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.: Khrys' Soquili Quests! :. 798k/1.3mil! Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:42 pm
First off, I want to welcome you into my thread, and thank you for taking the time to visit in here, and look at my quests. =)

This is simply a place for me to store my various ideas for quests. I will only actively quest one Soquili at a time. Any, and all, donations are welcome~ from trash to treasures, I'll take it all! Anyone who helps me will get a thank you in here, in my news post -- but I can't promise any more than that little mention. My quests are expensive, so paying anyone back will have to wait a LONG TIME. But, still, I will try my best to remember any people who donate in the future, especially if I see that they have their own quests.

  1. Intro
  2. News & Thank Yous
  3. People who have donated
  4. Angeni -- Aoibheann
  5. Wind -- unnamed
  6. Edited Regular -- Dope Line
  7. Skinwalker -- Rukmini
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:43 pm
07-06-2009 Yep, so I've added a couple more custom ideas to this thread. I'm hoping to get the two of them done this month! 8D I have 318k pure, and around 480k in items. I need 1.3mil for my Wind and edited Regular- so I need about 505k more! Sweet deal!

10.15.2008 -- This is taking a really long time. Got a donation of 50k today~ puts me around 150k. xD WHOOO!
09.28.2008 -- New rule. I don't like it, but only because it means I can't quest for my beautiful Rukmini. No more pure skinwalker customs~ so, I'll have to be patient. Maybe they'll allow 'em again someday!
09.19.2008 -- HOMG. I'm done my SoA quest! I'm still waiting to see a litter I want to custom into, but, I have all the necessary funds! What does that mean? -clears throat- It meeaaaans... I can quest Aoibheann, now! heart I've currently got 8k that isn't going towards my custom cub, so, that's 8k towards my 4mil+. Heh. This is going to take a while.
09.04.2008 -- I set up, and opened the thread. I am currently NOT actively questing. At the moment, this is just a space to store my ideas.





PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:44 pm

Patmos -- donated 50k pure. <33
Rejam -- donated 100k pure. "Soquili Quest donation cos I think Aoibheann is neat as s**t. "  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:13 pm
Angeni -- Aoibheann

.:Angeni Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse: Aoibheann [Irish/Gaelic; "beautiful, fair-form"]
Owner: khryssie__x
Gender: female
Temper (one word for horse's personality): Morose
Breed: Angeni
Theme (one word/theme where power/ability comes from): Remembrance
Description (wings/eye color/hair color/hair style etc): For the most part, I would like Aoibheann to be white. Her hair, her wings, her body -- everything. But, there are small hints of grey [grey = #787878] here and there. The tips of her feathers, the tip of her nose, as well as a few streaks of light grey in her mane and tail. I would like her feet to be heavily feathered. Her legs should be white, but fade into a light grey, and the feathers on her feet entirely grey. Also, the ankle-wings that an Angeni has -- I'd like Aoibheann's to be mostly white, with grey feather tips. Her mane and tail should both be long, the hair full and thick. Her tail is loose, the hair wavy like a Friesian's. Her mane is the same way, wavy, but it has a few braids throughout. *Important!* One braid in her mane is different from the rest, it has hair braided in, hair from a long-dead colt. The hair should be sea green [#70DB93] and bright purple [#7D26CD] , easily discernable from the rest. -/important- Her tail, I would like to be thick, held by two silver bangles [I guess is the best word for them], but the hair still visibly wavy. She'd be wearing a few pieces of silver jewelry, what they are I'm leaving totally up to the colorist. Whatever looks good. I would also like Aoibheann to have some markings, in the same [grey = #787878] that is on other parts of her. The markings would be flowing and elegant, with swirls and wavy lines. Fractal swirls are really cool.
Reference image(s): Swirls, more swirls, three for her markings.
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Up to colorist.
Tag frame color: Up to colorist.
Tag feather color: Up to colorist.
Hair/clothing edits (if any): None.

