I went vegan originally for weight loss, and then found out about all the other things involved. (Now I'm vegan for many reasons) I don't like to suggest going vegan for weight loss reasons usually because people don't pay attention to their nutrition properly and end up doing themselves a disservice by forging off into uncharted territory without a map and blaming the vegan diet when they get sick or tired, or end up with a nutritional problem. This is just my tale... you can do things to help yourself curb what you're eating without being vegan or even vegetarian.
Ie: I have spaghetti sauce on salad and hardy greens, like Kale and swiss chard, instead of noodles. It's a great way to get the veggies in without really having a problem with them. Sometimes I just don't like cold salad. And that way you can have a large portion of spaghetti without
Find a good, local pizza place, and ask them if you can order your pizza without cheese, just with more vegetables instead.
And this mire you're in right now, I know it feels bad, but often times resistance comes in the form of an overwhelming depression.
I suggest a book called the war of art. It's about art but I found that it really motivated me in terms of losing weight, and it's definitely transferable from art to other areas of life.
BookThere's also a podcast that I want you to listen to. I want *everyone* to listen to it, but that's because it's just fantastic. You don't have to have an Ipod you can just listen to it on your computer.
Yell at your Fat This is everyone's homework. Wendy is a great person and it really feels like she's right there behind you saying positive things and keeping you motivated.
And as an added benefit, if you want to hear me yelling at my fat, It's in the eighth episode. I'm the nice lady from canada. ^^