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Sparkly Gekko

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 8:27 pm

My teepee

Please pm me about rp and plots since I dont check this thread often smile

.:Table of Contents:.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:09 pm

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Elijah thinks he's awesome and firmly believes you should too. At this point in his life he's all about having fun and flirting with pretty girls, with no though to consequences or repercussions. He wanders through life with a cocky but good natured attitude, tossing his hair, winking at the girls and flirting shamelessly. He's very much the love 'em and leave em' type, and never stays in one place to long. He isn't an outright or anything, and in no way does he see his playboy lifestyle as being intended to hurt others, it's just the way he feels. The whole "one for life," thing isn't his style as so far as he can see he might as well have fun while he's young and beautiful. Though he does have limits, and he wouldn't ever try and seduce a mare who is lifemated (though he would still be his charming self, no harm in a bit of fun flirtiing right wink ).

Elijah also has issues trusting others, though outwardly he will treat you like his best friend he never discloses anything too personal, or hangs around someone too long. He has major doubts about the honesty of other soquili, after all he doesn't always have the most genuine intentions so why would anyone else be better? It's not something he's thought about too much however and for the time being it doesn't bother him, and it's likely he'll continue his lifestyle for as long as he can get away with it scot free

Looking for:
pretty ladies to flirt with wink
maybe someone who he tries but totally fails at attracting (blow to his ego XD)  


Sparkly Gekko


Sparkly Gekko

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:16 pm

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Name: Tatiana
Meaning: ??
Temper: mysterious
Breed: ouiji board

Personality: Tatiana is neither good nor bad, she is a sense very neutral, almost disinterested. She has no real regard for good or evil as other soquili do, though being raised by a band of gypsies she perhaps tends slightly more to the generous side of things, taking a special liking to outcasts. Still she would not go out of her way to do anything overly nice, and she would not do anything overly mean. In fact she much prefers to quietly commune with the spirits on her own, though she is willing to give fortunes for a weary traveller now and then. She isn't the best at interacting with other soquili as she spends so much of her time focused on the spirit world.

History: As one of mixed heritage, many would think Tatiana would follow the route of many unikalona or kirikalona and be insane and tend towards violence. However this is not such the case with Tatiana, her dual natures seemed to have, not necessarily harmonized but reached an agreement within her. As a child her basket was abandoned and found by an old Roma mare, who raised her in the ways of the gypsy, and was delighted to find a stirring "gift" within the young mare. As a filly Tatiana had felt the calling of both of her blood, and though it troubled her occasionally, it never overpowered her. And the reason was that ever since she was small she could see things that others didn't. There were voices, shadows, spirits that spoke to her mind and it was these voices that guided her more than any earthly being. She focused her energy on learning the ways of Tarot and crystal balls and communed often with the spirits. As such she never succumbed to the insanity that plagued many of her breeding.

As an adult she is a very neutral soquili, caring neither for heroics nor destruction, for what do those matter when we will all join the spirits in the end? In many cases she far prefers the company of spirits to the living, she finds living beings to be so abrasive, so distinct and opinionated in what they see as a black and white world. She wanders the new world now, curious of the things she might learn here and the different spirits she will find. Most often Tatiana lurks through graveyards and the like, places where the connection to the spirit world is the strongest. Though she does communicate with other soquili, she usually finds them unrelateable to herself and so does so only rarely.

Looking for:
- spirits! (she would love to meet ghost or spirit types of soquili)
- rp with anyone else from the Blood Moon Carnival could be fun
- Anyone need their fortune told? Someone to foretell of a great journey or tradgidy etc. She's the mare for you!  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:18 pm

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Mihail is a small vampire foal from eastern europe that is under the protection of Tatiana currently. He was born without knowledge of who his parents were or where they had gone but when he emerged from his basket he was alone. Tatiana found him and took him under her wing and ever since then he has travelled with her, coming with her to the "new world" and ready for adventure. Being a vampire soquili he does require blood and his favourite food is rabbits. But don't worry other than his taste for bunnies he is quite the charming young soquili, very kind and polite and would never hurt another soquili, unless in self defense. He also mostly eats grass and vegetation as he is only a quarter kalona, and that is his main food source, but he still requires the occasional blood or else he becomes something akin to anemic. He can be a bit cheeky at times and he loves to flirt with the fillies, though he doesn't try to lead anyone on, just harmless flirting.

Recently he has met the vampiric angeni-kalona Vladislav and the older stallion has taken Mihail under his wing and is something of a mentor to Mihail. Mihail is in total awe of the fearsome looking vampire and thinks he is the coolest soquili he's ever met. Right now he basically worships the group Vlad walks on, sticking close to his side and imitating him as much as possible as many young foals do with their role models.

