So it's been a long time since I posted something significant in the guild. I've just been bumping all this while. But not only have I been bumping, I've been making sushi. That's right, sushi. Me make sushi. Though it sounds atrocious just like my burnt fried eggs, they turned out...edible...

Sushi isn't so hard to make. In fact making it is much cheaper than going out to a Japanese restaurant and ordering it. That's probably why I was interested in making sushi. After all, who doesn't like saving money? I swear, I musta inherited my money saving cheap cheap trait from my parents.

Browsing online guides and watching Youtube how to videos was the first start. A few places I visited included: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I'm not positive where you can get the ingredients. As for me, it was relatively easy, there's a Japanese food market nearby. When I checked a Chinese grocery store, they also had the same quality stuff at a cheaper price. They also accepted food stamps so I used my grandma's card.

My ingredients: 1.
My first batch: 1.
My second batch: 1. 2.
Both batches had cucumber, eggs and roasted pork. That's all I coulda found @ home.
With 1 1/2 cups of short grain rice, I made 3 long rolls of sushi/9 pieces. But with 2 cups of short grain rice, I made 5 rolls of sushi/30 pieces. But I feel that my second try was more successful though I really have to improve my rolling technique.