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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:19 pm
Skylar is bullied 24/7. He never gets good grades, and he is no good at talking to the ladies. Everyone at school calls him "Loser Skylar". At his school, Kamijo High, he is in the lowest class, Class F, who is known to house delinquents and dumb students alike. Although it seems as if his life can't get any worse, The hottest and smartest guy in school has suddenly started taking a liking to him. Himeji Kitomura, a student of Class A, known for the rich and elite, has begun to follow him around. He keeps telling himself to ignore Himeji...but it's kind of hard to do that when he follows you everywhere! Skylar is determined to ignore the guy.....But will he be able to last the whole school year??! Let the love battle ensue!
PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:21 pm
I know this is boring...but please bear with me.

-Please follow the Gaia ToS.
-Nothing over PG-13 ^^' That includes NO CYBERING.
-This is a Semi-Literate RP, So please keep posts above a paragraph (5 sentences)
-Just for those who are curious, I would really like this to be a Comedy/School Life/Romance so please keep to the theme. "No aliens from outer space abductions" O.o lol
-When you post, Please post picture and name along with it....It's funner that way ^^'
-Please PM me your profiles! And do not post until i have given you the "OK" to do so.



PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:40 pm
(I've added a few things for Himeji that I would like. I don't want to "Make" your characters for you, so for the rest of the stuff, post anything you want. Go Wild ^^ lol.)

User Image
Name:Skylar Yutari
Class:Class F
Personality: Goofy in situations, Overall A nice guy, Tends to be pushed around alot, Dumb.
History:Skylar comes from a normal family with parents and an older sister. He comes from little money, and he could be considered lower "Middle-class"...on the verge of poor.Even since Skylar was in elementary school, he was picked on by many of his classmates. Although he doesn't think of it as getting picked on; He thinks of it as helping others out. If people told him to do something, then he would do it. That's how dumb he is. When Choosing a high school, he acually wanted to go to Motoke High...because of a girl he liked. But his parnets, believing in his idiocy, wanted a smarter son, so they insted signed him up for Kamijo High where they made him study his butt off in order to get to Class A. He told his parents it was impossible.....and he was right. He scored the lowest test score out of the whole entire school...Really, it would have been better if he just didn't show up and took a "0". Not to his classmates and parents surprise, He landed himself In Class F along with keeping his title from elementary and middle school, "Loser Skylar". He's fine with this; He used to it anyhow. But latly, strang things have been happening....
Orientation:Uke (Although he doesn't know it yet lol)

Name:Himeji Kitomura
Class:Class A
Appearance:User Image
Personality: Himeji is a very nice guy when you first meet him. He has a very likable personality... at least, to everyone that he isn't very deeply involved with. He does many different things and is almost always the top and what he does. He is well liked and friends with everyone. He's even a teacher's pet, but no one would ever think of calling him that, since he's so well loved. But, when you get to know him really well, his personality takes a stark change. He is all of a sudden very cold at times, and can turn into such a flirtatious tease. He can be a jerk when when he's like this, but he never is like this in public. So far, no one in his life has scraped at him enough to get past his walls and reveal his true self. His true self is very promiscuous and seemingly uncaring and insensitive. He isn't used to hearing protests and will have things his way, no matter what the cost.
History: Himeji was born the third out of four sons. He has no sisters and no mother, for she died when giving birth to his younger brother. His father was a hard worker, trying to support all three of his sons, but the stress of it all made him result to drinking. Now suffering from the aftereffects of alcohol addiction, he is only the ghost of the charismatic father he once was.

Himeji then learned to take care of himself. He learned the harsh cruelties of the world at a very young age, leading to his developing a slightly split personality. He knew that he had to please everybody. In truth, he did this because he cared about other peoples' well being, but his own excuse for it was that he could use them to his advantage later. Having friends and connection were always good in his mind.

He went off to work for a private company that his eldest brother co-founded with a friend, eventually becoming the president of the company at his young age. His brother then had moved on to another branch company of the Kitomura group.

Now his image as an all around perfect person was complete. He had the riches, the looks, the connections, the skills, and the smarts. But somehow he still was feeling unsatisfied. At least his more cynical self was feeling unsatisfied. All this stuff around him was to his taste, and he enjoyed it, but he also yearned for a little trouble in his life. And what better way to find trouble than befriending the most incompetent of Class F?
Other: He is a master of blackmail.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 11:07 pm


Drakie Cakie

PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:52 am
User Image
It's my duty to inform you have an error in your RP's rules. There is to be no activity above PG-13 (not PG-16). I've corrected this. Please see this post to refresh yourself on the rules. Don't let this happen again.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:03 am
Omg I'm sooooo sorry! >.< I thought It was PG-16 seeing as on the barton forums PG-16 is the norm sweatdrop But thank you for fixing it for me! mrgreen  



PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:04 am
Introduction Post

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Skylar Yutari
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User Image


*Girl in bathing suit running in slow motion while Skylar tries to catch up.*


*Skylar turns and grins in his sleep*

"Skylar~~ Come play with me~~"

*Skylar grumbles in sleep* "Wait....Don't run..."

