half the night before), had forced herself to make her way to the office anyways, frowning upon entry and looking around awkwardly.


Severe frowning was severe. Sob.

"So you care where I sit?... or was the mass-detention supposed to be somewhere else?" she asked, knowing fully well that there had been A LOT of people on that board.

Where did this office -fit- all of them?


Beloved Werewolf


Magical Incubator

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:13 pm
Having already sent in a troupe of second-year harpies home for 'indecent behaviour', Arel was ready to call it a day. That was about when the first of the students from Hellma's side of the prank started filing in the office. At first, he thought no better: it was not uncommon for students to get detention after all, but after the fourth and then fifth all vying to cram into the office at the same time, the ice demon secretary smelt something fishy. As now the office count threatened to burgeon beyond countable limbs, Arel was pretty damn sure that Hellma was sitting somewhere in her office with a creepy grin on her face, just smiling. Both faces.

Great, now a student was asking him some sort of meaningless question. He gave them the 'you have a detention, do not talk to me' look, and proceeded, in the little alotted space he had, to continue his two-to-five pm afternoon ritual of flying student application paper airplanes as far as he could. So far most of them just succeeded in bouncing off students' heads.

Thankfully right to the wall next to him wrote a sign that clearly said 'Please wait for your turn in the Princess Corner if you have a detention'.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:27 pm
Detention was hard.

The sluggish swamp beast had finally been told just where he was supposed to go in order to fill out his detention, and was lumbering over in no real rush. Peering at the office door, Gargantuan's ear fins fanned slowly back and forth as he stared at the black sign, uncomprehending and blank.

Then he opened his mouth and let his teeth experimentally drag over the plastic--just for a taste!--before he remembered he was actually supposed to be doing something, and clumsily shouldered the door open after a while.

Arel smelt something fishy, all right.

There was a funny looking girl and... and an elf. An elf! Gargantuan brightened visibly at Mr. Elf, his tail thumping happily on the floor for a moment. He was a reindeer-elf. With a cape! That was very good, and after a moment of staring at Mr. Caped-Reindeer-Elf with his mouth open happily, G remembered he was taking up the whole door way.


Slinking further into the room, the monster glanced around idly, settled on Shehk, and decided that was as good place as any to start. "Hullo." Came the rumble before the beast plopped himself down, oblivious as to the dreaded Princess Corner. The middle of the room was as good place as any to sit, right?


Territorial Friend


Romantic Exhibitionist

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:01 pm
In Boogieman style, Calder kicked the door, wishing it would have fallen off of his hinges. Brow furrowed and arms crossed, the kelpie was clearly displeased with being given detention. And over what? ROMANCE! Of ALL the things he could be punished for, he found it horrid that the school, this Hellma Smox, would punish him over matters of the heart. Clearly she was a bitter creature who merely was waiting for the day when her prince (or princess – Calder didn't judge) came for her and, due to a hard life alone, had given up on her fairytale dreams. Even though he felt sad for her, it did not outweigh his clear frustration over trying to figure out why anyone would find it necessary to lock away the romantics, the tender hearted with only a twinkle in their eyes and a long, drawn out sigh on their lips. The bulletin board hadn't been his idea, but he was going to defend it as if it was his mother! It had been a great idea! A brilliant idea to bring together the tragic lovers of Amityville together and show how they could all put themselves out there, build up their courage, and reach out for those they had their hearts set on.

Part of him wondered if Alabaster even got to SEE his card. It was pretty much hopeless now with that ugly detention slip on top of it. After all that time he made sure to make the hearts and starts PERFECT.

Stepping in, he noticed other matchmaking martyrs, all of which he remembered when he constantly visited the board. They were in this together now, and he would wave their cherub-blessed flag with pride. "Hellma Sox does not know ANYTHING to do with matters of the heart and should be given a punishment for the crimes against love!" He said to those standing in the room, stomping down a foot to make his point clear.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:09 pm
Shehk couldn't help but make a face at the sign that she seemed to have finally noticed, putting on her BEST JACKING FROWN EVER, before taking a seat to wait, looking up at th- haunting mother of jack that was a BIG student. The Pricolici couldn't help but make a slightly startled face looking up at G.




However, she did finally settle on an awkward greeting, more or less.



Beloved Werewolf


Apocalyptic Girl

21,875 Points
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:23 pm
Rain entered the room just as Calder had spoken and nodded her head quickly in agreement before adding her own two pumpkin seeds of thought, "It's not like we put the board up. How were we to know it wasn't to be used?" She regretted it almost as quickly when she noticed Arel's expression. He would not be sympathizing with them, that's for sure. Were all the staff so cold? You'd think they all had a bone up their a**.

She did not want to sit at the Princess Corner one bit. It was utterly ridiculous and humiliating. While it would be harder on the boys, it didn't make it any more comforting. She did not, did not, absolutely DID NOT want to sit in THAT corner. This wasn't fair. She had to fight the urge to climb the wall in rage. Throwing a fit wouldn't help though. She'd probably just get extra detention. She would be good.. for now.

All she wanted to do was find a date for the Masque. She had never been a ghoulfriend to anyone before, never even dated, and she had been looking forward to breaking that lonely tradition. Perhaps it wasn't meant to be. No one had really responded to her advert or expressed real interest in her anyway. Face it, zombies weren't appreciated in that sense.

Well, screw `em!
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 5:40 pm
There were words about Hellma and hearts and love... but Gargantuan was only distracted enough from the girl with stitches for one reason alone.

"Poooooonyyyyyy!" Came the delighted rumbled, and Gargantuan half rose from his seat. Of course, he remembered his error shortly afterwards and sat back down again with a rather guilty look on his face. "Keeelpiiii..." And Kelpi--Cal...der...?--was upset, so that wasn't good, either!

