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Reply 03 One-on-One RPs
Snowflake109 / zarEen-13 Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:42 am
. . . . .
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:51 am

User Image

Name: Rydia Dementia
Personality: Upbeat, Random, Witty, closed off when it comes to how she feels, but will tell you when she's ready, and understanding.
Bio: Rydia was often told by the ones around her she was meant to do something great. She's been blessed with particular powers that no other sorcerer or sorceress pocessed on the world called Eden. Some would say these particular powers were dark magic.Although, they wouldn't hold it against her for she was the High Priestess's daughter

User Image
Name: Deiter Dark
World/Race: a Demi World full of darkness / Assasssin
Personality: Calm, silent, straight-to-the-point kind of guy, loyal to those he trust and true to himself.
Bio: He's an assassin since he can remember and he is training to be a Demi Master. He's sent on a mission to kill a person whose existence is incompatible to their world. A person who is doing nothing at all with his life.

[[ on the way with the rp he'll find out that the mission he's in is only for the benefit of his father, which is the one who sent him to kill that person. it's like his father and that person has the same timeline of spirits that will make his father strong if he/she is killed and then he would rule over the Demi world. ]]



PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 8:58 am
[[ i'll start then.. x) ]]

At the highest location in the world called Demi, there stood the largest castle of the Assassins.
Deiter is one of the loyal Assassins that lived there. He is the son of the Demi Lord's right-hand man, and also a candidate for the title of Demi Master, a title which indicates the strongest Assassin that will gain the power of eternal Darkness.

One midnight he was called by the Demi Lord and went to the castle. At the main hall, there sat the Demi Lord and his father standing beside him. He knelt down infront of them as his father spoke for their Lord.

He had received his first, yet a top secret, mission from the Lord. His father might had talked it with the Demi Lord and both had agreed on sending him to the world called Eden and kill a certain sorceress that is said to be interfering with their worlds timeline of spirits. Though he don't clearly know what they mean, he had no other option but to accept it.

"I, or should I say, we, are counting on you, Deiter." His father said while the Demi Lord nods.
He looked at his father in the eyes and he still don't understand why he can't find to trust his own father. He bow down to the Demi Lord.

"I'm honored to be a help for our world." he said without clearly accepting the mission for killing the sorceress he wasn't sure to be of a bad intention. In a split second he vanished into thin air.

He appeared to be inside a dark room with a circle for spell crested on the surface. He stood there and cast a spell for him to be transported to the Eden. A dark light emerges from where he stood and as the light swallowed him completely, he disappeared.

Dawn was breaking on Eden turning the sky to a soft rose color. The birds were chirping softly and the morning dew had settled in making this circular opening in the woods the perfect place to be for magic. The candles that representing the elements that surronded the young soceress by the name of Rydia were lit except the purple one that she held in her hands.

"Spirit join us..." she whispered before blowing softly on the candles wick. As the candles flame bursted into life, she felt her soul lift. The corners of her lips curved up into a soft smile as she placed the spirit candle at her feet. With graceful movements of her hands the other candles floated up in the air and began spinning around her slowly at first.
"Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit," was the only thing she had to say to make the candles stop their rapid spinning around her. "Good now Air come," Rydia ordered with her arms extended forward like she was preparing for an embrace. The element did as it was told and she felt the gentle wind tossling her hair gently. Fire now joined in warming up her cold body with its warm intensity. Then water and the smell before the rain washed over Rydia making her feel cleansed. Earth now joined in, Rydia could feel the grass beneath her toes even as she wore shoes. Then finally spirit had rejoined her making awakening her mind.

"Thank you we'll meet again tommorow," with those words the elements disspersed. Rydia was now feeling more relaxed meaning she could curl back into bed and sleep in till later that morning or in the afternoon. She chuckled to herself. What a strange habit she had, but it was just something she did to help her meditate. What was in store for the day? Rydia didn't know, but could careless at the moment.

[[wow its early xDD so Im sorry if it wasn't long but Im kinda tired next post will be better]]

Deiter appeared coming from nowhere floating in mid-air with his wings spreading slightly. He floats down slowly and touches the ground making no sounds. His wings slowly closed in vanishing on his back. He looked around to where he is and could only see trees everywhere. He then gazed up the sky, it looked very different from their world's dark and silvery sky.

Now where in this world will I find that sorceress? He thought as he jumped to the trees' brunches stealthily. After seconds of searching he suddenly stopped, he felt an aura of elements coming from somewhere nearby him. He couldn't understand why but he does sensed it. He never knew he had such ability. She's here. I can sense her. He looked around then his heart made a loud beat and he knew the sorceress is getting closer and closer to where he is. From where he is standing, by a brunch way up from the ground, he saw a cheerful looking girl just meters away from the tree he's in.

Could she be the one?.. Hmm.. Might as well follow her until I'm sure of it. He thought to himself as he hide himself by the shadows without letting the girl away from his sight.

[[ it's okay. and it doesn't have to be so long anyway. ^^ as long as it's good. btw, would you want to continue our role-play on a thread?.. ]]
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:12 am
((sweet threads made biggrin ))

As Rydia walked on the more anxious she felt. This wasn't normal. After a ritual she was always relaxed in total Zen. Today, was different. It felt like eyes were following her every step. The young soceress bit her pale lips as she became more nervous.