Aoibheann's Story

If there was a weatherman, alerting all the news-watchers to the forecast of the day, he'd announce that it was decidedly overcast. There wasn't a doubt about that. The skies were heavily-laden with angry, dark grey clouds. They hung low in the sky, seemingly full of rainwater. The clouds were fat, and unhappy, and threatened to burst at any moment, willing to unleash a torrential downpour over the lands without any warning. The air was bitingly chilly, lashing out in the form of a whip-like, northeasterly wind. It was, overall, a rather melancholy setting. The sun was hidden, forced to wait and linger behind the thick layer of clouds. Occasionally, hope broke through the dark, angry clouds as a bright, bursting ray of sun that reached down to kiss the rolling, green hills below. A sparse littering of trees broke up the endless sea of green that dominated the land. Here and there, in cliques of fifteen or so, trees stayed to their own species. The elm trees stood tall and proud, their wide, leafy branches providing enough privacy so that their whisperings about the droopy birches a few lengths away weren't heard. The maple and oak trees were closer together than any other grouping; perhaps they were reminiscing about the days that the area had been overrun with their kind. Lastly, the aspen grove stood alone, solitary, and silent -- for they were lofty and superior to the other trees.

High above the dramatic landscape, battling the blustery winds, was a figure in white. With two sets of wings, one might think that flying would be easier for the female. Alas, that was far from the truth. Under normal conditions, the previous assumption would have held true. But any creature would have trouble flying amidst gusting winds, and the Angeni was no exception. She struggled to stay aloft, all four wings working on their own to avoid dangerous and unexpected up [or down!] drafts. Years and years of experience navigating the air currents made sure that Aoibheann avoided major disaster, but she couldn't avoid difficulties entirely. The skies were her home; she spent more time up here, amongst the clouds and sun rays, than she did on her four feet and on solid ground. There were some things that even experience couldn't help with, though, and today's skies were one of those things. Aoibheann managed to pull her mind and thoughts free from the clouds long enough to make the decision to land. A gust of wind swept underneath the Angeni's wings, urging her to make her descent faster, lest she be tossed about without mercy. Her spiral down to earth was slow and wide, almost lazy. However, Aoibheann was not lazy, merely overcautious. She felt more comfortable and at ease with the wind beneath her wings. As soon as her hooves hit solid ground, her ears began to swivel, her eyes went wide, and a barrage of scents intruded her nostrils.

There was something decidedly suspicious and malicious lurking nearby. Aoibheann's skin would not be crawling without good reason. The mare's senses were sharp, yet she could detect no predators stalking her, or any other prey. But she was sure that something had been killed here, and recently. The trees were no help, and Aoibheann offered the gossiping trunks a passing, condescending snort. She was uncomfortable. Her wings were folded in to her sides one by one, but she took care not to tuck them too lightly. An escape route was necessary, just in case, and flinging herself skywards was her best bet. Aoibheann would rather take her chances in the wind and clouds, than with a hungry Kalona or Skinwalker. She took a few tentative steps away from her landing site, but did not stray too far yet. The immediate area around her was given a thorough inspection, her bright eyes picking up everything that seemed out of place. A trampled bush, several pairs of hoof marks, and an ominous aura were her first clues. But, the mystery had not been solved yet. One hesitant step closer to the scene of the crime, and Aoibheann was struck with a scent decidedly metallic and eerie. "Blood," she murmured, unfazed but ever-wary. It did not deter her, but little red flags popped up all around her. Signs of a struggle, the scent of blood... the answer seemed grim.

Aoibheann found herself standing just outside a cluster of tall, proud elm trees. Their trunks weren't too thick and wide, but their branches spanned out for several tens of feet on either side, providing a wide, leafy canopy to enclose the grove in shadowed darkness. Common sense screamed at her to flee, but curiosity spurred her to step within the grove. The mare flicked her wings nervously, knowing that her escape route to the skies was rendered moot as soon as she stepped beneath the trees. There was no way she could break through the canopy and flee. Aoibheann was tied down by her intrigue, and the burning need to know what happened to cause such a malicious and eerie aura to settle over the land. She had to put her mind at ease. What she found, however, was simply cause to spur further mental unrest. It was a sad scene, bloody and heavy with death. Something large, and obviously hungry, had come down from the nearby mountains to find a meal. At least, that was Aoibheann's best guess as to why such a young mare lay tattered and still. The carcass was at least a week old, and not much remained other than bones and scraps. There were claw marks in the ground, deep and vicious, reminders that not all creatures were as pure as the Angeni -- and even they had a few fallen brethren. Aoibheann's heart was heavy as she surveyed the scene, and she almost wished that she had ignored the need to sate her curiosity.

