I've compiled a small list of questions for the MPH RP that some may have. I'm hoping this will help with you with any questions you might of had.

Questions were gathered by yours truely and answered by DM Drake.

Question and Answer:

What is a rp?

A role playing game, where you take on the persona of a character you create to a set of guidelines, and act out his story in a text driven story. Think of it as collaborative writting.

I’ve never done this before; I have no idea what I’m doing.

S'ok, we all start somewhere, I started at the age of 8... >.>

What rp system is this?

D&D 3.5... Don't worry, you don't need to know anything about the system to play.

Where can I find out more?


I’m having trouble or need some help with something. Who do I go to?

Post a thread, or PM DrakeCrescent.

Why should I join? I really see no difference between this and regular posting.

Because its fun, and there is quite a difference. Its simply up to you I'm afraid.

How are we going to determine outcomes in the game fairly? (Such as attacks and using skills.)

Rolls of Dice. I shall post the outcomes of your actions.

I’m usually busy and only on about an hour a night… I really don’t think I’ll have time for this.

Thats ok, I'm in the same situation sometimes, you won't need but 15 minutes or so to get a post up.