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Saleana Faye

PostPosted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:57 pm
Well, this is the fanfic I am so proud of writing. It did well on Fanfiction.net. So without further ado I present: DDR VS The Ultimate Lifeform: A Fanfic In One-Shot:

It was a very normal day in Station Square. Too normal in fact. Nothing had blown up, heck Robotnik hadn’t even tried to take over the city in a month. G.U.N had told people to take some time off and forced the Ultimate Lifeform to take some time off too. So here is where our story begins.


Shadow sighed as he walked down the sidewalks of Station Square. He wished that G.U.N hadn’t given him time off, or the fact he didn’t take it well and two soldiers had to carry him off kicking and screaming. As the ebony hedgehog walked, a sign caught his eye. Shadow studied the sign and the building it belong to.

“Hm,” Shadow thought as he looked at the sign that said Arcade, “An arcade. Well if Faker, Tails and Cream can play these stupid games, I don’t see why I can’t.” And with that, he went into the building.


Shadow walk to the token machine and bought two dollars worth of tokens. He walked around the arcade, looking for some game to play, when it happened.
“DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION!!!!!” screamed one of the machines. Shadow spun around and looked at the machine that screamed at him. He read that it needed four tokens and in this game, you used your feet. Shadow put four tokens in the DDR machine. He looked at the difficult modes on it. Though Shadow is a noob at DDR, pride got the best of him and he chose the Basic level.

“Let’s DDR!!!” yelled the announcer guy.
“Shut up,” mumbled Shadow, as he looked through the songs. Butterfly, Heaven is a ’57 Metallic Gray and Dynamite Rave were good songs, but Shadow thought that they weren’t good songs. He was about choose Speed Over Beethoven when he found the song called Sakura. Shadow liked the song’s beat and chose it, before looking on how fast the song was.

“Are you ready?” asked the announcer guy.
“I thought I told you to shut up,” Shadow said to the machine. He looked back to the screen and saw the arrows and how fast they were going. Shadow tried hit them, but the song was too fast and failed.
“There’s always a tomorrow,” said the announcer guy.


“Thank-you Mr. Sonic for taking Tails and I to the arcade,” said Cream with a big smile on her face. Tails nodded in agreement with Cream.
“No problem guys,” Sonic said, smiling. Sonic loved it when he had to baby-sit Cream. It meant that Tails could have someone close to his own age to play with and every time she came over, the three of them went to the arcade to play video games. Sonic watched Tails and Cream enter the arcade, grab some tokens and went to find something to play.

“OH!! You couldn’t make it,” yelled the DDR announcer guy. Sonic looked at the DDR machine.

“That’s odd,” Sonic thought, “Tails and Cream are really good at DD…,” He looked closer at the machine to notice that wasn’t Cream or Tails on the DDR machine, but Shadow, shaking with anger.

“Uh-oh,” said Sonic as the explosion rant of The Ultimate Lifeform started.


Sonic walked over to Shadow, whose legs had finally given out and collapsed on the DDR pad.

“Shadow, are you okay?” asked Sonic. Shadow looked up at him and smiled.
“No Faker. No I’m not.”

Sonic sighed and helped Shadow back on his feet, which he still had no feeling in and fell. Sonic sighed again and helped Shadow back, but this time he made Shadow use him as support.

“So, what song did you try playing?” Sonic asked.

“Sakura on basic,” muttered Shadow. Sonic laughed and Shadow gave him the death glare for laughing.

“That was the first song I tried too. Same level too,” Sonic said, looking at Shadow, who finally had feeling back in his legs and was standing. “But DDR is too complex. I prefer running over that game.” Shadow was going to say that Sonic preferred running over everything, but bit his lip and kept silent.

All of a sudden, Cream and Tails came around a corner to see that the DDR Machine was not being used. The two smiled at this and put in their tokens. Shadow watched as Tails put his level on Difficult and Cream put her level on Expert.

“What song should we do?” asked Tails.

“I don’t know,” said Cream.

How about… Sakura?” they both asked at the same time and giggled at that. Shadow twitched at the fact they were doing that evil song.


“Can I call you a Dance Dance Master?” asked the DDR announcer guy. Cream smiled at her Triple A Star. Tails smiled at his Double A. Even though he wasn’t good at DDR as Cream, Tails was still proud.

“HOW THE HECK DID THEY DO THAT!?!?” screamed Shadow, getting ready to go into one of his explosion rants again. Sonic looked at Shadow, and slapped himself.

“Here we go again,” thought Sonic as he shook his head, listening to Shadow rant… again.


I absolute love this story. My favorite piece I've written so far. So please tell me what you think. If you think it's good, I'll post the second one up here too.

Saleana Faye
PostPosted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:57 pm
LOLOLOL that was awesome! More! lol you have talent, I can actually imagine that happening XD  


Saleana Faye

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:10 am
LOL!! Thank you so much. I'm really glad you'd liked it. I'll put up the second one soon. Thanks again.

