Np, here's a guide that was posted by the original creator of this deck variant. This should make it very easy to understand.
Royal Magical Library:
Royal Magical Library (RML) draws 1/3 of a card for each spell that is played. You almost HAVE TO SUMMON THIS CARD in order to FTK (which is why I run 3).
Thunder Dragon
This card (Tdrag) is an easy +1 and is a deck thinner. Remember to activate any Thunder Dragon before you activate any draw power cards to prevent drawing duplicates.
Volcanic Shell
This card (Shell) is an easy +1 and is a deck thinner. Activate Shell as early as possible.
Plaguespreader Zombie
Plaguespreader + Royal Magical Library = Tempest Magician.
Hand Destruction
Hand Destruction is a -1, but thins the deck by 2 cards. Best choices for discard (In order from best to worst) are:
Volcanic Shell
Thunder Dragon
Plaguespreader Zombie
any access dead spell
Magical Mallet
You will often find your hand clogged with cards that cannot be activated immediately. When you cannot net advantage with a hand, use Magical Mallet on your ENTIRE HAND for maximum results.
Pot of Avarice
Pot of Avarice (PoA) is a +1 that recycles your Shells and Tdrags. After you have 3 Tdrags and 3 Shells in the grave, activate PoA, targeting 2 Shells and 3 Tdrags. You can then activate the 3rd Shell that was left in your graveyard for another +1.
Toon Table of Contents
This card combos with RML and Magical Citadel of Endymion enough to net a +2 when you get this card to cycle correctly. You search for each Toon Table of Contents (TToC) then you search out Toon World.
Toon World
This card becomes dead if you draw it. You will find that you will Reload or Magical Mallet it most of the time.
See Magical Mallet
Upstart Goblin
I recommend using Magical Mallet/Reload on Upstart Goblin until you have RML AND Magical Citadel of Endymion on the field. This way, if the deck goes off correctly, the opponent takes 500 from it (for adding a counter to Citadel), takes another 200 from it (from Magical Explosion), and you draw 1/3 of a card (RML).
Magical Citadel of Endymion
Part of the obvious win condition.
Card Destruction
Save Card Destruction for the biggest plays you can make. You can drop 2 Tdrags and a dead Shell to draw into a hot Pot of Avarice. Plus, if your opponent is hiding a D.D. Crow, they are forced to drop it.
Foolish Burial
Foolish Burial has 2 targets. Plaguespreader and Shell. Target a Shell early, then activate that Shell to add one to your hand. You thinned your deck by 2 cards without losing any cards.
Search Citadel for deck thinning.
Magical Explosion
50% of the time, Tempest Magician will reduce your opponent to 0. 1 Explosion will be enough if the deck runs properly.
Spell Power Grasp
When activated early, you thin the deck by 1 and draw either 2/3 of a card or 4/3 of a card.
Cup of Ace
Losing the coin flip doesn't really impare you that much. You get a +1 off of this card 50% of the time.
That should cover it quite nicely