A dead mare was the least of her worries, though. There was something even more heart-wrenching lurking just a few feet away, lying in a small heap of bones and skin. Aoibheann only saw the colt out of the corner of her eye; he was fairly well camouflaged, his muddy-brown hide nearly the same hue as tree bark and dirt. A few steps closer only confirmed Aoibheann's suspicions. The colt was clinging to life. His mane and tail were in tatters and tangles, sea green woven with indigo. How he survived the attack, the Angeni mare could not even begin to fathom. Aoibheann watched, unable to move, so frozen in place was she with disbelief, horror, and shock. The colt's sides rose and fell slowly, his breaths shallow and rasping. From where she stood, the Angeni mare could see not a single scratch on the young colt's hide. Despite escaping the attack physically unscathed, being alone in the grove for several days left the colt in horrendous condition. He was young enough that he still needed to nurse; Aoibheann guessed that he was, at the oldest, no more than two weeks old. Each and every bone on his body was clearly visible. His spine was like a tall mountain range, jutting out in jagged peaks. His ribs, hips, and shoulders were pointed, threatening to burst through his thin hide. Aoibheann stepped closer, though it tore her heart in two to see such a young, innocent being in such a condition. Upon closer inspection, realization dawned upon the mare. The colt was upon death's doorstep.

There wasn't a thing she could do about it, either. She had no foals, and hadn't any recently, so she could not nurse the foal back to health. Even if she had been able to, Aoibheann suspected that he was too far gone to have any hope of recovery. It took no more than a few seconds for Aoibheann to drop to the ground next to the colt, curling her body around him, extending two of her wings as protection. The very least she could do was make the end peaceful. "You've been very brave," Aoibheann murmured in the colt's ear, offering reassurance in the form of a gentle whicker. A gentle breeze wafted through the grove of elm, bringing with it a calm, serene feeling. The colt was so weak that he hadn't the strength to pick up his head and look at Aoibheann. "Mama told me to stay brave," the colt answered in a soft, breathy voice. Aoibheann's strength nearly broke at this point, but a deep breath helped to regain her composure. It wasn't the time to mourn, yet. "You're safe, now, little one," she hoped that her presence would put the colt at ease. He had been through so much, at such a young age. A terrifying attack, the death of his mother, and perhaps more than a week without food, forced to stay near her dead body. That constant reminded must have worn down on his mind and willpower, but the colt didn't show anything but bravery and pride in his last few moments. "I'm Ehsan. Will you remember me?" The question was so blunt, it caught Aoibheann off guard. She hadn't considered the fact that the colt knew he was going to die. But, after a few moments of thought, it seemed perfectly logical that he had come to that conclusion. He certainly knew what death was; his mother lay no more than fifteen feet away from him. Aoibheann reached out with her nose to nuzzle the side of his face. She lingered there for a moment, reluctant to break the contact with the colt. "I will think of you every day, Ehsan," she promised him.

That promise seemed to be the thing Ehsan had been holding out for. His breath and life both left his body together, his sides falling one last time. His head rolled gently to the side, coming to rest on Aoibheann's shoulder. "Oh, little one," the mare murmured, her voice about to break, sadness heavily lacing each word. She was loathe to leave his body, and eager to provide some sort of lasting memorial. There wasn't much she could do to preserve him, so, Aoibheann had to settle for simply this memory as a memorial to his short life. Careful not to disturb his eternal slumber, the Angeni mare moved slowly as she stood. Her gaze rested upon his tiny body for more than a few minutes; she was frozen to the spot, unwilling to leave him to the elements. "There's nothing more I can do for you, Ehsan. Journey well, and sleep peacefully," Aoibheann said simply. Her words would have to be enough. "I will not forget you," she promised him again, her voice and words vehemently strong.