"Oh your being silly, Ry Ry,"she told herself outloud without realizing it. She took in some deep breathes to release herself of worry. If anyone was here it'd probably just be her little sister Terra. Rydia laughed. It was probably just little Terra.
Terra had the tendency to follow her out in the morning from time to time. She thought she was being sneaky when she watched Rydia do her daily routines, but Rydia always knew when she was there. It wasn't hard seeing thee short golden blonde peeking from the bushes every other day.

Then there was rustleing in the trees that alarmed Rydia once again.
"Okay whose there? Terra, sweetie, please if thats you come out your giving me the creeps!" Rydia demanded. There wasn't an answer. Rydia sighed. Forget it! I'm going to go home and crawl into my nice warm bed. With that thought Rydia continued walking home without letting the little sounds get to her.



PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:31 pm
[[ yeah.. i'd like seeing every post so i thought an rp on a thread would be better. x) ]]

Deiter knew she had noticed him. Hiding from her wouldn't be a good idea. And he won't be able to know her better just by following her in the shadows. What if she's not the one he's looking for? Then he just wasted his time spying on her. 'I need a plan.' Perhaps making himself a traveler would make it easier to have a direct contact with her, and learn more about this world so called Eden as well...

And so he will.

He swiftly jumped down the tree, making himself look like an ordinary guy who had traveled a very long journey. He came out from the bushes just a meter away from the girl. As Rydia noticed him and turned to look at him, Deiter bowed, bending slightly, his right hand touching his chest, merely apologizing if he had scared her off.

"I'm sorry, my lady. Did I startle you?" He asked as he lift his head facing the girl. His gentle face is not showing a smile, though he meant no harm. "I was just traveling from west and went into a forest. I seem to have ended up here in the woods." He said as he looked around, acting as if he's lost.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:59 pm
Rydia had jumped slightly when she heard someones footsteps. She wasn't alone. It wasn't just her imagination. She turned slowly, setting her gaze on this strange man. She felt her face heat up and she wanted nothing more then to yell at him for scaring her like that.

As he spoke she started to relax. He was just a lost traveler after all. What was there to get all worked up about anyway?

When her voice came it was completly calm."It's quite alright. I'm just not used to having vistors so early in the morning." She didn't wanna admit he had scared the crap outta her so she just laughed it off. "Well where are you headed, stranger? Mysida is where I'm headed back too,"she explained, pointing in the direction she had just been walking.

This stranger had dark features unlike anyone she had ever seen. This made her wary, but she kept up her welcoming smile. He hadn't done anything wrong except sneak up on her. She wouldn't pass judgement so quickly, but she wasn't going to be naive about him either.

"Oh I'm Rydia by the way!"she said a little bit too cheerfully, extending her hand out to the stranger.



PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:27 pm
Deiter looked at the direction to where the girl, namely Rydia, had pointed. He turned to look at her when she said her name. He raised his hand and reached to her hand. As he touched her hand, he could feel that she was frightened by him. He grinned a little and looked at her.

"Don't worry, I don't bite." He said with his bright and silvery gentle eyes looking at her. "As for where I am heading, I honestly don't know." He said as he lets go of her hand. "I had no memory of myself here, you see. And so I traveled." He said truthfully though he intend to make her get the idea of him having an amnesia.

"Rydia is it?" Her name doesn't help him into finding the sorceress he's looking for. The only thing he knew is that the sorceress he want to see is different from any other sorceress or sorcerer in Eden.

"As for my name, judging from my look, you may call me Dark." He said putting his hand on his chest. Though his family name truly is Dark, he does look dark enough wearing all black. Except for his pale skin and a little high lights of white on his hair. He made it sound like he had no memory of his name as well. "Would you mind leading me the way to this Mysida you had mentioned?" He might get some information he needed about this Eden world, he thought.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:11 pm
Rydia's blush had returned when her noticed her hestitation. "I'm sorry,"she whispered before a smile spread across her face again. She listened contently as he explained himself nodding every once in awhile.
"Dark huh?"Rydia pondered, holding her chin with her index finger and her thumb. "That's kinda silly, but sure I'll call you that." she agreed cheerily.
He seemed harmless enough so she allowed herself to fully relax now. "I'll gladly lead you to Mysida. Anything to help."

Rydia smiled before turning and walking back in the direction of Mysida without another word to Dark. She wanted to get back as soon as possible before somone caught up to her and made her go do some other things. She just wanted to crawl back into bed. She sighed it was no use though her schedule already thrown off by this stranger. Alas she was good natured so she was obligated to help those in need. Which reminded her...

"Hey ask me anything you want to know and I'll try my best to answer,"she said back to Dark who was following her at a slower pace.



PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 4:11 am
Deiter was wondering and looking around as he follows Rydia's lead. He turned to look at her when she started talking back to him. He smiled back, though he is a stranger to her, it is nice of her to help him in such a way.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to ask?.. 'Cause there are a lot of things I do want to know."
He said with his calm and soft voice.