He refocused on Shehk for a moment, brightening while the tip of his tail twitched. "Am G. Here for detention class." Maybe she was too? That would be good, and Calder, too!

Then there was another, a pretty, but almost scary looking girl who was talking about a board. Board... Oh. The board where he'd put up the tasty card.

Very tasty card.

Since he didn't have much to add, the monster was content to placidly sit and listen to the conversation, his head swiveling back and forth from time to time. He really didn't see what was wrong at all, but the fact that everyone was upset was starting to make him a little uneasy.

"...Detention class is bad?"


Territorial Friend


PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 6:56 pm
Valentino had already finished his rant about the injustice of the whole situation, unfortunately, he didn't have anyone to address his rant to, so he had spent the last 15 minutes talking to a very empathetic chair. It had suggested that he start counting to ten every time he was angry.

Valentino then proceeded to count to ten as soon as he entered the front office. He was supposed to wait in a Princess Corner?

Seeing that there was already a sizable contingent of students, including a beast of gargantuan proportions, Valentino knew he was going to have to wait. The pony boy was doing that "pay attention to me" thing he always did. Valentino mused on how many times he was going to have to count to ten in the next few minutes, he guessed 23.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:15 pm
He was glad that everyone else seemed just as miffed as he was, and he felt that they should start a riot. Tip some chairs over and do a sit in…though it sorta was already a sit in when he looked around. Other people were quiet, not bothering to voice their opinions. Crushed souls, no doubt wondering that they would do now that their poetic dreams were lost to the monster –no, he would not side her with HIS kind! – the cold-hearted queen that was Amityville's cruel mistress, Hellma Sox.

When one girl pointed out that it wasn't their fault for using the board, he pointed to her. "Exactly! The board was set up and we used it. It wasn't our fault we had no way of knowing it wasn't official and that, if it wasn't, that it wasn't taken down from the start., and what is WRONG with seeking out romance? HMMMMM?! We're only doing what is in our nature. Everyone deserves to find someone, and aren't we young? Aren't we the type that love songs are written by and for? We shouldn't be punished for having a beating heart…" He looked to some of the undead around him. "…uh, metaphorically speaking."

When he spotted G, he nearly broke down. "G! You big lug of a swamp thing! They got you two! Now that's just the last straw. How could they punish you? You're the farthest away from thinking up dastardly deeds to be punished for." The poor swamp beast looked sad at coming to terms that he was being in detention for something bad. Rushing over to him, he patted the poor guy on the head, making sure to go on his tip toes to do so. (Even sitting, G was massive.)

"There. There. G. Calder is going to let this..this..Hellma Sox hear the voice of the people.
Mess with my romantic endeavors. I bet he's already got a date by now. Damn bulletin board detention." Calder muttered to himself, clenching his fist. If he missed out on that golden opportunity, that moonlight-splashed fantasy he had been treasuring since he dreamed it up several nights ago and even caused him to write that card, he would be putting that woman on his hatred list for the ages.

He turned to his partners in crime. "Why do all the heartless people go unpunished? We at least had the bravery to put our cards up there. What about all the people who defaced them? We're just rewarding bitterness." Go team Romance!  


Romantic Exhibitionist


Friendly Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:42 pm
What had she done wrong? Temes had no earthly idea she'd even gotten herself into trouble until she'd walked past the place where the board had been (she'd forgotten about it during the hustle and bustle of getting ready for the Masque!), and it nearly floored her to find that she'd had her card downright slathered with a note screaming she had detention. She'd nearly exploded right there on the spot, not WANTING to be in trouble for anything, and it took several long swigs of her Thermos to prevent her from emitting another ear-piercing screech of terror (poor kids who happened to be around her - THE NASUEA WILL WEAR OFF SHE SWEARS).

It took about two full Thermos loads to get her towards the office, ever fiber of her being telling her to get away and never return, and Chuppi had to wipe the tears from her dangerously red eyes as she pushed her way in. Thankfully (? should she really be happy?) she wasn't the only student in the room at the time, not to mention she actually knew some of the faces! Seeing G calmed her down a considerable bit and she may have smiled somewhat, though as soon as she remembered she was here to be punished in detention into her mouth went her straw and the loud sounds of sucking instantly filled the air.

Please, please, please let her have enough blood to make it through all of this! Temes didn't know if her small heart could handle all of this.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:00 pm
Israfel was puffed up. Each feather on his face stuck out and both of his wings were frayed. His earwings were at full mast, sharply pointed towards the ceiling. A scowling marred his face. His shoulders hunched, arms crossed.

Israfel was pouting in epic proportions. More then normal epic pouting in any case. Of all the things, his card had been violated, and for just having the proverbial balls to post said card earned him a detention? So, SOOOOO unfair. His diary would hear about this. If he could catch that stupid snake pen that is. It had a habit of hiding under heavy rocks.

His arrival was heralded by Calder's compassionate speech. And some spiny girl clearing having come kind of drinking problem. "Calder, your words are music to my-" His earwings still stood firmly pointed up. He sighed. They would need a good combing later. "Ears, as stiff as they might be. Still, it's better then being told we have to like, go help that creepy groundskeeper clean up the headstones." Princesses could be monsters. He would know. His great-grandma told him all about that Hellen of Troy. And several other human princesses. Monsters of their own race indeed. So a princess corner couldn't be THAT bad.

But blood soaked bandages caught Israfel's attention. The girl he'd seen briefly paired next to his card made Israfel's mind freeze. Her hair was even cuter then he thought it could be. Even if her bandages and hoddie could use a bit of work. "I..uhhhhh..." He was certainly not the most eloquent. "Hello rooftop girl." The failed introduction made him scoot towards the small drinker. She was spiky. Spikes were good deterrents to undead. At least to the vampire kind.  




Trash Husband

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