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Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:34 am
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Welcome to Epee's Fail Boat, feel free to have a nosey around. If you can't see anything that takes your fancy from the featured soquili then feel free to hunt around in my teepee.

Please don't come here seeking out breeding partners, I really hate it when people do that. Plotting does not equate to babies, okay?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:57 am
Relationship Status of Soquili
...People dwell on this a lot apparently...

Ambroise - Lifemated to Elizabeth
Ashura - Paired with Toujours?
Azelle - Paired with Chetan
Aziza - Single
Azumoth - Lifemated to Bella
Azzinoth - Single
Biscuit - Paired with Ambala
Cloud - Lifemated to Tifa
Comply or Die, Hastings - Paired with Raines
Cyn Generis - Lifemated to Kalila
Daevyn - Single
Equinox - Single
Esper - Paired with Rosalia
Fenghuang - Besotted with Anelisse
Francesca: - Single
Grencia - Lifemated to Yei Umeko
Honeycomb - Paired with Azuell
Kiyoshi Yukio - Paired with Anemone
Kozue - Single
Latika - Single
Mariasha - Single
Farsiris - Paired with Houjin
Nan Fang Zhu Que - Paired with Malta
Paramekia - Lifemated to Ailurinae
Penance - Lifemated to Numielle
Persaeus - Single
Puchi Puri - Paired with Ornias
Raines - Paired with Hastings
Raniero - Lifemated to Marut
Resynn - Single
Seishuku - Lifemated to Nuriko
Shizukii - Single
Solstis - Single
Sparkles - Single
Suppression - Paired with Kahiau
Sylph Forcas - N/A
Yei Umeko - Lifemated to Grencia
Basket - N/A


If you cannot see a soquili listed here that you wish to RP with, then please consult my teepee for information on them. Even if the soquili isn't listed I usually don't turn people down!


Epine de Rose

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:13 am
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Name: Resynn
Title: The Kingslayer
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant Wind (Hawkstrider)
Former Herd: N/A
Position in Herd: N/A
Occupation: Warlock

Most Notable Features: Massive wings, rather "interesting" hairstyle, glowing eyes.

Best Suited For: TBA
Not Suited For: TBA

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:17 am
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Name: Shizukii
Title: The Kingslayer
Gender: Female
Species: Kirin
Former Herd: N/A
Position in Herd: N/A
Occupation: Priestess

Most Notable Features: Scales, Horn, Lion Tail

Best Suited For: TBA
Not Suited For: TBA


1. It's in the way you roll your "R"s
Shizukii was outcast as a child from her herd, her parents ashamed of her for her rebellious and questionnable tendencies. She was later taken into a military fold, raised and disciplined in a manner that ensured she knew the error of her ways. During this time she was required to adapt and change to fit in with their ideals though and one of these was to overcome the language barrier.

Musical by nature, she can speak a variety of languages and would gladly take the opportunity to bestow her knowledge upon others. If your soquili wants to learn a foreign tongue then she may very well know it. She's more than happy to teach both adult and foal alike but at present she does have a tendency to wander about so one would need to be quick to anchor her down with a student.

2. It's in the way you move...
Once upon a time this kirin used to storm about her home with reckless abandon. She tore up the ground beneath her, destroyed the vulnerable foliage and held little regard for what lay around her. War and a new family have sobered her, so much so that she has gained a true understanding of nature. It may have taken her many years but after considerable training she has mastered her art - she can walk upon the water and glide across the meadows so delicately that her footsteps are no more than a whisper.


It's all through meditation. She has a tendency to move around but if an individual wished to learn how to find some form of inner peace (or at least control) then she would be more than happy to guide them. Please note she's not going to lecture them or give them strict direction, her guidance will be more gentle than that.

3. Your Ideas?
Hit me up, she's fairly new and I only have limited ideas for her at the moment until I'm more comfortable with all my new arrivals.

