Hizuma the Troublesome
Hmm... Just curious. What are the AAA's for? I mean, I can see their use as synchro fodder, but otherwise...not sure.
Otherwise I like how the deck looks.
The original deck was made to abuse Card of Safe Return, and abuse it it did. Umm. Never heard of Batteryman OTK? Using Infernal Reckless Summon and Micro cell to get 3 AAA's in ATK mode for 3000 beats?
You are thinking of AA Axean.
AAA is for Fuel Cell Batterymen. But really I don't think either is needed. Fuel cell is nice. AAA is bollocks without Fuel Cell. And if you don't have 2 fuel cells you end up with a 0 attack monster sitting on your field.
Still though, when they come out I'm going to fool around with them and see if they help, but I don't think they will.
I dunno, maybe I am missing something.