Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 7:04 pm
monsters 19
3x blackwing-shura the blue flame 3x blackwing-bora the spear 3x blackwing-kalut the moon shadow 3x blackwing-sirocco the dawn 2x blackwing-blizzard the far north 1x blackwing-gale the whirlwind 2x blackwing-vayu the emblem of honor 1x dark grepher 1x dark armed dragon
spells 12
3x black whrlwind 2x allure of darkness 2x book of moon 1x mystical space typhoon 1x brain control 1x mind control 1x gaint trunade 1x heavy storm
traps 9
3x icarus attack 2x royal oppression 2x bottomless trap hole 1x torrential tribute 1x mirror force 1x Trap dustshoot
extra deck
1x blackwing-siverwind the accendant 1x blackwing armor master 2x blackwing armed wing 1x stardust dragon 1x red dragon archfiend 1x Brionic 1x x saber urbellum 1x black rose dragon 1x ally of justice catastor 1x ancient fairy dragon 1x gaia knight force of the earth 1x goyo guadian 1x flamvell uruquizas 1x collosal fighter
side deck
3x gravekeepers spy 1x the dark creator 1x trap dustshoot 1x royal oppression 2x light imprizoning mirror 3x treatening roar 1x lightning vortex 3x kuriboh (go ahead ask away)
Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:29 pm
ile point out the obvious..
+1 Sirocco -1 elphin
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:29 am
Kaptain_Pretty ile point out the obvious.. +1 Sirocco -1 elphin what are you nuts? -1 elphin +1 vayu ------ Vayu has better playability with grave manipulation and swarm. sirroco is never to be more then 2, it may have pump but swarm is the better option. -3 kuriboh +2 Skill Drain(extremely powerful with vayu for field sync, then grave sync.) +1 Lightning/skilldrain
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:25 pm
Fresh Porn Kaptain_Pretty ile point out the obvious.. +1 Sirocco -1 elphin what are you nuts? -1 elphin +1 vayu ------ Vayu has better playability with grave manipulation and swarm. sirroco is never to be more then 2, it may have pump but swarm is the better option. -3 kuriboh +2 Skill Drain(extremely powerful with vayu for field sync, then grave sync.) +1 Lightning/skilldrain LMFAO! Oh god, thank you for that I needed a good laugh.....but seriously, here's something what you deck should look like.... monsters 19 3x blackwing-shura the blue flame 3x blackwing-bora the spear 3x blackwing-kalut the moon shadow 3x blackwing-sirocco the dawn 2x blackwing-blizzard the far north 1x blackwing-gale the whirlwind 2x blackwing-vayu the emblem of honor 1x dark armed dragon 1x D.D Crow spells 12 3x black whrlwind 2x allure of darkness 2x book of moon 1x mystical space typhoon 1x brain control 1x My Body as a Shield 1x heavy storm traps 10 3x icarus attack 2x royal oppression 2x bottomless trap hole 1x torrential tribute 1x mirror force 1x Solemn Judgment That is what the deck should look like, the D.D Crow is optional if you only want to have 40 cards, but this deck can run on 41
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:12 pm
ZanoShiran Fresh Porn Kaptain_Pretty ile point out the obvious.. +1 Sirocco -1 elphin what are you nuts? -1 elphin +1 vayu ------ Vayu has better playability with grave manipulation and swarm. sirroco is never to be more then 2, it may have pump but swarm is the better option. -3 kuriboh +2 Skill Drain(extremely powerful with vayu for field sync, then grave sync.) +1 Lightning/skilldrain LMFAO! Oh god, thank you for that I needed a good laugh.... 2 is enough. 3 is excessive and uneccessary. you want swarm with BW not a hand with a tribute you can't use while you have a swarm. Its a waste. 2 is enough for pump combos and allure fodder. Why would you need more?. Now as for your deck list you posted.besides the sirocco, why only run 1 my body. side deck 3rd icarus in case of mirror match and swarm deck like LS.
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:38 pm
Fresh Porn ZanoShiran Fresh Porn Kaptain_Pretty ile point out the obvious.. +1 Sirocco -1 elphin what are you nuts? -1 elphin +1 vayu ------ Vayu has better playability with grave manipulation and swarm. sirroco is never to be more then 2, it may have pump but swarm is the better option. -3 kuriboh +2 Skill Drain(extremely powerful with vayu for field sync, then grave sync.) +1 Lightning/skilldrain LMFAO! Oh god, thank you for that I needed a good laugh.... 2 is enough. 3 is excessive and uneccessary. you want swarm with BW not a hand with a tribute you can't use while you have a swarm. Its a waste. 2 is enough for pump combos and allure fodder. Why would you need more?. Now as for your deck list you posted.besides the sirocco, why only run 1 my body. side deck 3rd icarus in case of mirror match and swarm deck like LS. You don't know BW at all do you? 3 sirocco is staple, no excuse. Even if your hand is 3 sirocco, all your opponent has to do is summon or set at least 1 monster and you're golden. Not to mention, with BWW, it goes down the ladder and grabs any other BW you are running. Plus, this deck isn't so much a swarm deck anymore as much as it's a control deck this format. 1 MBaaS is fine, any more is overkill and can cost you more lp than you need to spend with oppression and solemn already in the deck. 3 icarus should also be staple, there aren't many cards in this deck, if any that are good enough to replace what it does.
