This guide will be updated to tell you everything you need to know about playing the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. If there is anything that is unclear or you wish to be added please pm me and I will get right to it.
SummoningSummon monsters from your hand. Summoning has no Spell Speed and cannot be chained.
You can do one of the following once per turn.NORMAL SUMMON1. Declare you are going to Normal Summon and show your opponent the monster.
2. The Normal Summon can be negated by an effect before it hits the field.
3. The Monster is Successfully Summoned, placing it face-up on the field in Attack Position. If it has a Continuous Effect, it becomes active now.
4a. Any effects the monster has that activate when it is Normal Summoned activate now.
4b. Compulsory effects that activate when a monster is summoned activate.
4c. If no effects have been activated, the turn player can use Priority to activate an Ignition Effect.
4d. Cards and effects with a Spell Speed 2 or higher can be activated and chained. Effects that activate in response to a monster being summoned have to be activated now. (4a, 4b, 4c, and 4d are one combined chain in this order.)
TRIBUTE SUMMONThis is a type of Normal Summon. If the monster is level 5 or 6, Tribute 1 monster you control before you declare the Summon. If the monster is level 7 or higher, Tribute 2 monsters you control before you declare the Summon.
SETThis is not a Summon. Declare you are going to Set and place a monster face-down on the field in Defence Position. You still need to Tribute monsters if they are level 5 or higher.
You can do as many of the following as you want each turn.FLIP SUMMON1. Change a face-down Defence Position Monster into face-up Attack Position. This counts as changing the Battle Position of a monster and follows the same rules.
2. The Flip Summon can be negated by an effect before it is considered face-up. Show your opponent the monster.
3. The monster is successfully summoned. If it has a Continuous Effect, it becomes active now.
4a. Any Effects the monster has when it is Flip Summoned activate now.
4b. Compulsory effects that activate when a monster is summoned activate.
4c. If no effects have been activated, the turn player can use Priority to activate an Ignition Effect.
4d. Cards and effects with a Spell Speed 2 or higher can be activated and chained. Effects that activate in response to a monster being summoned have to be activated now. (3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d are one combined chain in this order.)
SPECIAL SUMMONCertain monsters have conditions in there card effect that allows them to be Special Summoned, these are "Special Summon Monsters".
1. Declare you are going to Special Summon and show your opponent the card.
2. The Special Summon can be negated by an effect before it hits the field.
3. The Monster is Successfully Summoned, placing it face-up on the field. If it has a Continuous Effect, it becomes active now.
4a. Any effects the monster has that activate when it is Special Summoned activate now.
4b. Compulsory effects that activate when a monster is summoned activate.
4c. If no effects have been activated, the turn player can use Priority to activate an Ignition Effect.
4d. Cards and effects with a Spell Speed 2 or higher can be activated and chained. Effects that activate in response to a monster being summoned have to be activated now. (4a, 4b, 4c, and 4d are one combined chain in this order.)
FUSION SUMMONThis is a type of Special Summon.
1. If you have all the Fusion Material Monsters, in your hand or that you control, listed on a Fusion Monster Card, in your Extra Deck, you can activate "Polymerization". You do not have to declare what you are summoning. The Fusion Material Monsters on the field can be face-down.
2. When "Polymerization" resolves, send the Fusion Material Monsters to the Graveyard and place a Fusion Monster Card, with the listed Fusion Material Monsters, from your Extra Deck face-up onto the Field and any Continuous Effects are now active.
RITUAL SUMMON This is a type of Special Summon.
1. If you have the correct Ritual Monster Card in your hand along with the required Tribute listed on the Ritual Card in your hand or that you control, you can activate a Ritual Spell Card.
2. When the Ritual Spell Card resolves, send the Tribute to the Graveyard and place the Ritual Monster Card face-up on the field. It is Successfully Ritual Summoned and any Continuous Effects are now active.
SYNCHRO SUMMONThis is a Special Summon
1. During your Main Phase when you control the required Tuner and non-Tuner monsters face-up on the field for a Synchro Monster Card in your Extra Deck, you can declare a Synchro Summon. The Tuner and non-Tuner monsters combined levels must equal the level of the Synchro monster.
2. Send a Tuner and non-Tuner monsters to the Graveyard and show your opponent the appropriate Synchro monster.
3. The Synchro Summon can be negated by an Effect before it hits the field.
4. The Synchro monster is Successfully Summoned, placing it face-up on the field. If it has a Continuous Effect, it becomes active now.
SPECIAL SUMMON WITH A CARD'S EFFECTThis is when an Effect Special summons a monster. You cannot Special Summon a Special Summon Monster from your Deck or hand, or your Graveyard or removed from play unless it was Successfully Summoned first. This Special Summon cannot be negated as it resolves during a chain.
Spell CardsSpell Cards can be activated by placing them from your hand or by setting them face-down and later flipping them face-up onto a Spell & Trap Card Zone, during your Main Phase.
Announce the activation of the card, placing it face-up on the field. If the activation succeeds, resolve the effect and send the card to the Graveyard.
Play this as you would a Normal Spell Card.
Announce the activation of the card, placing it face-up on the field. If the activation succeeds, the effect activates as resolution and continues as long as it remains face-up on the field.
Announce the activation of the card, the target monster and place it face-up on the field. If the activation succeeds, the effect activates as resolution and continues as long as it remains face-up on the field. If the target monster leaves the field or is flipped face-down, destroy the card.
Announce the activation of the card, placing it face-up in the Field Spell Zone, destroying any active Field Spell Card you control. If you set a Field Spell it must be in the Field Spell Card Zone. If the activation succeeds, the effect activates as resolution and continues as long as it remains face-up on the field and destroy any active Field Spell Card your opponent controls.
You can activate this card during any phase of your turn from your hand, or you can set it and play it as you would a Trap Card. You cannot activate it on the same turn you set it. Declare the activation of the card and place it face-up on the field. If the activation succeeds, resolve the effect and send the card to the Graveyard.
Trap CardsTrap Cards cannot be activated until the turn after they were Set. They can be activated during any phase, during either player’s turn.
Announce the activation of the card, flipping it face-up on the field. If the activation succeeds, resolve the effect and send the card to the Graveyard.
Announce the activation of the card, flipping it face-up on the field. If the activation succeeds, the effect activates as resolution and continues as long as it remains face-up on the field.
Play this as you would a Normal Trap Card.