Epine de Rose

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:47 am
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Name: Persaeus - "Persy"
Title: The Rebel
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn

Former Herd: N/A
Position in Herd: N/A
Occupation: Rake

Most Notable Features: Punk hairstyle, bright red coat.

Unpredictable is definitely how Persaeus would be described - he can seem considerate one moment and do a complete 180 in the next. He is loyal and proud of his family but that is it - he has no regard for those who lack his blood or superior ancestry. However, when it is of benefit to him he can be a complete charmer and thrives in social circles - he has no issue winning over mare after mare and has long since come to the conclusion that the majority are loose and nothing more than commodities.

Mares are merely conquests to him, they will never be his equal.

He has a great love of power and likes nothing more than to prove his superiority either directly or through subtle manipulation. When it comes to stallions he's happy to compete with them (if they are amiable) or he'll annihilate them. He won't murder them but he has nothing against seducing the mare they have their eye on to point out that he IS better than them! Alternatively, when it comes to mares he likes to lure them into a false sense of security - he'll help them acquire something they want most and it will APPEAR to be for free until the day he comes calling for repayment, though what the price is is debatable and not always the same for each individual.

That being said there are moments when he can be completely amiable. If an individual catches him in one of his generous moods he can be a rather genuine creature - he has a considerable level of intelligence and while this is usually used to best and manipulate there are moments when he is completely decent (a surprise to most). He can be patient and he can listen when he wants to. He seems to have a knack for giving good advice as well, a staggering revelation to his siblings no less who would often regard him as a rather mindless and lusty rake!

He has a healthy relationship and sense of competition with his siblings and while some may regard their challenges as questionnable in terms of sanity, he is very proud of where he comes from and who he is related to. He is well known for saying that hell will freeze over before he settles down, though he doesn't hold either of his two elder brothers to this. He is happy that they have found what brings them great pleasure and joy even if he does believe they have been shackled for all eternity!

Best Suited For:Family Roleplay, Tough Love, Persistant/Talkative Soquili, School-Girl crushes, brief flings (no children involved), competitive Roleplay.
Not Suited For: Evil Soquili, Rude Soquili, Hard-Line Feminist Mares



1. Friends!
If you can prove your worth to him, you could be his buddy! Of course, you'd have to understand that he's top dog. <.<;

2. The Casanova
He adores consorting with mares and gains great pleasure out of his escapades. He'll never see a mare other than his sisters and mother as equals, but he's certainly content to humour them to gain something out of it himself. He's the idle high-school crush and is guaranteed to break plenty of hearts as he mounts up the number of notches on his bed post.

3. Make Overs?
Persaeus knows what males want and he knows how a mare can attain it (himself excluded). More often than not he gets a kick out of turning ugly ducklings into gorgeous swans, after all, it's nice to have multiple favours to pull in as an when they're needed. Please note he does nothing for free, though it may seem this way until the day he calls in his repayment.

4. Your Ideas?
I'm always open to ideas. =3
PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:53 am
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Name: Sylph Forcas
Title: The Overlord
Gender: Male
Species: 1/2 Regular, 1/2 Mutant

Former Herd: N/A
Position in Herd: Overlord of the Knights of the Claw
Occupation: Soldier

Most Notable Features: Silver Gauntlets, Rams Horns, Soul Orbs, Monstrous height
Sylph Forcas is the third and youngest son to Bella and Azumoth; blessed with the skills of both his mother and father. At his birth, fate smiled kindly upon him and given that his twin brothers had silenced Kiyoshi, he was not bound by blood to spiral into the depths of despair and madness as they had been forced to battle. As a consequence, he was educated carefully and both parents sought to make him as happy and as comfortable as possible without causing complete ruination - Azumoth sought to make him powerful and intelligent, while his mother preached understanding and mercy.

