I got this card today and was gonna give it to my friend if it was any good. He runs a morphtronic deck that mixes in cyber dragon/proto cyber dragon so he can make the Chimeratech fusions. He also runs DNA Surgery so he can make all monsters into machines and use the Fortress Dragon to wipe the opponent's field clean. Would this card be any good for him?
CYBER ELTANINLight, level 10, Machine - Effect, ?atk, ?def
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play all LIGHT Machine-Type monsters you control and that are in your Graveyard. This card's ATK and DEF become equal to the number of monsters removed from play when it was Special Summoned x 500. When this card is Special Summoned, send all other face-up monsters on the field to the Graveyard.
also, if this isn't the place for this topic, please feel free to move it.