Saleana Faye  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:50 pm
no problem! you do have talent!  


Saleana Faye

PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:01 pm
Again, thank you. If you want, I'll post the Birthday fanfic I wrote up here later too. I don't see myself as having talent. Half of the stories I write are because I wake in the middle of the night and say: "Wouldn't it be funny if Shadow played DDR and lost and Cream was Uber good." Then I write it down in the morning. So I never see myself as having talent. I write for fun.

Thank you again for reading. I'm really glad you liked.

Saleana Faye  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:08 pm
that would be awesome if you could. I really enjoyed the last one razz

on a side note don't forget about the rp's! You haven't been posting in it recently! surprised  


Saleana Faye

PostPosted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:40 pm
Yeah... I've gotta start posting again. Anyway here's DDRVSTULF 2: The Aftermath and The Revenge:

--- smile ----

24 hours. That’s all it took. 24 hours and everyone in Station Square knew that Shadow the Hedgehog was a laughing stock because Cream the Rabbit had beaten him… at DDR.

“When I get my hands on that kid, I’m going to…”

“Yes we know. You’re going to Chaos Control her into next week. Now quit complaining. Gosh Shadow, you’re giving me a headache.”

Shadow turned around to give Rouge the Bat a death glare, but heard his door shut before he could. He sighed and flopped down on his bed and pulled a plush doll, which looked like a jester.

“Oh NiGHTS, what am I going to do? I mean, come on. I was just beaten by a 6-year old rabbit. I’m the Ultimate Lifeform; I should be Ultimate at… EVERYTHING!!!!!! Well I should be the Ultimate at running. But I’ll let Sonic keep that title. For now.” Shadow told the plushie as he pondered on the one thing that came to his mind:
“How am I going to beat her? I could go to the arcade again… No. Never again… but how… how am I going to beat her?”

“Why don’t you just download Stepmania and all the DDR songs on your computer?”
Panic had taken over Shadow. He quickly threw the NiGHTS plushie away and stood up to see Omega standing in his dorm.

“So, you talk to plushies now.”
“That didn’t happen. And if you say it did and tell all of G.U.N, I will destroy you,” growled Shadow as he glared into the robots soulless and emotionless eyes. “But anyway, you said there is something I can download a program on the computer that has all the DDR songs and I can play them with a DRR… Mat… Thing?”

“Affirmative. You can download this Stepmania and beat Cream the Rabbit in 3 weeks if you train yourself everyday for 12 hours a day.”

“GREAT!!” Shadow yelled in joy, as he ran over to his computer and quickly turned it on. Shadow got the internet, went straight to Google, finding the place to download it and started to download the program.

‘Just you wait Cream,’ Shadow thought, ‘I will master this game and I will master that Sakura song, and I will DETROY you.’

(3 Weeks of EXTREME TRAINING Later)

‘The Arcade, where the whole DDR fiasco started,’ thought Shadow as he glared at the building like it came from the fiery depths of Hell. Shadow took a deep breath in and walked inside. Inside looked as how he remembered it, dark and dirty with only the videogame screens lighting the place up. And that’s when Shadow heard a voice. A sweet kind voice that he was so happy to destroy.

“Mr. Sonic, when we are done at the arcade, can we watch Pokemon?” Cream asked, big brown eyes starring into the emerald green eyes of our blue hero, who was babysitting her.

“Of course Cream. We can do whatever you want when we go home,” Sonic said with a big smile, giving her the famous thumbs-up.


Sonic and Cream turned around to see Shadow pointing at Cream.

“I DEMAND a match at Dance Dance Revolution with you, Cream. One song. My choice.”

“So humiliating yourself once wasn’t good enough so you have to do it again Shads?”

“Shut it Faker and don’t call me ‘Shads,’” Shadow growled. He turned over and looked down at Cream, “Well?”

Cream looked up at Shadow and smiled, “Of course Mr. Shadow. I would love to play DDR. But if I win, you have to Mr. Sonic baby-sit me.”

“Deal,” grumbled Shadow. Cream bounced up and down in joy.

“So tell me Mr. Shadow, what DDR song are we dancing to?” Cream asked as they got on the DDR mats and set the Modes on Expert. Shadow looked at her and smirked and said only one word.



Shadow fell to his knees, looking at the letters that decided his fate. On his side, there was a B. On Cream’s side, there was an A star.

“No… no no no. This can’t be happening,” Shadow thought, closing his eyes and reopening them, hoping they were playing tricks on him, but alas, they didn’t.

“Yay,” Cream shouted in joy, “Mr. Sonic, Mr. Shadow, can we go home and watch Pokemon?”

“Yeah,” the two hedgehogs grumbled in unison. As they were leaving Shadow looked at Sonic.