Looking for:
foal arpeeeees!
Interesting soquili - halfbreeds, mutants, etc.
someone who is afraid of him or dislikes him based on his looks would be an eye-opening experience for him  


Sparkly Gekko


Sparkly Gekko

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:20 pm

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Ake is my newest boy and he doesn't really have any particular plot that I see for him, right now I'd just like to rp him and kind of get a feel for his personality. He is a fiery stallion, free spirited, strong willed and passionate about everything he does. He loves life, and is a very up for anything type of soquili. He is very passionate about life, flight, his beliefs and thinks it is important to constantly encounter new circumstances, ideas and soquili to broaden his horizons. He is the type to live life to the fullest, and not dwell on things past but instead lives for the present.

Looking for:
something exciting - a dare a challenge, a competition. Reckless fun!

Not looking for:

if you think you have any interesting plots that he would fit into don't hesitate to ask.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:22 pm

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Name: Aneurin
Gender: male
Temper: brave
Personality: Aneurin is Brave and outgoing, and can tend to be a bit on the blunt side like his mother; though he isn't rude usually he says things how he sees them. He is very friendly and loves meeting new soquili and making new friends to go play with, and will always include everyone. He pays special attention to his sister Lumriel, who is a bit shy, and is constantly trying to encourage her to go out and make friends, while at the same time being very protective of her. Break her heart and he'll break your legs D:<.

As an adult Aneurin is similar to how he was as a child, still bold and outgoing and a little blunt. He has been raised and trained to fight and defend himself and those he cares about, coming from a line of knights on his mother's side, and his father, who used to slay kalona and skinwalkers. He looks up to his father greatly, but his father was always very adamant that he never wanted his children to share the life Alexiel had led, and so encouraged Aneurin's "knight" training greatly. Still Ane is something a a rebel knight, with a lot of rough around the edges. Though he has morals and honour, he is not the typical gentleman knight that one might think of. He believes that sometimes the end must justify the means, and that sometimes it is necessary to "get ones hands dirty" if it is needed to protect those he cares about. He also doesnt put much stock in the chivalry thing, as he is very independant and he assumes others to be the same. Though he is always kind and polite to mares, he sees no need to bend over backwards for things they could easily do themselves. In terms of mares he is attracted to others that are independant and he sees that as a strong trait. Shy mares he will quickly become very protective towards though he couldn't find them attractive as potential mates because they most likely remind him of his little sister whom he is very protective of.

Looking for:
-Friends! Because who couldn't use those right?
-Maybe someone to practice flying with or something.
-Need someone to stick up for you? Ane is your guy, he is very protective and will never back down.
-He comes from a family of knights on his mother's side, and his fathers fights Kalona and Skinwalkers because he sees it as his duty. So Ane will be trained to fight, and maybe it would be nice for him to meet someone else who is from a family somewhat like his so he could spar with them.
-Anything really...toss me an idea!

Not looking for:
Girls - unless you wanna be just friends, but otherwise he has his eyes on someone smile



Sparkly Gekko


Sparkly Gekko

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:23 pm

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current status:Alex has had a pretty extensive plot history in the past but now he is happily settled with his mate and children. Still I absolutely love plotting with Alex as he was my first soquili and still remains the one with the most intricate history and plot so if you want him in any of your plots dont hesitate to ask because I love to plot with him! But I would prefer plot based rp for him rather than meet and greet.

Personality: Alex is reserved, as his temper says and as such he is not overly outgoing. This is not to say he isn't friendly, for he most certainly is, just dont expect him to be the first to jump on the ball. Lately because of his constant battles he has grown bitter, and though he is still kind his outlook on the world leaves something to be desired. He desires nothing more than to protect the innocent, and save them from the fate that happened to him.

The story thus far:

Alexiel is a foal with a very dark and haunted past. While he was still inside his basket, his parents were brutally murdered. By what exactly, he doesn’t know, and he never saw it happen, he only heard the screaming from inside his basket where he lay hidden from whatever monster attacked his family. Because Alexiel was so young at the time, the event was incredibly traumatic for him, and as some young children do, he managed to block out the memories, forgetting about what had happened, but remembering only that something scary and painful lurks in his past. Occasionally things will remind him of something painful, but before the memories can surface he blocks them out. Thankfully, his basket was found by Adelle, and he has been adopted by her and her mate Shihab. He remembers nothing of his past, though the scars inflicted have taken a toll on his personality. He does not like loud noises, or angry beings.

The Plot

This is meant to be a fairly long term plot, with a bunch of different soquili along the way. So if you are interested in some of the later parts, just keep in mind they may take a while to get to, but hopefully that’s okay. Right now I’m really looking for friends for him though!

Currently he is looking for friends, those who will help him break out of his shell a little and realize the world isn’t such a bad place to be in. Alexiel needs a few good soquili that he can rely on and trust, to help boost his confidence. No mean soquili just yet, at least not super mean he needs to become a little more self confident first. It's alright if they're a little blunt or whatever, as long as they aren't intenionally being evil. These friends will be his bubble of happiness, and he won’t really think about his past as much anymore. For a while, he will be content with his friends and family. These can be foals or adults, really anyone who is willing to help him get a little confidence in himself. Though I would love some foals, just so he can meet others his own age.

