Username: Akles
Name: Akles
Gender: Boy
Age: 16
Job: None (skater)
Abilities: Skateboarding, dancing, Agile, Drummer, physically strong
Equipment:Skateboard, Ipod, Digivice, drum sticks, Head phones, sunglasses
Appearance: Tall, skinny, pale skinned, orange eyes, red hair
Personality: An extreme adrenaline high seeking personality.
Biography: Akles lived a normal boring life. Everyday he wished to escape it, until one day he found a strange creature on the side of the road. He helped it to safety, nursed it back to health and found his escape. From then on he lives in the digital world.
Home: Spain
Alignment: Undecided
Digimon: Gabumon
First Encounter:He found gabumon injured, and nursed him back to health. Soon they became best friends. Akles kept the secret to his heart, and one day he and gabumon were transported to the digital world.
Extra Notes/Other: N/A