However, it became apparent from the outset that Sylph Forcas was considerably more driven and decisive than his brothers. While Azuell was sloth like (with a deep appreciation for good) and Penance was the ever romantic hero; Sylph found his interests lay elsewhere. He had no desire for romance and while his apetitie was healthy he by no means took unnecessary pleasure in his meals. Consequently he sought out other means of satisfaction and it quickly became apparent that he was well suited to the role of the soldier.

Diligent, intelligent and monstrously strong due to the mutated blood that coursed within; he would become one of the most fiercesome 'weapons' in the province if he took the right paths. He consulted his father on this and having discussed this issue for a number of days they concluded that the best course of action would be for him to study and gain experience in more complex issues elsewhere - this came in the form of his father's former and very prejudice herd.

It was in this herd, that Sylph Forcas made his name.

He is not by nature a ferocious creature, on the contrary he is a very amiable individual and has no desire to find conflict. However, he and his behaviour are often misinterpreted as hostile - where some might seek to be sociable he prefers to watch. Where some might seem to partake in sports, he refrains to ensure he does not 'outshine' the untrained. Intellectual conversation is a chore as those who mince their words and use the wrong vocabulary are subject to his correction. For all intents and purposes he is aloof, pompous and just a little bit of a smart a**. However, Sylph is not as pompous and aloof as he is perceived to be - for those who are aware of his reasoning for avoiding such forms of entertainment he is well known for his consideration for others. Unfortunately outside of this quiet consideration for others he deems more vulnerable than he, or less competant, he is renowned for being rather particular.

He is incredibly critical of those who regard themselves as 'above others' without proof. He regards most individuals as his equal in some form; what they may lack in physical perfection they can make up for elsewhere. Unfortunately due to his critical nature there are occasions when he is prone to correcting people - his particular pet hate is the misuse of words and his friends and family often tease him for being a walking dictionary! That being said, he is more tolerant to developing foals when it comes to misuse and is more gentle with his corrections in that regard, he only becomes scathing with adults who appear to have lacked a suitable education.

Alongside this he is exceptionally disciplined and lives by his own set code. He has no desire to consort with females on a physical level though he can recognise a diamond of the first water when he sees one and as a consequence he is modest of the deeds he performs. Please note that he by no means hates females, he recognises that they can possess good qualities but he is also aware that they can be exceptionally manipulative or used against the wishes of their beau. For the sake of self preservation and the preservation of his troops, he believes celibacy is a much safer option for all parties.

He has a set routine as well, he spars regularly with his comrades and has a great appreciation for long walks. He has a tendency to pop up unannounced, anywhere due to his wanderings and more often than not he has a habit of catching his new aspirants unaware and up to no good! This aside, though he might punish his troops for their deeds, he does have a very dry sense of humour (and on rare occasions a twisted one). He is as patient as he is diligent and will calmly converse with any individual in order to ensure that a place remains safe. Chaos and crises do not cause him discomfort or panic - he thrives instead.

Well educated and intelligent, he is also exceptionally quick to formulate plans and generally makes the right choices. This isn't to say he doesn't mess up on occasions (everyone does) but more often than not his judgement proves to be right. He is decisive and once his decision is made it is nearly always final.

Fiercely loyal, he would lay his life down for his family and his herd.

Unlike his father he is more considerate towards certain races. While he is by no means tempted to consort with Kalona (a loathe species by his bloodline) he is of the understanding that some are not as vicious as their breathren. This does NOT mean he approves of relationships with them, he would still be strongly against any of his family being involved with a Kalona and like his father, would gladly disown them. Do not interpret diplomacy and toelrance for acceptance when it comes to Sylph Forcas or you will find yourself in dire straights.

On a more secretive level, Sylph is rather sensitive about his height but his reasoning behind this remains a well guarded secret!

Best Suited For: Family Roleplay, Tough Love, Military, Diplomatic, Adventurous Foals
Not Suited For: Evil Soquili, Rude Soquili



1. Recruits:
He's always looking for aspiring recruits for the Knighthood. He is of course very particular in who he chooses and places his trust in. Anything flighty and in it for the glory so they can attract females need not apply!

