Hey guys. I just wanted to talk about pictures and what makes them good and bad. Like for instance I entered my daughter into a beautiful baby contest for Q13, here is the link http://beautifulbabies.trb.com/kcpq/babies_home_gallery,0,3993475,permalink.ugcphotogallery?u=jaimestillwell
I also have been taking a lot of time voting for other kids and seriously looking at their pictures. I probably could have entered a better picture of my daughter but this one was good for what I had at the time of being able to enter the contest. I'd like it if you guys could vote for her and also look at some of the other kids on there. I'm trying to be fair that way. I've been told by a lot of people that my daughter is cute and she looks good in photos. My major complaint is that I was getting annoyed that people seen to think their kid is cute just because they have blue eyes...and also black and white photos are really nice but not for contests when people are supposed to be judging your kid on what they look like the black and whites and the photoshoped pics are rediculous because they hide or mask the natural beauty of your child. Anyway, these are a couple of oppinions I have and I'd like to have a longer conversation about photos.
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