"Awww Come on Skylar~~ don't you wanna play with me??"


*Girl jumps in pond as Skylar catches up*

"See I knew you wanted me..Wait for meeeeee!" *Skylar grins perverted as he jumps in pond*

Real Life


"OUCH DAMN IT!" Skylar yelled as he fell off the bed.

He scratched his head as he sat on the ground. "Geez...always at the good parts" he mumbled. He picked up his clock and stared sleepily at it. "7:45....OMG! 7:45??!" He jumped up as he began to quickly get dressed.

Today was the first day of school...and he would already be late for the entrance ceremony. Oh well....He was "Loser Skylar" after all so people wouldn't find it surprising if he did show up late.

Skylar grabbed his slingover bag, as he quickly ran down the stairs, tripping and rolling down the last few. ""Why does this always happen to me?" He said as he laid at the bottom of the stair way. He checked his watch. "7:55??! I'll never make it in time now!" He yelled as he jumped back up. He ran into the kitchen only to see his parents gone to work already and his older sister sipping coffee while reading the newspaper at the table.

"Late again idiot" His sister Tomoke grinned.

Skylar glared, "Next time, you think it would be so hard to WAKE. ME. UP?!"

"It wouldn't be hard at all....I just don't wanna do it. I just loveeeeee to make my baby brother suffer!"

Skylar grimaced as he grabbed a piece of toast.

"Well I'll see you later! I'll be home at 3:00!"

"Mmm Hey! I know your a BAKA but don't forget that mom and dad won't be home for a week, Buisness trip remember?"

"I remember...and i'll let that BAKA comment slip for now, I'll see ya later!" Skylar ran out the house with a piece of Toast clinging to his mouth.

Skylar didn't live far from the school...It took about 15 minutes walking distance to make it. Skylar Ran down the street quickly chewing on his toast. "8:10! The ceremony started 10 minutes ago!" Skylar turned a corner, and he began to see the school's entrance gates. "Hurry!" He siad to himself.

He reached the entrance gates and began to run towards the East gates, where the entrance ceremony was held.

"8:15! Just 15 minutes late!" Skylar said happily as he pushed open the doors, copletly forgeting where he was going.

As soon as he openned the doors, about 1,000 pairs of eyes zoned in on him. The room was silent and the speaker at the podium stopped and stared at him. Himeji Kitomura, The Student Body President AND the smartest person in the school. Not to mention the most hottest guy at school...He was admired and loved by everyone,boys and girls alike. Skylar didn't care to much for him however. "Hmph, how can someone so perfect wanna talk to me anyway?" Skylar always said to his friends that teased him.

Skylar stared wide-eyed as he began to grin nervously.

"Eheh-he? Sorry I'm late...I'll just...go over here..." He said nervously as he began to walk to his class seat.

As he walked he heard whispers and giggles.

"What an Idiot!"~~"I guess that's Loser-Skylar for you!"~~"That dummy! he interupted Himeji-Sama's speech! He'll definantly be taught a lesson later!"

Skylar sighed as he tried to walk unnoticed towards his seat. This wasn't new to him. What WAS new however, Was the fact that he could feel Himeji's eyes still staring at him from the stage.

"Okay...wierd" He thought as he finally found one of his friends and walked quickly over to him.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:54 pm
H i m e j i - K i t o m u r a

It was like any other morning. He woke up early as usual and had breakfast by himself. His father was somewhere with his alcohol—probably asleep with a hangover—and his brothers were nowhere to be found, which wasn't unusual.

Himeji took the train to school, knowing that he had to get there extra early to help with setup and run over his speech with the vice president. Being perfect and all, he arrived just in time and everything ran smoothly. He talked to many teachers and students who were helping out that morning, forcing his smile as usual. Just smile and laugh... smile and laugh... All these people were so fake in his eyes.

Then it came time for the ceremony. Himeji stood up and smiled to his beaming classmates. They all loved him, and that made him feel absolutely awesome. The clapping seemed to go on forever until he finally gained their attention. He got a little into his speech, just finishing with the part on new student body introductions, when the door was slammed open in the back of the auditorium.

