Yea, it sux.
But, just tell people to go skrew a tree and blow a horse.
If they want to be crackwhores, we'll just let them make fools of themselves.
Then laugh in their faces when karma kicks in it's beautiful powers.
Totally agree with this, jus b/c Goths are dark, depressed, and some misunderstood and frighteningly evil, doesn't mean that they get to judge us by our personalities and different characters........
talk2hand For example: Preps; they are all scanks, whores, and such. Why, u ask? B/c they mis-judge us in a way that the mind defines as "racisim", jus not by the kind of species we are but by our appearences and hobbies. We do the same; the are rich snobs who don't deserve anything in their lives. The ppl who have NeVeR worked a single day in their lives w/out coaxing someone else to do it for them. Why should we stand back and watch but do nothing about this?? 0o?
neutral The times these events are at their worst are high school; yes, the time for all of our teenage glorys to be fulfilled. Once Senior yr comes around, they go behind our backs and cause our future to be "uncertain"; to be doubtful of our own abilities and statistics.......
stare I tell you my fellow comrads, how far will we let this go??? 0o???
emo [steps down from soapbox]