2. Allies:
What's a knight hood without it's allies. While Islagiatt has a number of herds that it aligns itself with, Sylph is not against having individuals who are allied to it as well. On occasions the Nomadic prove to be the most useful.

3. An Inspiration?
Sylph Forcas is first and foremost, a knight. He is sworn to protect and guard his herd with his life. He has fought many battles and strives constantly to ensure the supremacy of his order and the quality of it's recruits. He is firm in his ways, strict in his beliefs and renowned for his discipline. In every respect he would be regarded as a romantic hero but he remains modest and denies such remarks. I would love for him to have the opportunity to inspire young foals to achieve their goals - whether they be male or female.

4. Seduced?!
Not a chance. But I would absolutely love to watch the mares try, as he has informed the notorious matchmaker Yei Umeko, hell would freeze over before he wed. However he is a rather handsome stallion and he will cause a mare to swoon every now and again with his heroic tales - why not give the young mares a chance to try their luck?

This role is probably a fantastic opportunity for anyone seeking to have their mare experience a teenage crush of some sort. It's highly likely it will never be reciprocated and her heart will most likely be broken but it's always a good learning experience to have them, nyah? Afterall, there's nothing like the opportunity to tell your children about the male who you thought was perfect until you met your mate! 8D

5. Reality Checks
He doesn't handle cheek well and with his viper tongue and high intelligence he's ideal for putting people firmly in their place, if only for the brief period that he's around. Good for those seeking to make their egotistical stallions and mares see the error of their ways (if only for a brief moment!)

6. Your Ideas?
I'm always open to ideas. =3

Epine de Rose

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:53 am
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Name: Francesca
Title: The Little One
Gender: Female
Species: Usdia
Former Herd: N/A
Position in Herd: N/A
Occupation: "Super hero"

Most Notable Features: N/A
Personality: TBA

Best Suited For:Family Roleplay, Persistant/Talkative Soquili, competitive Roleplay.
Not Suited For: Evil Soquili, Rude Soquili


1. Friends!
I want friends, lotsa friends! Big horses, little horses, good horses and bad horses. The only individuals who need not apply are those who would actually cause her harm. Sorry folks, the girl is already set to go through a lot of turmoil in regards to her family so I want her to have a nice little support network rather than too much abuse. However I do want her to have a variety of friends so those with more manipulative/questionnable personalities are frowned upon in this situation so long as they can tolerate her little eccentricities.

2. Bigger doesn't mean better!
She may be small but that doesn't mean she's less of a soquili than anyone else. Aware of her tiny stature from birth, she strives to prove that she's just as good (if not better) than any average sized soquili. I'd love for her to meet competitive soquili in every respect so if they think they're prettier, stronger, smarter or excel at anything else then they'll be perfect. I don't mind if she loses but I'd adore it if she won at least every now and again just for the cute factor (even if the soquili loses on purpose)!

3. I'm going to be a super hero!
No, really. Fran wants nothing more than to be a super hero and is willing to do 'heroic' deeds in recognition. Where this idea came from remains to be seen but consider this much like a girl scout; an adult gives her a task to do and she does it. I intend to have it that she develops this quality a little more as she grows older and recognises that it's a more charitable venture but for now I'll let her think she's a super hero. <3

4. Family Roleplay
Goes without saying. x3
PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:55 am
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Name: Solstice
Title: The Philosopher
Gender: Male
Species: 1/2 Angeni, 1/2 Regular
Former Herd: N/A
Position in Herd: N/A
Occupation: Philosopher

Most Notable Features: Colour Blindness (Deuteranomaly), Angeni Wings
It should be noted that Solstice is first and foremost colour-blind, he is incapable of distinguishing the colour green and difficulty in differentiating the various hues of red - therefore offering him descriptions of creatures or objects in terms of their colour is usually a pointless exercise. That being said he is acutely aware of their shape, size and even their weight on occasions and therefore he can distinguish things from that. Due to the nature of his 'illness' he can often be sombre when faced with flowers (a flora his family have an affinity towards) but does not regard them with bitterness. He sees the beauty in all things though generally from a more skewed angle as he can not always rely solely on appearance.

