Hello, everyone. I'm looking for a smidgeon of aid and/or opinions on my new deck, "Army of the Depths III: Heart of Clear Water". This is the third major revision that this deck build has seen, getting its nickname from an old equip spell card of the same name (though there is no connection between that equip spell and this deck.)
CAUTION: This deck contains cards from Starstrike Blast, the upcoming OCG set. I will add links to these cards.
Deck: 42
Monsters: 23
3x Deepsea Macrotrema
3x Fishborg Blaster
3x Golden Flying Fish
3x Oyster Meister
3x Royal Swamp Eel
3x Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth
2x Trust Guardian
3x Unshaven Angler
Spells: 8
1x Brain Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x One for One
2x Pot of Avarice
2x Soul Exchange
Traps: 11
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Call of the Haunted
2x Dark Bribe
3x Fish Depth Charge
2x Starlight Road
1x Mirror Force
Extra Deck: 15
3x Formula Synchron: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Formula_Synchron
3x Stardust Dragon
1x Shooting Star Dragon: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shooting_Star_Dragon
2x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Scar-Red Nova Dragon: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Scar-Red_Nova_Dragon
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Light End Dragon
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
How the deck is supposed to work:
First and foremost, the entire deck's primary objective is to get Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth onto the field as fast as possible. When Coelacanth hits play, activate it's effect to discard from your hand to special summon Fish-type monsters to the field. Now in AotD v1.0 and v2.0, the idea was to double-synchro for two Stardusts or a Stardust and a Thought Ruler.
However, in AotD v3.0, the idea is to search out Royal Swamp Eel, a Level 4 Fish-type (like Golden Flying Fish or Unshaven Angler), Fishborg Blaster, and a Level 1 Fish-type (this deck will be using Deepsea Macrotrema). Synchro Eel and a Level 4 for Stardust Dragon, Synchro Fishborg Blaster and Deepsea Macrotrema for Formula Synchron, then Synchro those together for Shooting Star Dragon.
The reasoning for the splashing of Trust Guardian is due to it being a Level 3 Tuner with a decent effect. Though I'm debating with replacing one of them with Gale. Combined with Fishborg Blaster and using my Coelacanth's swarming ability, I'd be able to get out Scar-Red Nova Dragon almost as easily as Shooting Star. Unfortunately, Level 3 Fish-type tuners don't exist, so I'm forced to splash.
As for running 2 Pot of Avarices... this deck is an engine. An engine with a low-moderate success rate, but an engine nonetheless. If the deck works properly, the deck will be thinned almost as quickly as Lightsworn.
Help Requested:
The biggest concern this deck faces is making sure as many of my monsters stay within the deck as possible until I summon them out with Coelacanth. Any cards that return cards from the hand or graveyard to the deck are greatly beneficial. Even Pot of Generosity would be useful if there was room.
Another concern is actually finding a way to get Coelacanth out as soon as possible without forcing my monsters to change levels (A Legendary Ocean) or without giving my opponent a significant advantage (Mausoleum of the Emperor).
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