Himeji looked up with mild interest at the disturbance. He had been delivering such a good speech too, not that he cared much. As long as the people still loved him, he'd do whatever crap they put him up to. He stopped mid-sigh as he saw just exactly who was at the door, silhouetted by the light streaming in from behind him: Skylar Yutari.

Himeji kept his eyes trained on Yutari as he found a seat somewhere in the back, only returning to his speech when Yutari was seated. Wanting to save him from those names that everyone was calling him, Himeji cleared his throat and attempted to return everyone's attention to the podium. Of course, it worked. He immediately held the girls' attention, and the guys soon followed. He continued as if nothing had happened.

"Now, on to our school's list of clubs and activities..." And the speech continued on as usual. When he reached the end, there was applause, but he decided to make one last comment. "Skylar Yutari of Class F, please see me in lecture hall B at 12:10 today." With that, he left and was replaced by the vice president, who was used to Himeji's random requests and stuff by now.

C l a s s - A

Lady Sherlock


PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:31 pm
± : . : ± : ==== ☠ ==== : ± : . : ±
Skylar Yutari
± : . : ± : ==== ☠ ==== : ± : . : ±

As soon as he sat down, Himeji Cleared his throat and began to speak again, which turned all the attention off on him. He sighed with relief as his friend backslapped him.

"Late again eh?"

Skylar grinned as he said, "Late? This is early for me."

He listened with half interest as Himeji explained all the school activities that would be happening throughout the year. It's not like he was planning on joining any clubs anyway.

Skylar and his friend quietly joked around as the girls in front of them giggled and squeled.

"Geez what do they see in that guy anyway??" Skylar's friend joked.

"Yeah, I'm WAY cooler than he is" Skylar laughed.

Skylar had almost fallen asleep as the speech dragged on and on. He awoke fully when he heard clapping and cheering among his schoolmates.

"Great, It's done FINALLY" His friend said.

He saw the Vice President begin to walk to the podium, when Himeji came back and said as an afterthought, ""Skylar Yutari of Class F, please see me in lecture hall B at 12:10 today."

Oh hell.

He was in trouble....Was it because he came late?? Yeah, that was probably it! He couldn't afford to get in trouble at the start of the school year....

"Hey, wonder what the student council president wants with you Sky," His friend said.

"Huh? Uhh I dunno...hope i'm not in trouble..."

The Vice President finished up his speech and the teachers ushered all the student into their respective classes. Skylar stared at the class board, trying to find his classroom.

"Class F AGAIN..." Skylar sighed. As he walked people yelled and teased him.

"Class F AGAIN idiot!"~~"I heard he got the Lowest score in the whole school an the entrance exams!"~"Well I heard he got lower than a "0"!"

As he openned the door to his class, a paper airplane flew past his shoulder.

"Haha...VERYYYY funny guys." As he closed the door back and sat at his rundown desk. It was common knowledge that Class F got the worst school supplies while Class A got the best. Skylar had gotten used to all the words of "wisdom" carved onto his desk (Examples included, "Loser Skylar, Idiot, Retard"). The teacher walked in as he yelled, "Settle down class..." But the class continued to talk.

"Aw SHUDDUP!" A student delinquent yelled from the back. The teacher sighed as he walked back out the class.

Guess Class F was going to get a substitute teacher early this year.
PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 7:47 pm
H i m e j i - K i t o m u r a

Himeji came to Class F with the teacher in tow. Himeji walked in with Kanazawa-sensei and turned to face the class. He softly cleared his throat, obviously expecting them to all listen the moment he entered the room. Not caring if anyone was actually listening or not, he did his duty. "Class F, please be respectful to Kanazawa-sensei. He is a very good teacher. You all are lucky to have him." He scanned the room, his eyes immediately stopping on Skylar.

"Now, unless you actually get something done in this class, the Student Body will have to step in. We have been repressing the teachers for a couple of years now and have to concede to their wishes if your grades continue." This definitely showed how much power the elite of the school, especially those in the Student Body, had. "And that would mean that Class F just wouldn't exist anymore. You all would, sadly, be without a means of an education."

He smiled and walked to the door, turning last minute to add, "If any of you ever need help with anything, I'm always available. Just call me!" He pointed to the board, where he had inconspicuously written his number on a corner of the board in neat handwriting. And with that, he left.

C l a s s - A

Lady Sherlock


PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:17 pm
± : . : ± : ==== ☠ ==== : ± : . : ±
Skylar Yutari
± : . : ± : ==== ☠ ==== : ± : . : ±

The teacher walked back in with Himeji in tow. Skylar stared up only to have his eyes met by Himeji...which surprised him.

Most of the students in Class F were gangsters and delinquents...so needless to say, They hated anyone from the higher classes...especially Class A.