Aoibheann was an Angeni mare, ethereal and noble. She made her home in the skies, and was reluctant to touch her hooves upon the earth. But, this day had been a sobering experience. She now felt a peculiar tie with the earth, and its lands. This young colt would linger in her mind and heart forever. He humbled her. Aoibheann would no longer be loathe to visit the land, and she would often visit this elm grove, in times to come. It would come to be her new home. Where Ehsan had lost his life, Aoibheann would attempt to restart hers.





PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 3:18 pm
.:Wind Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
any colorist~
Name of horse:
Owner: khryssie__x
Gender: male
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Breed: War Horse
Description(wing/eye color/hair color/hair style etc): Okay. So, I've kind of just got basic concepts right now. I want the colorist to improvise as much as they want, you know... Take my basic ideas and expand on them? =] I really like the Otami Jewelry item. I'd like to edit in one pose of the jewelry. The headpiece with long, tipped blue and orange feathers, and the big, chunky gold earrings. His wings will be completely white. I want him to look like a paint horse. Dark brown points, white body. DRAFT BODYSTYLE! 8D That's all I've got. "Wild" hairstyle, with blue/green feathers. Other than those basic ideas, I don't mind if the colorist expands and adds a bit. I'd really like him to look natural, tribal, and kinda fierce/intimidating. Maybe some other jewelry, or painted-on markings? Like war-paint? C:
Reference image(s): headpiece
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: up to colorist
Tag frame color: "
Tag feather color: "
Hair/clothing edits (if any): Nope. Just the jewelry.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:24 pm
.:Regular Soquili:.
Name of horse:
Dope Line
Owner: khryssie__x
Gender: female
Temper (one word for horse's personality):
Breed: TWEWY
Description (eye color/hair color/hair style etc): Either the "short" or "forever foal" hairstyle. Umm.. this soquili is TOTALLY up to the colorist. Base it off the pin referenced below- feel free to interpret however you want. Serious, silly- whatever. 8D
Reference image(s): Pin!
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Up to colorist-
Tag frame color: "
Tag feather color: "
Total Price: 425k  





PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:25 pm
Skinwalker [golden tabby tiger] -- Unnamed

. razz ure Skinwalker Soquili:.
Colorist wanted:
Name of horse: Rukmini [Hindi; "adorned with gold"]
Owner: khryssie__x
Gender: female
Temper (one word for horse's personality): Irascible
Breed: Golden Tabby Tiger
Description (pelt colors/eye color/hair color/hair style etc): The reference images pretty much sum up what I want her coloring to be. I'd like her pelt to be a bright orange, with only /slighty/ darker stripes. Her eyes should be a hazel sort of color~ gold-green-brownish, if that's not too much. xD Her mane and tail should be very light orange, leaning towards white. But, a few streaks of orange [like the color of her stripes] should be visible. I'd like her mane and tail to have the wavy/curly style of a Friesian horse.
Reference image(s): One Two Three Four Five Wavy Mane & Tail
Which stage you want them to start as?(basket,foal,or adult): Adult
Default accessory color(s)?: Up to King.
Tag frame color: Up to King.
Tag feather color: Up to King.
Hair/clothing edits (if any): None
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:31 pm





PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:32 pm
PostPosted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 4:33 pm
post away~ tell me if you love/hate my concepts. wish me good luck. just pop in and say hello! 8D  





PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:49 am
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 7:58 am
They're gonna turn out amazing whenever you get them! owo <3  


Tipsy Girl



PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 11:49 pm
Thaaankies. <333 I can't wait~ but it'll be a while.  
PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:45 am




Enduring Werewolf

10,275 Points
  • Team Edward 100
  • Object of Affection 150
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:03 am
Oh I love the idea of the skinwalker! Tigers are fantastic animals and my faves! <3  
Questing HQ

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