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Reply 03 One-on-One RPs
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Red Phoenix48

PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:36 am
Occam's Razor states that ; The simplest solution is the best one. Is this true? Let's put it to the test. How long will this unlikely situation go on? Until the simplest solution is offered.

Kiana Silverwolf
Red Phoenix48

Name; Ixpath
Age; 21
Picture/Description; Since no picture really matches, I'll give a description.
Tall, around 6'2, making him a giant compared to the people of Ygdrasil, who average about 5'5. Wears a black robe with around fifty pouches, each full of a different material component. Well muscled and powerfully built (Magic requires an equal amount of energy, I.E. To preform a task with magic costs the same toll in energy as it would to do the task by hand. Magic is just quicker.) but most of his physique is hidden behind the robe that goes up to his neck. Underneath the robe is a leather vest and pair of pants. Each contains more pouches, and the pants have a sheath for a dagger on either side.The dull gray hair stands to contrast the black robe, and the dark eyes seem to be an extension of the robe itself. Underneath the vest, horrible scarring from burns appears, black and red, forming letters that, when you look at them, give a terrible sense of wrongness. His skin, however long he has been outside, is bleached white.
Personality; Stinging, with an added sense that many people are below him. Generally emotionally reserved, believing them too important to waste on other people. With acrid wit, and a tongue to match, his stinging responses to other people turn them away from him. He's a somewhat caring person, but only to people who have a decent amount of power. His black sense of humor doesn't really help, either.
Bio; When he was younger, he lived in a small village known as Cotswell. It was a generally peaceful life, until He came. He burned Cotswell to the ground with sword and fireball. Ixpath took a fireball, but mysteriously, survived, although with terrible burn scarring. Vowing revenge for himself, Ixpath took up wizardry, the only way to defend himself from another magical attack. Five years later, he had become bitter and self-withdrawn.
Occupation; Wizard (Necromancer)
Extraneous; Carries a magical staff wherever he goes.  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:25 am
Name; Kiara Damos
Age; 18
Picture or Description; Human Form, Wolf Form. ((The human picture was as close as I could get to my character, the only difference is, my girl has silver hair instead of light blonde.))
In human form, Kiara often wears long black cloaks with large hoods to hide herself from others. Her dresses are fairly simple and much shorter then women would normally wear. Thus leaving her free to move as she wishes without fear of tripping over the hem. Her long silver hair is usually tied back by a black ribbon.
Bio; Born under a full moon, Kiara was welcomed to the world. A world where her father was always gone, and her mother did not care for her daughter's well being. As years went by, Kiara grew older, only to realize she was very different from the other village children. Her silver hair and startling grey eyes were proof of that. Eventually she was run out of the village, to fend for herself out in the foreign lands. After weeks of fear and hunger, she was found by an old wise woman, and was taken in as if she was her child.

She learnt several healing spells during her stay, and once she reached eighteen years, she left. Now she wanders from place to place, keeping her hair out of sight and saying nothing that might make people suspicious.
Personality; Kiara is a shy person at first. It is hard for her to freely trust any person. Once trust is gained, she is a much more open, protective kind of girl. But beware, she despises the word freak. Years before, she would wildly attack anyone who would call her such a thing.
Extraneous; She carries a concealed dagger, something she only uses in times of desperate measures. Also, in one of the few pockets in her cloak, she has hidden, a pouch of healing herbs, used very rarely.  

Kiara Silverwolf

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Kiara Silverwolf

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:43 pm
It had been two weeks, only two, since she had left her second home. The wise woman that had given her shelter had passed away. Kiara was thankful that it had been a peaceful death, taking the woman in her sleep. She would have prefered to stay at the cottage, but she didn't want to be alone for the rest of her life, she needed something more.

After two weeks of travelling through the forest that had surrounded her home, she had arrived at a small town, one that was big to have it own Inn. But not big enough to get many guests. With a pouch of gold coins nestled in her cloak, Kiara entered the establishment. It was a dark dirty place with men laying on the floor and tables.

The serving girls wore skimpy dresses, cut far too low on the top and with slit up the sides of the skirts, showing their thighs as they walked. Kiara should have turned around and walked out, but she needed something other then dirt ground to sleep on.

She motioned for a large man, who, by the way he was acting, was obviously the inn keeper. "Hello" The young girl said quietly. "I am seeking a room for the evening, do you have one available?" She asked, her face hidden underneath her cloak. The man looked at her, suspicion clear on his chubby facial features. "Who are ye?" he asked. Apparently he had had some of his own alcohol, she could smell it on his breath. "Just a tired traveller seeking a place to rest" Kiara replied.

There was a pause, almost like the whole place had gone silent, and then the man spoke again. "Very well.... Up the stairs, fourth room on the right" With her directions in mind. Kiara walked towards the staircase that would take her to her room. She had to weave between tables and step over unconcious men, but she finally made it to the uneven wooden steps. Forcing her sore feet to carry her up one by one, she made it to the landing in just under a minute. "Fourth on the right" She murmured to herself, counting the doors as she past them.