"Maybe about this Mysida place you are talking about for instance."
He began, though he's more interested in knowing about sorcerer and sorceress.
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 11:38 am
"Believe it or not I am patient," Rydia laughed, running a hand through her purple hair. "So ask away."
Rydia smile grew again as he asked about Mysida. "Well for one Mysida is a place of power. This is where the High Priestess Melinda resides," she chuckled adding. "The High Priestess is also my mother you know."

She waved her hand in an unnessary gesture as she continued. "As I was saying Mysida is a place of power. A lot of powerful sorcerors and sorceresses reside here. The sun always hits here first so the Mysidans powers are tremendous in daylight hours. There are few that get there power up, as you may call it, from the moon here in Mysida. They are mostly here just in case things get sour which they rarely do, so no worries there."

Rydia took in a deep breath as she finished, letting it out with a sense of pride of being a Mysidan. "We are also known as the Solor tribe us Mysidans," she added as she looked back to Dark again and wondered if he was from the Lunar tribe because of his dark features. She pressed her lips together tightly as she examined him. He could be, but his looks dont resemble her father's or any of the other Lunar sorcerors and sorcesses for that matter. Who knew and it didn't matter really except she was curious, but he couldn't tell her that for himself.



PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:49 am
Deiter listened to every word Rydia had said. She really is patient. Or he is rather patient after all as well, since he had listened to her brief story of Mysida. He thought she looked happy as she shared her story, and he does found Mysida interesting.

"So you are someone of the royalty then?" He said smiling as she went on with her High Priestess mother. "Or rather something like that of a royalty." He continued as he lift and wave his hand.

He kept silent as she continue on her story. Ah.. sorcerors and sorceresses. He thought lifting his hand and placing it on his chin. "Quite interesting.. This Mysida." He muttered. "So you were saying.. all of you from this Solor tribe, are all sorcerors and sorceresses?.. And are much powerful in daylight hours?" He asked trying to clear the information he just got.

Maybe I'll start with the High Priestess. She seems to be the most powerful of them sorceresses. He thought. But then, he felt as if something's not right with his mission. He want to talk it all over again with their Demi Lord first before he does kill this sorceress. No, I must gather more information with everything before that. He thought as he continue walking, following Rydia.
PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:21 am
"You could say I'm somone important I guess," Rydia answered to Dark's question. She had smiled when she thought of herself as a princess even though she was somewhere similar to that. Everyone knew her and adored her for she was the high priestess's daughter.

"Yes, well the majority theres a few that lack magic, but in Mysida that is very few non magical folk," Rydia explained to the man behind her. "And yes, our powers do increase with the rising of the sun and visa versa of the Lunar tribe." Rydia finished, folding her hands behind her back.

"Any more questions?" Rydia questioned. "We're almost there, its just over that hill." She smiled back at him. "Or would you much rather get your information from the High Priestess?" she chuckled, making her way up and over the hill.

I wish he knew who and where he's from. I'm still quite curious. She thought. Just be patient. All your questions will be answered when he gets his memory back. She told herself, nodding.



PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:01 pm
Deiter was half listening to Rydia. "I see.." is what he replied to her unintentionally after thinking of his plan to gather more information. Then he turned to face Rydia following her over the hill.

"So you will let me meet with your mother then?" He asked back at her question. He shook his head slightly grinning. He never thought it would be easy for him to track down the possible sorceress he's looking for.

He smiled to her. "Anyway, as for my next question if you don't mind me asking." He paused for a while, "What were you doing back there in the woods?.. Alone?.." He asked. He was quite curious on why he had sensed her and the aura of elements before, like she was doing something to had called his attention.

I guess befriending her will be not so bad. She knows a lot since she's.. important kind of person. He thought.
PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 8:36 pm
"Sure, but the question is will she meet you?" Rydia had said sharply, glaring at him the best she could without smiling.She couldn't help but be playful to this quiet stranger. Maybe she was overly friendly. With that thought she could've sworn she saw him grin which was enough to warm her. Then when he actually did smile it had startled her to the point she had almost lost her footing and fell.

He had asked another question when she had regained her composure. The question had made her ears warm. They would most likely be a pink color to her pale skin. She took in a deep breath. What was there to hide?

"Mmm, its just my daily early morning ritual,"
she began bringing her hands together in front of her now. "Every morning at dawn I get up and come to the opening in the woods."She paused, looking back at him once again for a brief moment to make sure he was listening which he was. "And there I call each of the elements to my magic circle. Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Spirit." She waved her hand. "Its just something that relaxs me."



PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:25 am
Deiter looked somehow worried as Rydia fell out of balance. Seeing her fell made him stop walking and thought of helping her up. But then as she regained her composure, it's like a no big of a deal.

He continued listening to her answer. Ah.. so that's why I felt those auras. He thought through her words.
"So.. taking control of elements is a part or sorcery then." He stated. Then he thought of his own abilities. And wondered if they had the same ability. I wonder..

"Speaking of elements.. Air, Fire, Water, Earth.. and Spirits you say?.." He paused searching for words to say.. "Doesn't Shadow count in it?.. or maybe Light.. Gravity.." He said stating some of his ability.
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