He is naturally astute, well taught by both of his parents and the herd in which he has travelled to and from as he ages. Consequently, he enjoys more intellectual pursuits than physical and prefers to leave the sports and competition to his beloved sister. That being said he is by no means weak and maintains an admirable level of fitness, however his prowess is far lacking in comparison to those who would focus entirely on their sports and competitions.

He adores a good discussion and is far more inclined to observe those around him rather than interrupt them.

Given his background he treats everyone with the respect afforded to him, he doesn't command it but he certainly appreciates it. He generally treats individuals in the same manner as they treat him, with the exception of those who are deliberately cruel and inconsiderate (in which case, he'll generally be as polite as possible before excusing himself).

Best Suited For: TBA
Not Suited For: Evil Soquili, Rude Soquili


1. Study Buddy
I always like my soquili to have at least one close friend, in the case I think it's best if Solstice actually found his friend through studying. I don't mean they have to be total bookworms, his friend could have an adventurous streak and drag him off to explore. Either way, I'd like him to find someone he can relate to outside of his sister and someone who can look at his colour blindness as a matter of interest rather than a disability.

2. Arctic Explorers
Solstice often travels between Islagiatt and his homelands, receiving lessons from both the elders in Islagiatt and his parents. From Islagiatt he will hear tales of the far reaches of the north and the Arctic Circle where the most dramatic scenary and fascinating creatures wander. Ideally, I'd like him to have a partner in this little escapade - it doesn't matter what gender they are they just need to have a little bit of savvy, an adventurous streak and have the ability to watch his back. Rest assured, he'll watch their's too!

Be wary, there'll be broken ice fields, hidden crevaces and even polar bears so the faint hearted need not apply!

(Bless is coming on this one, others welcome too though so long as they don't intend to be a know-it-all and spoil the fun. ^o^)

3. They call them camels...
From one extreme to the other, Solstice wants to see the world and when he returns from the Arctic he would love to see the deserts. Admittedly, it would be best if the other Soquili had wings so they could explore farther reaches than one on foot could. I don't mind if this is the same partner as before, it can be an entirely different one (or more could join in with the travels too) but once again, it'd be great if he could have someone to watch his back.

Please be aware these journeys take place when he's a teenager and in the process of coming of age, he is not going to be doing them as a baby!

4. Friends, Allies, All that jazz!
You know the drill. =)

Epine de Rose

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:23 pm
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Name: Aziza
Title: The Seamstress
Gender: Female
Species: Regular
Former Herd: N/A
Position in Herd: N/A
Occupation: "Tailor"

Most Notable Features: Mask and Clothes
It should be noted that Aziza has lived her life in the constant presence of humans. She was raised as a foal by the humans she now lives with and as a consequence was taken from her homeland (France) when they chose to move to the colonies to start a new life. Due to this sheltered nature she is rather tame and pampered in comparison to Kawani soquili - she adores her home comforts and doesn't really have any concept of surviving on her own. She doesn't know how to scavenge for food and will generally stay near her home so that she can receive her food each night.

That being said she is naturally astute and learns things very quickly. She enjoys learning and while she won't wander into extreme territory she will potter about here and there in an attempt to explore. She is a sociable creature and enjoys the company of other soquili though she does have a tendency to be vague about many topics. However, in a land where French is not the native tongue she struggles to communicate and as a result she may seem a little withdrawn and uncertain as to how to approach another until she can grasp a way of conversing with them.