Entering the room she was surprised by the cleanliness of it. The bed was made with what looked like freshly laundered sheets. The floor had been swept, and a candle was lit to light her way around the room. Closing the squeaking door behind herself, her stomach growled. Her stomach was telling her she needed to eat, but her brain was telling her that she needed rest, before she collapsed. Siding with her brain, Kiara removed her cloak, placing it over the back of a wooden chair. After going through her normal routine, she was in bed at last. It took only moments... She was fast asleep.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:08 am
The roar of the crowd had died down. Around fifty people ringed a hanging post, where someone was being 'strung up'. This wasn't real justice, of course. He had committed do crimes. Mostly, people just really didn't like him. Men and women stood there, in their plain white and brown clothes, darkened from dust, wear, and mud. The usual street urchins ran around corners, with merchants and their usual cries of "Stop! Thief!". Of course, the frustrated Constable and he both knew that it was impossible for him to be hung. There was just the matter of time before the crowd realized this too, and he could go on his way. The constable got three tries to hang him. Ixpath knew none of them would work. He looked around again, as if this was his last moment. Had to put a show on for people. Dust billowed around the courtyard, the windows on the buildings probably locked and bolted. He sighed a long sigh, and his precious Magicians Robe was taken from him. A murmur ran up from the hushed crowd. He had a feeling the orange didn't go down as well as the black. People expected a Necromancer to wear black.

The noose was looped over his neck. The heavy weight of the rope felt unusual, but he knew the routine. He had to survive three times. Easy. Once by physical effort, Twice by magicks. The door, without any warning, gave way. He quickly flicked his hands upwards to grab the rope above his head. Slowly, hand over hand, he climbed the rope upwards enough to slip the noose off his neck. Normally, this would be impossible, but the villagers hadn't bothered to tie his hands. Fools. The constable sighed.

"All right, No foolery this time. Yer hands be tied." A thick knot formed on the cloth binding his hands.. In front of him. Still fools. Nothing could change fools. This time, in the split second that the drop lasted, the rope untied itself, leaving him hanging by the tail end. A freak accident, no doubt.

The third time was the charm, Eh? If they failed this one he was free to go, and none wanted that. This time, the rope was hexed by a amateur Magician in the crowd, to hold a firm knot. If they really thought he would try that trick again, there was no helping them. For the final time, the trap-door burst open. As he fell he was sorting through the spells he could use to save himself. Ah. That one. A green ray burst from his fingers, and, upon contact with the rope, the rope was merely ashes.

"Now you have seen my final hanging. There is no more you can do. Begone, and do not tempt my patience. I have more Magiks left today." He said, standing next to where he would have been hung. At these words, the crowd dispersed through small streets, muttering about "How we'll get him next time." Ixpath nodded in agreement. With a long slow march, he walked back towards his house on the hill, dark and silent. He still had to pass most of the village however, so he scanned the streets, looking for something unseen before.  

Red Phoenix48

Kiara Silverwolf

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:30 am
It had been nearly two hours since she had fallen asleep, only to be woken by the sounds of shouts, yelling, cries of hate. She sat up in her bed, not quite awake, and frightened, those screams weren't directed at her were they? After a few moments she realized the sounds were distant. She got out of bed, wondering what could possibly be going on.

And so, wrapped in her cloak, she ventured out into the town, sticking to shadows, so as not to draw unneeded attention to herself. She reached the center of town to see a man with a noose around his neck. They attempted to hang him three times, attempted, and failed. Each time he escaped. Finally after the third try, it was over. Were the rules different here? Back in her old village, if a man was to be hanged, they would not let him go, under any circumstances.

Curiousity got the better of her, forcing her to follow after the man. She didn't know who or what he was, but by his display, he obvious had some magical control. Would he be able to help her figure out what was happening with her? She knew that on the nights of the full moon, she transformed into an animal, but she wanted to learn more. What was the name of such a creature? Why did she change only when the moon was full?

So many questions, that she didn't even know if he could answer. Kiara didn't know if he had sensed her following him, she didn't even know if he was friend or foe.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:37 pm
Something bothered Ixpath. He knew someone was following him, but he couldn't pinpoint where, and who. For all he knew, if he took the time to cast a spell, there would be ten knives in his back before he could finish the first incantation. Instead, he reached up underneath his hair, and flipped down a tiny little monocle, colored a translucent green.

"Mayhap Occam's Lens will solve this." Dust, as always, floated in the air. Ygdrasil was a very dry town. It had not rain for a entire month now, and this was considered normal. This did not sit well with his jungle tastes of atmosphere. The Priests of Rathma hadn't warned him about this. His gaze slowly flickered over the landscape, highlighting and naming the type of creature it was. Hmm. Human, Human, Badger, Ursine, Felix, Werewolf? That was interesting. He didn't know any werewolves around here, and doubtless he would have met them.

From the outside an onlooker could see someone very carefully gazing around. If your eye looked into the monocle however, a different world emerged, dark, bleak, and people turned grey and lifeless. The few trees rustled in the omnipresent wind. Shopkeepers turned and looked at the trees, wondering why the wind had grown so still and cold.

