Hello my fellow geezers! So, I created this thread for any Star Wars fans to post. I know some of you out there have to be fans. So, post here about what you like, don't like, any items you may collect (lightsabers for me ^^; ) ect..
As for me, I've got a few of the Master Replicas Lightsabers, and I'm working on a Tie Pilot Uniform..
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 9:00 am
I would love a light sabre!!
I love all the films, although being a geezer, my preference is for the original three (IV, V & VI) - you just cannot beat the characters in those films.
Original 3 all the way smile Although I've yet to see the Endor & holiday specials...
I also like the novels (particularly Timothy Zahn - go Mara Jade!), but stopped reading after the New Jedi Order. I have the Dark Nest Trilogy, read 'em once and plan to get rid of them. I like to hear about
how Ben Skywalker's doing and how he relates to his cousins, but the stories were just getting more & more depressing.
I've heard what happens in the newer series and wish I hadn't. In my world
Mara Jade is still alive & happily marriedsmile
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 12:48 pm
We watched the original theatrical release on DVD the other night. Han shot first. I'd forgotten how good it was.
Even though I was technically too old for toys when it was originally released (I was old enough to have a crush on Luke Skywalker - not Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker), I still have all my old original action figures and their weapons. They're not on card, but they're mine.
Let's just say I've acquired quite a number of other Star Wars collectibles since then.
Mega Nerd
Johnny Paranoid
Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:06 pm
Long time SW fan. Would like to smack George around a bit for messing things up. Collectibles? You could say that...
Oh dear, I forgot about all the toys I have from when I was a kid.. last time I checked, I had the Hoth battle laid out on one of my shelves at may parents house... I am some kind of dork.
Vincent Valintine
Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 9:43 pm
I am big fan of the original 3 used to love the books to but started working more and had less time to read/get books last one i read
Chewie died and that made me cry [end spoiler] and my current boss remembers going and seeing the first one (yes i mean episode IV) when it first came out in theaters and since i work in a college theatre dept. he can talk about it when he starts his theatre history class and use it as a reference for other things... yes i have the coolest boss ever cool
How did Greedo miss at point blank range? Only things I can think of are that he was either pitch-drunk or a victim of the Jedi mind trick. XD
And I know that Greedo shooting first was a digitally added retcon.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 1:06 am
Original 3 all the way smile Although I've yet to see the Endor & holiday specials...
I also like the novels (particularly Timothy Zahn - go Mara Jade!), but stopped reading after the New Jedi Order. I have the Dark Nest Trilogy, read 'em once and plan to get rid of them. I like to hear about
how Ben Skywalker's doing and how he relates to his cousins, but the stories were just getting more & more depressing.
I've heard what happens in the newer series and wish I hadn't. In my world
Ive been a fan since as long as i can remember. The first film came out the same year i was born. 75 i belive. Ive also read the Timothy Zahn novels and recon Lucas should use them for some new films. Does any one remember the old Droids cartoon series? exclaimquestion
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 5:30 am
My "little" brother is so much of a Star Wars fan that he actually paid to see the original film in the theaters like 35 or more times, including once in French! blaugh
Faerie KatrinaZ Crew
Sparkly Fairy
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:06 pm
I remember the old droids cartoon. There was also an Ewoks cartoon out at the same time.
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:32 pm
Both my wife and I are fans. We don't argue about things really but we had one about a quote from the movie, she won of course. I have a collection of action figures, vehicles, lightsabers, and various shows and movies I.E. The Ewok movies and the cartoons. I almost forgot posters, I even got a couple of autographs. So yeah I am just a bit of a collector.
Tora Shu
Ruby_Knight X
Newbie Gaian
Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:55 pm
blaugh i love starwars too ! 3nodding sweatdrop always got a shock from the lightsaber when they light up rofl xp Funny starwars starts from 4,5,6 than 1,2,3 but with tecnologic now adays so advance yet starwars 1,2,3 not as good as 4,5,6 rolleyes