So, ok this is the deal,If u trade my In Da Hood Necklace for one of theses 3 plans I'll appreciate it..Plus you will be granted with 5 items.
So, ok this is the deal,If u trade my In Da Hood Necklace for one of theses 3 plans I'll appreciate it..Plus you will be granted with 5 items.
Note: u can pick "ANY" item u want but it can only be 5 items!!!!
ok this r the 10 items in my list:
A)Green Potted Island Palm
B)Tropical Flower
C)Fancy Virgin Dress
D)95 tokens
E)Night Fire
F)Gold Wrist Watch
G)Yellow Tea Pot
H)Black Ink bottle
I)White Medical Gloves
J)Colck Egg
Trading In Da Hood Necklace (valuble for 7007 Gold) for a:]
Plan A
Audrey's Black Strap Heels................1,961 Gold
Jack's 2k7 Headphones.......................1,752 Gold
Jack's Bat Clip...................................3,576 Gold
Total:7,289 Gold
Plan B
X_X Blue Raving Goggles........1,677 Gold
Dark Elf's Staff...........................2,379 Gold
CyberPunk Boots(Blue)................2,300 Gold
Total:6,356 Gold
Plan C
Redd Sport Swimsuit.......................2,345 Gold
Gothic Bed with Aqua silk.................2,850 Gold
Christian Siriano's Ruffled...............800 Gold
Total:5,995 Gold