“Gotta Catch’em All,” whispered Shadow.
“Gotta Catch’em All,” Sonic whispered back, trying to suppress his laughter.
“POKEMON!!!” yelled the two hedgehogs and they started to laugh as they ran to catch up to Cream.

(Meanwhile, back at G.U.N…)

The G.U.N soldiers and the Commander stood there, waiting for Rouge to hurry up and get something from out of Shadow’s dorm. Rouge came back and everyone started to laugh their butts off as she held up the NiGHTS plushie that was hidden under his pillow.

Not the Fanfic I'm most proud of. It took me forever to write it. Well there it is.

Saleana Faye
PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:19 pm
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! OMG that was better than the first XD XD XD. GOOD JOB!  


Saleana Faye

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 2:39 pm
Thanks. This is the fanfic I wrote on June 23rd(AKA Sonic's and Shadow's birthday):


6a.m. A peaceful time in Station Square. The sun was rising, birds were singing and an alarm clock was screaming its batteries off to wake up its master.

We begin our day at G.U.N. Headquarters’ Dormitory Buildings. There are 26 dormitory buildings all labeled with a letter from A to Z. Building M, Room 13 is where our friend the alarm clock, who is still screaming like a mad clock, is. As the clock buzzed uncontrollably, a groaning noise could be heard and out crawled Shadow the Hedgehog from his cocoon of blankets. He turned off the alarm clock, which now said 6:25 on it. Shadow yawned as he looked over at the calendar that read June 23, 2008.
“That’s it! I’m going back to bed,” groaned Shadow as he threw his black and red covers back over his head.


“Come on Sleepy-Head. Get up.”
“Wha…” mumbled Shadow. He crawled out from out of the blankets to see two blurry figures. Shadow shook his head and rubbed his eyes. The two figures took shape of Rouge the Bat and E-123 Omega.
“Shadow the Hedgehog. You have been sleeping for over 24 hours. I shall check your temperature,” said Omega as he pulled a thermometer from out of nowhere and walked over to Shadow’s back side.
“I’m fine and YOU ARE NOT SHOVING THAT UP MY BUTT!!!” said Shadow as he glared at Omega. Rouge giggled. She was wearing a long dress that was a deep purple in color and a diamond necklace that brought out her eyes. Shadow looked at Rouge.
“And you’re dressed up why?”
“Took you long enough to notice,” Rouge giggled. “Anyways. We’re going to the ceremony tonight.”
Shadow blinked and cocked his over to the side. “What ceremony?”
“The ceremony of celebrating the birth of Sonic the Hedgehog.”
Rouge smiled, “That’s right. And you’re coming too.”
Shadow got out of bed and walked over to his door. He looked over at Rouge.
“I AM NOT going to something that is meant for Faker. So you and Mr. Roboto over there can go. Leave me out of it.”
“I am not Mr. Roboto…” yelled Omega.
“Shadow, where are you going?” asked Rouge. Shadow looked at her as he opened the door.
“I’m for a walk.” And with that note, Shadow left and slammed the door behind him. Rouge stood there, raking her mind on anything that would make him mad about today other than it was Sonic’s birthday…..Birthday.

“OH MY GOSH!!!!” Rouge yelled when she realized it. She turned to Omega. “Why didn’t you tell me that’s its Shadow’s birthday too today Omega?”
“I’M KILROY!!!” screamed Omega from out of nowhere. Rouge sighed.
“You’ve been listening to Styx again, haven’t you?”
Rouge smiled. “Come on. We better get going to the ceremony.”


Shadow was walking down the street conjuring up all his braveness. He had a dozen yellow roses in his hand. Shadow turned a corner and stopped at a big iron gate. He read the sign that said Cemetery and gulped. After standing there for about 5 minutes, Shadow had done something that nobody would ever think of him doing.
“I can’t do this,” Shadow said. He closed his eyes, knowing that he was defeated by a cemetery, and was turning to leave when he heard a voice, an annoy voice. In fact it was the voice that Shadow didn’t want to hear all day.
“Hey Shadow. Long time no see.”
Shadow shuddered and turned back around to see The Fastest Thing Alive, The Blue Blur himself, Sonic the Hedgehog.
“Yeah it has been a long time,” Shadow said through clench teeth, “November at the arcade, remember.” Shadow looked at Sonic. “Aren’t you supposed to be a ceremony?”

At said ceremony, Rouge and Omega arrived about an hour and a half late.
“I can’t believe we’re so late,” Rouge said, glaring at Omega. “If you didn’t fall in love with a computer… I thought robots didn’t have emotions or feelings.”
“Her name a Phoebe, She was a Mac. I LOVED HER!!!”
“Uh-huh,” Rouge said and turned to go up the stairs of the Town Hall, when she saw a rather ticked off Amy.
“Amy, what’s going on did we miss the ceremony?”
Amy looked at her with fire in her eyes.
“There WAS no ceremony,” Amy snapped, “Sonic didn’t show up.”

