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Origin Dark

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:47 pm
Its been eight years since humanity changed, eight years since they legallized gene splicing, since the experements began. The year now is 2020 and the animal-human splicing is still in the begining stages only used for cosmetic purpouses, but there is one problem the humans who were used as test to inhance their ablities have escaped and are loose upon the city. The experiments have one big problem though since this is a new technology there are times where their primal instincts, all instincts depend on the animal they were spliced with. The government has sent out a new experimental force to capture them, much like the experiments they too have been spliced with animal DNA, for every experiment their is a soldier to match them. Bounty hunters were also sent out to capture them ether for mob uses or as an extra percaution for the government. You must choose wisely do you hunt these creatures or do you try and protect them the choice is yours so lets see what the future brings.

This all takes place in a ruined city once known as Seattle

he he he i popped the forum cherry
PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:58 pm
Profile Skeleton

Gaia Name:
Character Name:
Nickname/Experiment number:
Class sad Experiment, Bounty hunter, Special Forces, Experiment Protector)
Species sad This is where you place what animal you were spliced with if you are an experement, special forces, or just used for cosmetic purposes) Insticts sad these are the animal Instincts that take over, sooner or later)
Appearance: (Please link photos so that we don't page stretch. Thanks!)
Age: (Nothing ridiculous here please)
Short Bio:
(if your not a mod pm me your character)

Origin Dark

Origin Dark

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:04 pm
Origin's 10 11 commandments:

1.5: Dont argue with god if he thinks your being unfair
2.Keep it pg 13
3. Screw rule 2 Mc 17+ is fine with me
4. No god moding ( All pain given shall be recived, think about how it would actually feel)
5. Be Creative!!!!!! I want many diffrent species not just wolves or cats.
6. Wolfish get dibs on the first wolf
7. More rules will come if thought of
8. I have all rights to Knock out your character if you quit posting with out reason, you may pm to be revived
9. Three strike rule, in other words piss me off I will SMITE you
10. Horrible grammer = Bad juju
11. Don't talk about fight club
PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 5:32 pm
Accepted Profiles:
(Sorry if I havent gotten your profile in yet)

Gaia Name: wolfish halloween
Character Name: Norman Ikswordzuk
Nickname/Experiment number: Night Stalker (nyt for short)
Insticts:Some times he goes into a rage when he gets in a negative mood
Age: 23
Personality: He's usualy a nice guy, but when he gets sad, angry, depressed, any thing bad he WILL try to kill you
Short Bio: He got to go to colledge at 15 and graduated from colledge at 19 at the top of his class. He magered in Biology and genetics. He used his wolf syrum 7 times thinking the first one didnt work..... he was wrong.

Gaia Name: Graphic geek
Character Name: Aaron johnson.
Nickname/Experiment number: Winter/#118
Class: Experiment.
Species:White Tiger
Insticts:Blocks out all pain and thought, going into a rage when pushed to far.
Appearance: Winter
Age: 19
Personality: Determined, Friendly most of the time.
Short Bio: Aaron finished College joining an Experimental program,He was going to work with them but instead became a test subject.

Gaia Name: Origin Dark
Character Name: Sirion
Nickname/Experiment number: Sin
Class: Special Forces
Species: Rat
Insticts: Scavange, when he become bored, Group rally
Appearance: His squad armor out of the armour
Age: 20
Personality: Secretive and stubborn for He was trained to fight and not to look back no matter what and to only follow the orders of his higher up.
Short Bio: Not many in his squad no where he came from but they knew of his style, he was equiped with Colt AR-15, Only shoot to wound not kill was his orders. He had joined these forces for he belived this was a crime against nature to turn humans into animals and they needed to stop these experiments before they began to breed into even bigger monsters, but the government didn't tell him that they would be turning him into one of of those monsters as well.

Gaia Name: Origin dark
Character Name: Ruque
Nickname/Experiment number: Slither
Class: Protector
Species: iguana
Insticts:n/a for it is only cosmetic, for now
Appearance: Ruque
Age: 18
Personality: Protective and caring. he was raised to love people for who they are not what they look like nor who they hang out with.
Short Bio: When he first eard of the Cosmetic gene splicing he was all for it he allways wanted to have the features of a lizard and now that he could he did it. It wasn't long after that he heard about the experiments escape that he promised to help them out anyway he could he would protect them with his life. he is also looking for away to become more like the lizared with the insticts and other traits of one and he hopes to find someone to help.

