Good for you! I pretty much wear my clothes into the ground so I can't really give any away, however I love the idea of giving nice clothes to the salvation army.
They really are nice. The dress shirt looks brand spanking new and the jeans were barely worn and some of them look new. I even have a hockey turtle neck with the tags still on
xd I don't have any brand name Jeans I don't think... Not really expensive ones, but they are still nice quality jeans. I've also got some great fleece tops, really quality shorts from when I was a lifeguard, a beautiful bikini from Aqua Club which I can't believe I had the courage to wear when I was that size. I mean I'm still self0concious in bikinis and I'm 30lbs lighter.
Also, a bit off topic but since I'm in cleaning mode, I'm giving away lots of my pets toys that they don't play with to local rescues.