“Yeah, I was supposed to go, but I didn’t feel like it.” Shadow looked at Sonic like he was crazy.
“So the Hero of the People ditched his own Birthday Party.”
“I had to,” Sonic said weakly, “I haven’t been alone all day. Heck, I take 5 steps and someone is screaming Happy Birthday to me. It’s so annoying.”
“Heh, well at least everyone knows that’s it’s your birthday,” Shadow said as he sat on the sidewalk. Sonic followed Shadow and sat beside him.
“What do you mean Shads?” Sonic asked cocking his head to the side.
“Well today is my Creation Day,” Shadow said. He looked over at Sonic, who looked like Shadow just explained the Meaning of Life. So in other words Sonic was confused. Shadow sighed.
“Okay, I’ll explain to you,” Shadow said and Sonic nodded. “Okay. 57 years ago, I was created in a big test tube…”
“Oh, you mean your birthday is today too?” Sonic asked.
“No, it’s my Creation Day. I was never born from a mother. I was created in a test tube.”
“Oh I get it now. But that doesn’t explain why you’re at the cemetery.”
Shadow sighed. “Well I was going to visit someone, but my nerves got the best of me.”
Sonic looked at Shadow in disbelief. How can he, Shadow the Hedgehog, let his nerves get the best of him? It didn’t make any sense.
“Oh come on Shadow. I’ll go in with you. So who did you come to see?”
“Who do you think Faker?” Shadow snapped and glared at Sonic. Sonic looked at Shadow confused and then realized who it was. Sonic smiled and stood up. He helped Shadow up to his feet.
“So, are you ready Shadow?” Sonic asked, the smiled never leaving his face. Shadow realized what Sonic meant and nodded and they pushed open the gate.

Shadow and Sonic walked about 10 to 15 rows of gravestones when they had found the one. It was made from shiny white stone. Shadow looked at Sonic who nodded. Shadow took a deep breath and walked over to the gravestone. Shadow put the yellow roses on the grave.
“I know it’s been a long time,” Shadow said, “57 years to be exact.” Shadow rubbed his eye, to try to hide the fact that tears were running down his face. No body had ever seen him cry. Amy might have but he didn’t know if she saw it or not.
“Look,” Shadow said, his voice cracking, “I know I should have come to see you sooner. I feel so bad for not coming to you sooner. I’m sorry and I will come and visit you lots.” He took a deep breath. “I love you, Maria.”
Shadow walked away, rubbing his eyes to show that he was crying. He walked over to Sonic, who walked over to him and did the unthinkable. Sonic gave Shadow a hug. It didn’t last long what with Shadow being as stiff as a board, but the point of the matter was Sonic hugged Shadow. As soon as the hug was over, Shadow did something that no one ever saw him do. He smiled.
“Happy 57th birthday Shadow.”
“Happy 17th birthday Fake- Sonic.”
And on that note Shadow started to walk away.
“Hey Shadow! Where are you going?” called Sonic. Shadow turned around, the smile not fading a bit.
“I’m going back to my dorm. My bed is calling me.” And with that he pulled out a Chaos Emerald and used Chaos Control.
Sonic smiled, “I’m never going to understand him,” he mutter. And with that, Sonic ran off to enjoy the rest of his birthday alone.

Yeah. This one is special to me because I woke up screaming it's Sonic and Shadow's birthday and didn't write a fanfic for them AHHHH!!!! It took me the whole day and I want to write this a month in advance. Well that failed.

Well I hoped you liked it.

Saleana Faye  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:44 pm
awesome! that's pretty good! you should write books. lol  


Saleana Faye

PostPosted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 4:59 pm
Why Thank you. I'm going to be starting my big Fanfic soon so I'm glad you like these. I'll post the big one up here too when I start.

Oh and my mom agrees with you. She really wants me to get into a Creative Writing Class since I love to write so much. Sadly the one at my school is only offered to kids that are taking University Classes. Sadly I'm in College Classes so I can't it. Makes me sad. But oh well.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:05 pm

that sucks :/. I'd hate to see your talent wasted! You should take the best class you can though.  


Saleana Faye

PostPosted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 5:29 am
Wow I haven't looked at this in a while. Yeah I know I should have. Anyways I'm going to be finishing up Flawed Design, put it here and FF.net and start working on Bath Time and then I want to finish my Sonadow one I started some many months ago then I'll start working on my big one. Anyways...except more from me

Saleana Faye  
PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 2:09 pm
WOO! lol  


Saleana Faye

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:33 pm
Well good news. The First DDR VS The Ultimate Lifeform is going to be entered in a contest. My sister is doing the editing.  
~Museum~(Art and Fanfiction)

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