"Danm. It's damaging the environment." A quick flick of the wrist, and the monocle was gone again. "Still, whoever it is, they will assuredly find me. And when they do... I'll be ready."  

Red Phoenix48

Kiara Silverwolf

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:14 pm
The mysterious man had stopped for a moment, he appeared to be looking around carefully. Had he sensed her then? He didn't make any move towards her direction, nor did he say much... Just something about damaging the enviroment, and the rest she couldn't hear over the sounds of people talking not far behind her.

She was unsure of what to do next. Follow him to where his destination may be, or expose herself now. Going with the first thought, she waited for him to continue on his way. She couldn't risk him being a foe and outting her to the townspeople. Kiara knew she would most certainly be hunted down and killed...

Several wisps of her silver hair fall in front of her eyes, not blocking her view, just annoying her immensely. She brushed them back behind her ears. Why did she have to be so strange? Why couldn't she being a normal female, someone who would grow up, find love and have children... She was afraid of all that now. What would happen if her love found out? If she had children, would they be cursed like her? Endless questions filled her mind. Doubts, fears, hopes, and resentments...  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:50 pm
All right, there's a werewolf following me. No problem. I've dealt with them before. At least i should hear this one out before it kills me. Still, i could just blast it in the street, wherever it is, with minimum loss of life... Hmm.

Ixpath looked up and down for a second, feeling what could only be described as the brisk afternoon air, and continued the long, slow walk towards the house on the hill, dark and gloomy as it was. The other magicians had houses in the town, and everyone respected them. But oh, no. No respect for the necromancer, that raiser of the dead.

The hill was dark, and the house even more so. It wasn't painted black, but the sun seemed to ignore it, shun it, so that it was in perpetual shadow, and always very chilly. Ixpath stood at the front door with his eyes closed, arms inside the sleeves, and expanded his mind outward to see who was there. It would feel like a nagging itch to everyone, unless he locked on a single personality, when it became like shoving shards of hot glass underneath your fingernails.  

Red Phoenix48

Kiara Silverwolf

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 8:17 pm
She was getting closer to him, he had after all, stopped walking. The man was stading in front of a house's door, not making any move to open it and enter or to knock. 'Perhaps now would be the perfect chance to speak with him' Her mind reasoned. She didn't bother trying to keep silent now, it was obvious he had noticed her, or at least knew that someone had been following him.

As she got closer, about thirty feet away now, She got more and more nervous. What if he attacked? She only had a dagger for protection, not something that would work well against a spellcaster. Kiara's steps slowed until she had come to a halt, twenty-five feet away from the strange man.

'Should I say something?' She wondered, so unsure of everything.  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:38 pm
Ixpath turned the doorknob, opening the door slowly. Stepping inside, he closed the door, but made no motion to lock it. After this, he went about hanging up his hat, he didn't really need it on, and he already had a tendency to walk into the doorframe.

The house had a bleak look to it, stark darkness and white inside, making it look like some insane cross between a morgue and a insane asylum. The hat-rack was carved in the shape of fingerbones and femurs. It seemed to steal all light from the backround, focusing even more attention on it.

((Heh heh, sorry, been a little busy with Halo 3 this week.))  

Red Phoenix48

Kiara Silverwolf

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:53 pm
Kiara went up to the door and knocked lightly. She stood there waiting. Her hood hid most of her face, but a few strands of her silver hair were visible. How would the magic user react to her? Would he attack?

Other then standing there she had nothing else to do, except worry. Already she was shaking like a leaf, with everything that had happened over the years, it wasn't unexpected.
((Forgive me, i have writers block...))  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:12 am
Ixpath's robe swished slightly as he walked down the corridor, in the maze like paths of his house. He hesitated a little, and near the door, he placed an enchantment that, when the next person not him walked by it, would activate. It would say in a clear and distinct voice;
"Those who tresspass in my home... Beware. I suggest you lay down weapons now. I am more inclined to not harm those who mean me no harm."

Ixpath arrived in his workshop. Mechanical parts were scattered everywhere, and what looked like a person was lying at the end of one table, except that it was plated with metal. It obviously wasn't finished yet, but so far, it was impressive. With a bright blue flare, Ixpath started welding pieces on the thing.  

Red Phoenix48

Kiara Silverwolf

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:07 pm
Having recieved no answer at the door. Kiara wondered what to do next. Knock again, or open the door. She went with the latter of the two. She reached out and grabbed the doorhandle, turning. Upon hearing the click that told her the door was unlocked, she pushed forward and stepped into the entry way. At some point there was a warning said, she wasn't really too sure when, but it was there. Saying something about laying down any weapons. The only one Kiara had was a dagger she kept concealed at all times.

She wasn't about to give up her only form of protection. "hello?" She aslled out. Kiara came acrossed another door, this one made of metal instead of wood. She knocked lightly, the sound echoing off the hall walls.  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:39 pm

Kiara Silverwolf

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Kiara Silverwolf

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:37 pm
03 One-on-One RPs

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