"Chk what the f*** is nerd boy doing here?"~"It must be nice to be a teachers pet"...Although They talked about him, no one dared to do anything else. They knew how much power the Student Body had.

"Now, unless you actually get something done in this class, the Student Body will have to step in. We have been repressing the teachers for a couple of years now and have to concede to their wishes if your grades continue. And that would mean that Class F just wouldn't exist anymore. You all would, sadly, be without a means of an education."

Most of the students shut up at the mention of "without a means of an education."

Skylar stared with a bored expression out the window. He really didn't care about education...His parents already thought he was an idiot anyway...But he could imagine their face if they knew, he got expelled...WHEN IT WASN'T EVEN HIS FAULT!"

Syklar sighed in dispair as Himeji walked towards the door and said, "If any of you ever need help with anything, I'm always available. Just call me!" Himeji pointed to the board, where he had inconspicuously written his number on a corner of the board in neat handwriting. And with that, he left.

Was Skylar dreaming? Did Himeji...just smile at him?? He stared at the phone number on the board. Skylar had an urge to write it down.

"No! He's in Class A! Why would I need to call him anyway??"

He sighed as the teacher cleared the board, unknowingly erasing the number.

"Now Class, Buisness first. We need a class Rep. Now as for this, lets start a class vote."

Most of the students ignored him.

"I vote loser Skylar!" someone yelled oin the back. Everyone jumped on the bandwagon as they yealled, "Yeah! Loser Skylar can do it!" Everyone knew it was a hassel...so insted they pushed it on him.

"*Sigh* If you all are busy...I GUESS I'll do it..." If everyone was busy, It wasn't like he had anything to do.

"Okay then, Make sure you go to the Student council room for the meeting in 5th period."

At 12:10 AND 5th period?? God, why did HE have to deal with this??! He just knew he was gonna be picked on at the meeting. Although he still wondered why Himeji wanted to talk to him...
PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:23 pm
H i m e j i - K i t o m u r a

It was 12:00 and Himeji found himself in the Student Council room alone. The other members either had something they had to attend to, or they knew something was up when he had called out Himeji. After all, Himeji didn't have a reason to do that. It was a spur of the moment decision.

Maybe it was because when he heard the words "loser Skylar" from his position at the podium, his other side thought that this would be a perfect person to have some fun with. Finally, someone who I can tease... Class F too! Perfect. There was a small smirk on his face, as if he was enjoying a private joke, which he was.

He took out his elaborate lunch and started nibbling on some chicken and eating one grain of rice at a time. The reason he had chosen 12:10 was because lunch started at 12:05. That gave him the maximum time possible with his new project while still giving Skylar time to get there.

C l a s s - A

Lady Sherlock


PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 8:50 pm
± : . : ± : ==== ☠ ==== : ± : . : ±
Skylar Yutari
± : . : ± : ==== ☠ ==== : ± : . : ±

Class was boring as usual. Kanazawa-sensei kept going on and on about geometry equations....Skylar hadn't grasped any of it. It didn't help that the teacher called on him everytime, to go to the board and solve the problems, which only made his stupidity shine brighter.

Skylar sighed as the lunch bell rang. Great, it was lunch time. Skylar walked outside the door to find his friends from Class D waiting for him.

"Hey, Sky! let's go eat on the roof"

Skylar waved back as he said, "I would, But I gotta go to the student council room. If I have time then I'll meet ya up there alright?"

his friends waved as he was left alone, among the crowds heading towards the cafeteria.

He heard his stomach grumble as he said,"Damn it...Forgot my lunch AGAIN!"
He stopped by the cafeteria as he grabbed a cookie. It was 12:13 as he walked towards the student council room.

He nibbled on the cookie as he stomped down the hall. "That jerk Himeji, He expects me to waste my lunch! What if i wanted to eat? Lunch only started about 5 minutes ago! He better not keep me long!"

Skylar reached the Studnet Council door as he knock on it, the cookie still hanging from his mouth.


He heard a voice say "It's open" As he walked inside.

He had never been inside the student council office. But it was amazing how huge it was. Skylar stared in awe towards the ceiling as he said to himself, "Woowwwww this is freakin' huge!"

He heard someone clear their throat as he snapped back to reality and stared in front of him. Towards the end of the long student council table, sat Himeji at the end staring at him.

Skylar noticed that it was just the two of them. Crap....Himeji was going to threaten him for interupting his speech. Was Himeji apart of the yakuza??! Skylar sent a silent prayer towards heaven, hoping that Himeji would just yell at him, and not send Thugs to his house, to collect his organs as retribution.

He held the doorknob, ready to run if anyone jumped out. He ate the last of his cookie before saying nervously, "So.....What'd ya want?"
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