At some point I want Alex to encounter another Angeni like himself, (a good one, no fallen) to teach him a little about what he is and what he can do. So far in his life, I don’t think there will have been any Angeni, and so he doesn’t really know quite what he is. Though Alexiel may in theory know the name and abilities of his kind, he won’t truly understand them. I’d like this angeni he meets to be a sort of teacher for him, who will be able to teach him about himself and about the breed.

Mean soquili can come after he has a bit more self confidence, though they most likely won't play hugely into the plot, just for the sake of some more experience with him. Alexiel will also encounter Neva, his adopted mother's true daughter, though he won't know it. Up until this point, he won't have thought of himself as being adopted, but Neva will point it out. She will make it seem as it her mother only took him in to fill a void in her life, and that he was useless, etc.

Later on I’d like him to encounter some sort of ‘bad’ soquili, most likely a kalona, though not necessarily. Any mean, scary breed will do. Perhaps even the one who killed his parents, if possible. Edit: Alexiel will now be encountering Wyrm, the skinwalker that murdered his parents. It might threaten to kill him, or if that soquili is said killer, remember his colouring and scent and recognize him. It will basically tell him what happened to his parents. This would bring the memories he suppressed slowly to the surface, giving him brief flashes of the things he has forgotten. Slowly it will bring parts of his memory resurfacing, and he will start to remember much that he has blocked out. This will shake him deeply, and he will be wrought with feelings of anger, self-pity, and above all guilt. Guilt for forgetting about his parents, guilt because if they hadn't stayed to protect him, they would still live, and he will begin to wonder about the state of a world where this could happen. He will try to isolate himself in order to save himself from the world and all of it's evils, though it won't really work.

]Sometime after this he will decide that he needs to face up to his past, and by this time he will be braver, more self assured, and more determined. He will understand that he can’t run from his past forever and must face up to it eventually. Maybe a friend (or a nice mare ;D) can help him realize this, pull him out of his "Everything sucks" sort of phase? There are a few different possibilities for personalities here, but I will be fairly picky with the mare because I do want her to fit with Alex's needs fairly exactly...
I would like either
A) a mare who is kind but determined and doesn't give up easily. Someone with a strong belief in themselves and others. aka willing to give him a slap in the face when he needs it.
B) A mare who is optomistic and sees all the beauty in life, and is able to show that beauty to others even if they are at first unwilling to see it. maybe even someone too optimistic or danger prone or something that will bring more to the plot.
new-> C) just thought of this but someone with their own challenges to overcome would also work, as it would bring out his naturally protective/helpful nature and make him understand there is more to the world than just his own problems
Even someone with their own personal demons or troubles is fine as they can work through it together. Either way, I'd like him to meet someone that can take him out of his anger and will show him a brighter world than the one he's been living in. I love mares with their own personality quirks as well since I find it always adds something more to the rp. So even if if your mare isn't exactly what is posted, if you feel she can thrown something interesting into the mix don't hesitate to try. =)

The Players

The adoptive mother - pippi18848's Adelle
The adoptive father - Kesmi's Shihab
The Killer - Meeki's Wyrm
Friend/angeni - Meeki's Ariel
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:27 pm


Sparkly Gekko


Sparkly Gekko

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:33 pm
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:35 pm


Sparkly Gekko


Sparkly Gekko

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:36 pm
open for posting!  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:49 pm
Zira just had her first baskets so she is feeling very protective/ motherly. Would you like a mother figure for Alexiel?  

Valdmir Talamore

Savage Shapeshifter

10,250 Points
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Sparkly Gekko

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:54 pm
Actually he has already been adopted by Adelle and Shihab, and is sort of their adopted son.^^ But thank you for the offer!  
PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:00 pm
Ho'kay, took this from main thread so I don't lose it

Tamiko, would you be up to letting Wyrm having killed his parents? Sorry, couldn't resist at the attempt. twisted

Sure, something needs to have! And could make for interesting future rp

Poor Alex xD

That would be really awesome. I'd love to work out a story/plot with you sometime if you were interested. Perhaps the parents could have hid the basket so well that Wyrm simply never noticed it or something similar. Wyrm is a Skinwalker and all, but he's crazy as a loon. He's killed before and I'd love to tackle more murders under his belt. :: Wyrm

I also have a very sweet Angeni that has taken to mothering/befriending foals if you wanted someone to help bring him out of his shell. Her name is Ariel. She is a bit of a child despite being an adult and enjoys telling stories to foals. She's adorable. :: Ariel

@Rein, congrats on the baskets. wink


Sparkly Gekko


Skilled Hellraiser

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 10:12 pm
*points to the filly in my signature* Would you like to see if Alexiel and Asami would become friends? I'd like for her to have more foal rp and she doesn't have a mean bone in her body. (except with her brother who is mean to her.) XD  
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