Hey, Rainbow Spade again.
Yes, I'm here to irritate you guys for another roleplay. But thankfully, there's no stupid long thread request that takes up an entire page.

I'm looking for another roleplay.
But not just any roleplay. A roleplay based on the horror genre.
It must be wonderfully filled with ethier or all of these.

~Romance (just something I'm used to but doesn't need to be the center of the ropleplay.)
~Gore (lots and lots of blood everywhere.)
~Zombies/monsters (Just because they're amazing and add to the fun.)
~And anything remotely interesting that has to do with that.

The only thing I'm asking for is please, be literate, I only roleplay in PMs. Don't type alot. Just three or four sentences. Sentences. I'm on everyday. No kidding, I don't have a life. Unless you would count these roleplays, then those could be considered lives, I suppose.
I'm running out of roleplays (therefore, my life) and need more!
I just wanted to do one of these because I was bored, and I just woke up after haveing a really violent dream.

Rainbow Spade.