It is safe to assume that she is a natural romantic and does have the tendency to get rather carried away in some circumstances. However, unless a stallion is prepared to live her way of life it is highly likely she wouldn't commit to them in any great way. She isn't flighty and is careful in many respects even when she consorts with males (should she like them) so it would be inaccurate to refer to her as loose but accidents do happen on occasions and even she is aware of that!

Best Suited For:Family Roleplay, Persistant/Talkative Soquili, Shy Soquili, Stubborn Soquili - She's basically an all rounder.
Not Suited For: Violent Soquili


1. Welcome!
As a foreign soquili who has lived her life within the colonies, it'd be nice for her to meet some locals. She's a pampered soquili to a degree and enjoys her home comforts but she will explore various areas with encouragement.

2. Teach me your language!
She's french and has yet to completely learn the Kawani language, adult she may be but it'd be nice for her to have a teacher to help her converse with the locals.

3. A little stitching...
Aziza is a mare who is owned by a blacksmith and a seamstress, the pair of humans have a great love for their own occupations. As a consequence they have branched out into providing assistance to the strange soquili who already seem to have clothes (or are in need of them). SO - if you happen to have a soquili who needs their clothes mended or wants to have an IC reason behind their clothes then Aziza can help. She's always up for selling her humans' wares!

4. Friends, Enemies and so forth!
This should be self explanatory!

5. Your Ideas?
Always up to hearing other ideas. 8D
PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 6:41 am
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Name: Azzinoth
Title: The Physician
Gender: Male
Species: "Mutant" Unicorn
Former Herd: N/A
Position in Herd: N/A
Occupation: Doctor

Most Notable Features: Glowing eyes, ghost-like wisps, elongated horn, fluffy tail.

Azzinoth is an incredibly shy and unassuming stallion. He does not handle compliments well and will usually shrug them off regardless of whether he is deserving of them or not. He prefers to bolt from soquili as opposed to socialising and is rather bad at conversing - this antisocial behaviour is down to self confidence and issues that deeply affected him in the past. He wasn't always so shy but in order to protect himself he has become significantly more insular. He is rather appalling company for those who do manage to corner him as he doesn't excel at the Kawani language and would prefer to remain in solitude but good manners will compel him to do his best until the other grows bored.

That being said, beneath this shy nature there lies a very competant and determined doctor. When his skills are required he will never be shy, he will never hesitate. When he is needed he will provide his assistance without question and will ensure that his patients survive. This is the one area in which he truly shines and reveals a more confident side. However, it should be noted that he will not chit-chat either, anything he does say will generally be in relation to the patients health and follow up treatment and care.

There are occasions when he can demonstrate a surprising amount of courage though. It is rarely shown and Islagiatt can profess to never seeing it but when pushed he can make his opinions and stance very clear. He may rarely speak, but when he does he is never ignored.

Though it is unknown to him he DOES have a tendency to sleep walk, during this period he converses as though awake but the difference is that he appears to be much more confident. His social skills are rather staggering as his subconcious takes hold and he can be surprisingly flirtatious. Unfortunately, he doesn't actually remember these encounters when he wakes up and if he does, he generally puts them down to being a rather chattery dream. It is said that if he was ever to encounter someone he had met in a 'dream', the results might be rather startling!

Best Suited For: All Rounder
Not Suited For: Violent Soquili


1. An Apple a Day...
Does not keep the doctor away! Azzinoth is a doctor by profession and excels in this area. Whether a soquili needs counselling or treatment for their wounds, he's there to offer his assistance. If you're in need of a doctor for whatever the reason then given me a holler, he's never one to turn away someone in need EVEN if they're Kalona.