"]Gaia Name: Stella_Allets
Character Name: Otsanda Zetsumei
Nickname/Experiment number: Pet
Age: 16
Class: Experiment
Species: Arctic white wolf. Black widow spider. Camel spider.
Because of the wolf DNA she has exceeded senses in sigh and hearing. She also has an odd appetite. She eats meat that is less then well cooked, and drinks blood when ever she can get it. When angered her pupils become slits and as black as liquid onyx. [looks like cat eyes] She has sharp canines and like a wolf does with the area around them, she does not forget anything she sees or learns. Her bite is deadly with venom from the black widow DNA. Also her mind senses have sped up, she knows when she is being watched and can 'taste' the emotions around her. She tastes fear the easiest and can be wrong at times, but is never wrong with fear. A camel spider relies on its speed and strength. As now, does Otsanda. The spider can run faster than a race car and pick it up as well.

You don't want your name on her bad list. Once you've wronged her, you aether make it up to her quickly, or start to run. Fast. She is working on her anger, but is not doing so good. Sweet, charming, and cunning as she is. Otsanda will show her true form. l In the night, letting her white long fluffy tail and ears show proudly. Otsanda can party the night away, with no true need to sleep, but she does anyways. Hunting small animals for food at times she enjoys this new life, finding fun in the simplest of things. Normally, when she does sleep she will find a random tree that had enough branches to hide her from the authorities.

Her mother and father on the run. Sateen [mother] had been given a message that the child she boar would b taken from her soon after birth. Stricken with fear for his unborn child, Gabriel [father] took his wife and soon to be child, away from their home in Germany. Having acquired enough money to travel for a life time. But their time had run short. Fast.

Bron in the dirty town of Seattle Washington, who would have thought that the government would be able to act in such a way. As soon as Otsanda, the newest life in the world, was asleep in her mothers weak arms, a lethal does of a toxin was injected into the mothers IV tube. As was her fathers, but placed into his choice of drink.

Otsanda lived her life in a cage. At the age 10 her blood had been mutated, changing her being all to get her. She was intended to be a guard, a pet for who ever payed the most for her person. She was taught how to use her new talents to the fullest. It was a shame that the scientist's taught her well; Also that the fact that she never forget what she learned. Being small in size, but excelled in speed, strength and senses.

A small pale long brown haired girl walked out of the double doors. A smile on her lips as she looks up to the rain that falls from the heavens. Her mouth, dripping with blood. Her tail and ears, hidden by her human form. The form that blends her in with the rest of the world.

- Inside the hidden lab, under the space needle. 3 men were being treated for venoms bites, 2 being zipped up in body bags, and many were wounded and unconscious.-

She fights for her life daily. Men and women finding her randomly, trying to get her back to the labs. Not many report back. Living on the streets Otsanda finds herself in odd situations frequently. What will happen the next day is a mystery to all. Will she fight. Most likely. Will she die. Not a chance.

When you see her walking down the street, her pupils slits in her eyes. What will you do?

Human picture but without the ears.
Beast form.

Gaia Name: X-Goshi-X
Character Name: Lexan Yuko
Nickname/Experiment number: Experiment #139, Fury
Class: Experiment
Species: Giant Golden-crowned Flying-fox(Fruit Bat), Wolf, Inland Taipan
Due to her 'Bat' DNA, she has random craving for fruits, especially on figs. It also increased her sense of smell to max, it also gives her the ability to see in the dark, making it easier for her to slip away under any hunter's nose. Her wolf DNA allowed her sight to be a hundred times better as well as her strength, has been maxed out. Her cravings are not only for fruits though, raw meat is in her menu as well. Her fangs can become large at will when either to bite someone or when angered, and as for the Inland Taipan DNA, allows her to inject fatal venom to her opponent or victim and allows her to be immune to any other type of venom, also gives her the ability to have 'heat-vision'..sucky thing about her poisoned victim...there is no anti-venom that can cure it...
Appearance: Lex looks like this, but with blue reptile looking eyes when angered. Has black hair with olive colored tips which change to brown when winter arrives(is part of her Snake DNA) She also has black wolf ears and tail and her middle back has olive colored scales that switch to brown when winter, and from those scares large bat wings emerge from them, big enough to cover her entire body.
Age: 18
Personality: Lex can be timid, but it depends on her mood, mostly she's cold and very silent, she can be very aggressive and is not the type of person to forgive someone so easily...anything else...feh...find it out on your own dude...

Short Bio: Living a happy life, Lex had everything she could ever dream of...loving parents and a lover of which made her super happy everyday...one day everything changed after a vacation. Lex seemed to have caught something. Because of her father being an ARMY soldier, she was taken to a lab to get her checked, soon enough they found out she had caught a rare disease. In fear of his daughter dying her allowed the scientists to keep an eye on her and try everything in their power to cure her. But what he did not know is that leaving her there...was a mistake.