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:05 pm
fresh porn is right (and probably knows blackwings better than you do), 2 sirocco is more than enough; 3 is just asking for trouble
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:14 pm
RandallTheGreenGeek fresh porn is right (and probably knows blackwings better than you do), 2 sirocco is more than enough; 3 is just asking for trouble Have either of you EVER played competitively with BW? Go look at ANY good BW deck this format, all of them have 3 sirocco. Why? because this card is God! It is not the sole basis of the deck, but I'd rather have my chances of drawing it at the highest possible chance rather than not. Besides, what in gods name could possibly replace a 3rd sirocco in a BW deck? There isn't anything that you couldn't already fit into the deck that could possibly take priority over a 3rd.
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:20 pm
ZanoShiran RandallTheGreenGeek fresh porn is right (and probably knows blackwings better than you do), 2 sirocco is more than enough; 3 is just asking for trouble Have either of you EVER played competitively with BW? Go look at ANY good BW deck this format, all of them have 3 sirocco. Why? because this card is God! It is not the sole basis of the deck, but I'd rather have my chances of drawing it at the highest possible chance rather than not. Besides, what in gods name could possibly replace a 3rd sirocco in a BW deck? There isn't anything that you couldn't already fit into the deck that could possibly take priority over a 3rd. first off, i face off against at least 3 blackwing decks each week at my local tournament, so don't say i haven't played against them competitively. second, all those BW players are pros, and they only use 2 siroccos because they understand that while sirocco is good for powering up other BWs, 2 is perfect since it gives them room for an extra vayu (or dark grepher, depending on the player's preferences)
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:31 pm
RandallTheGreenGeek ZanoShiran RandallTheGreenGeek fresh porn is right (and probably knows blackwings better than you do), 2 sirocco is more than enough; 3 is just asking for trouble Have either of you EVER played competitively with BW? Go look at ANY good BW deck this format, all of them have 3 sirocco. Why? because this card is God! It is not the sole basis of the deck, but I'd rather have my chances of drawing it at the highest possible chance rather than not. Besides, what in gods name could possibly replace a 3rd sirocco in a BW deck? There isn't anything that you couldn't already fit into the deck that could possibly take priority over a 3rd. first off, i face off against at least 3 blackwing decks each week at my local tournament, so don't say i haven't played against them competitively. second, all those BW players are pros, and they only use 2 siroccos because they understand that while sirocco is good for powering up other BWs, 2 is perfect since it gives them room for an extra vayu (or dark grepher, depending on the player's preferences) 1. Pro is a subjective word, anyone can say they are, that doesn't mean **** unless you have credentials. 2. Since when has there been a space issue for a second vayu? refer to my build above plz. 3. Dark Grepher.....proof right there that they have no idea what they are doing..... That's the thing right there. You play AGAINST BW decks, you do not play it yourself however. Anyone who actually knows what they are doing knows this card is a staple at 3, that is not an opinion, it is a fact. Like I said, tell me one card that can replace a 3rd sirocco in the deck that doesn't already fit into the deck.
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:41 pm
no, i suppose i don't play a blackwing deck (nor shall i ever, no originality found with BWs), and perhaps "pro" was too subjective in describing my friends. it's just that i've seen more than my fair share of them, and they all run 2 siroccos and dark grepher, with impressive results. just sharing an honest opinion, that's all. in either case, i say just let the guy run his deck the way he sees fit
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 7:49 pm
RandallTheGreenGeek no, i suppose i don't play a blackwing deck (nor shall i ever, no originality found with BWs), and perhaps "pro" was too subjective in describing my friends. it's just that i've seen more than my fair share of them, and they all run 2 siroccos and dark grepher, with impressive results. just sharing an honest opinion, that's all. in either case, i say just let the guy run his deck the way he sees fit Perhaps, but I'm stating a fact of life rather than an opinion. There is no good reason to not run 3 sirocco in this format, and there sure as **** isn't a good reason to run grepher. There isn't space issue for sirocco, it doesn't slow you down at all, and it runs over almost any 4 star monster you opponent has on the field for you to summon it, plus, it's a gateway monster to any other BW in the deck with BWW and allows for extra summons via Bora and gale, while making an ungodly pump for super pierce.
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:01 pm
"fact of life"? IT'S A CHILDREN'S CARD GAME. (dont sue me, LittleKuriboh lol)
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:02 pm
RandallTheGreenGeek fact of life? it's A CHILDREN'S CARD GAME. (dont sue me, LittleKuriboh) HEY! This is a very serious children's card game! The fate of the world has been decided by dueling since the dawn of time!
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 8:04 pm
ZanoShiran RandallTheGreenGeek fact of life? it's A CHILDREN'S CARD GAME. (dont sue me, LittleKuriboh) HEY! This is a very serious children's card game! The fate of the world has been decided by dueling since the dawn of time! and you watch too much anime =/