2. Kawani 101
Azzinoth is Japanese, he speaks Japanese and has learnt to speak some chinese. Outside of this he has picked up some necessary phrases to survive in the Kawani but his conversation and accent aren't the best. I'd like him to meet someone who could teach him Kawani - a stallion would probably be easier for him to deal with but I'm not adverse to a mare either. - Self RP, Shizukii (Will also teach him Russian)

3. You Sleep-Walk, really?
Self explanatory, an opportunity during the night for soquili to bump into a less shy doctor. He probably won't treat you for your wounds but he'd definitely be in a more pelasant mood!

4. Family RP
Self explanatory!

Epine de Rose

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:46 am
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Name: Equinox
Title: The Relentless
Gender: Female
Species: Regular
Former Herd: Islagiatt
Position in Herd: N/A
Occupation: Unknown

Most Notable Features: N/A
Personality: TBA

Best Suited For:All-Rounder
Not Suited For: All-rounder


1. Friends/Acquaintances
This girl's plots are decidedly unpleasant and she is under extreme pressure all the time not just from her grandfather, but also from herself. I'd really like for her to have friends of all creeds that she can rely on in different ways - let them be mer, usdia, kalona or normal, she's not inclined to judge. Encountering soquili with other takes on life would be an invaluable thing for her and perhaps the more brash or brutal of the sort can bring some home truths that the more gentle would be adversed to trying for fear of upsetting her.

Alignment wise I'm not fussy, good/neutral/evil will suit but the evil would have to be under the condition that they aren't a violent sort. They can be entitled to their own questionnable views in a manner of speaking (as she's neutral herself) but meetings would only occur on the condition she was unharmed.

Gender is not important, as I said, soquili of any creed can apply.

2. Can you keep a secret?
Equinox is part Kalona, her blood is very diluted but she tries desperately to hide the truth for fear of ridicule. She aspires to prove her grandfather wrong and if people should discover her real heritage she would most certainly feel an added weight to her shoulders. I'd like for someone to find out and hopefully be able to keep it a secret - someone trustworthy would be ideal for this one, she needs the added support of the knowledge that there are nice soquili in this world who won't immediately judge her bloodline like her grandfather does. Eponine (Uta)

3. A prospective husband...
From a young age, Equinox's grandfather will make it very clear that she will never amount to anything and nor will she attract a male. She's determined to prove him wrong in this and will 'set her cap' for males she considers suitable for the role of mate. If you'd like your stallion to have her turn her attention to him in this manner please let me know, thing of it as a crush plot in the sense that nothing will come of it.

THIS IS NOT A BREEDING PLOT - She just needs suitable candidates to try for, these can even be taken males which she can then discover are spoken for. Plot wise I need to have her spot and consider different males though for the different qualities they possess and the reasons they don't suit her. This in turn will help her grow and develop so I can move her down other pathways.

4. My Shadow...
At some point in her adulthood she's going to suffer an extreme accident which will ultimately cause her herd to pronounce her dead. She isn't dead though and is rescued by a colonial man. She's tended to in the middle of the colonies and is in a manner of speaking domesticated just a touch. For a time she's content to wander about as a domesticated mare and takes refuge in the lowlands. This is a period when she will pay ANY price not to be discovered by Islagiatt as she has failed and can't bare to face everyone - in essence she is happy to be assumed dead.

During this period I'd like her to meet other lowland and travelling soquili so that she can make further friends in her more melancholy state. She can perhaps encounter some of her old friends as well after they've gotten wind that she's 'died' - it'd be interesting to see if they could keep it secret!

5. Family Roleplay
Goes without saying. x3
PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 8:40 am
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Name: Daevyn
Title: The Untamed
Gender: Male
Species: Regular
Former Herd: N/A
Position in Herd: N/A
Occupation: Berserker

Most Notable Features: Very, very bright coat.

Best Suited For: TBA
Not Suited For: TBA


Epine de Rose

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:27 am
Azzi added to thread, further details to be added soon. <3  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:30 am
Equinox and Sol added. 8D  

Epine de Rose

Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:27 am
THEY GREW UP!!!! 8D *Dork*  
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