A phone call was made, Lex was clarified dead. The scientist have lied, but they were right, Lex was to die withing the next hour. They did some quick tests on her, turning the disease into venom they had no choice but to inject her snake DNA, but wanting to experiment further, they injected more. Then one night something went wrong, a lot of scientist died and she was locked down and taken to another lab where they kept other...freaks...Soon enough everything goes out of whack and she escapes along with the others...in the city she went, but where will she go, she doesn't know...

Gaia Name: conan_wolf_boy
Character Name: Dulcian Flatsker( pronounced 'Dull-Cyan' and 'Flat-scur' for reference )
Nickname/Experiment number: #852
Class: Expermiment
Species: Jaguar, Kangaroo ( Jagaroo XD )
Insticts: When he smells meat, he becomes very hungry and will do anything to get food that's SAFELY edible
Appearance: Dulcian
Age: 25
Personality: Funny, loves to say the sentence 'That's what she said' at any moment that he hears another sentence that could be used in a more awkward manner
Short Bio: Dulcian was made to be something more of the 'assassin type, his black fur being perfect for hiding in the shadows at any given time and only have to close his eyes to hide himself from getting the glow of moonlight glinting off of his eyes. But when he managed to escape, he had planted a small note beside the desk that had been standing beside his experiment tube that said 'Oh burnnnnn!'
From then on, Dulcian uses his assassin-like abilities to only get him the things he needs, food, shelter, water, the necessary things for survival and never getting caught

Gaia Name:Majix the Ninja
Character Name:Vincent Grindet
Nickname/Experiment number:Grifter/#420
Class: Bounty Hunter
Insticts:Gets frenzied when he takes a lot of damage
Appearance: Out of Armor,In Armor
Personality:Jokester, but can be serious to do a job
Short Bio: Originally, he was a Expiriment, but turning a power outage, he escaped. Before he left, he managed to overpower a Special Forces soldier and stole his armor. Conditioned to be a tracker, he became a bounty hunter, and now survives off hunting down people and items for the right price. He specializes in duel-wielding daggers.[/  

Origin Dark


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:02 am
Nyt walked into his apartment home, the rest of the building was empty so he lived here. He walked over to where he had 3 fridges, he opened the middle one and shoved a half eaten deer into the bloody fridge and closed the door "that sould give me a days worth" he opened the fridge on the left and pulled out a beer and went to the living room to watch the news.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:54 pm
Aaron stood atop of a building. He had followed another experiment to.
He jumped off the building falling straight down... grabbing the edge of a window, he pulled himself through it walking into the room he looked around.  

Graphic Geek

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:52 pm
Nyt chuged his beer and back fliped off the couch, he dashed to the fridge on the right and pulled out a test tube and downed it, his fur and claws retracted, his ears sank back down his head, his hight redueced by one third and his hair on his head grew longer. During this transfermation he ran a put his lab coat on and made sure he had a certain set of needles in his pocket. He took a wiff of the air and smiled "it seens i was followed"  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:23 am
Aaron walked down the stairs slowly.. Coming to the end he walked thought one door..  

Graphic Geek

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:48 pm
Nyt turned and smiled crossing his arms so he could keep his hand close to the needles in case the tiger man was a threat "why hello there my striped friend"  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:27 pm
Sirion bounced about as the squad jeep drove over the ruble his eyes looking upon the other members of his squad each of them brought a diffrent skill to the team making this team quite skilled with a high probability of capture. The car came to s hault the smell of smoke filled his lungs as they steped out on the military camp site," So this is what Seattle has become" he smirked looking upon the destroyed city. A small man handed him an envelope, opening it he smilled" Ok boys seems like were after a Scientist, he seems to of experimented on himself he is live and dangerous time to move out" he grined as his men followed him as he began to run out towards the destroyed city.  

Origin Dark

Graphic Geek

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:40 pm
"Hello...I thought I'd tell you that there is a team outside this building, Ready to Capture you." Aaron said as e looked over to him.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:07 pm
Nyt fliped a switch on the tv and it displayed every point around the house "i dont see any one" Nyt walked over to the first fridge an pulled out two beers and tossed one to the tiger man "let me guess, your an experiment"

((dude, the squad is at the entrace of the city, my appartment is towards the middle of the city))  


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Graphic Geek

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:45 pm
((whoops sweatdrop ))

Aaron caught the Beer opening it with his claw.
"Hmm. well I saw Jeep headed this way...Yes I am...You?" He said as he leaned against the door way.  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:19 pm
Nyt ran a hand across his human arm down to the beer and opened it and grined "do you see any fur?" Nyt smiled as he took an drink  


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The forest (rp)

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