Hey there!
Last June I bought an OMFG! hat in the marketplace after saving a lot of gold and selling some MC letters. I loved having the hat, but a couple of months later sold it cheaply to a friend to help them in their quest. At the time, I didn't think I'd miss the hat. Feel free to laugh...I should...it was pretty danged foolish of me.
Of course, now I wish I had the OMFG back. I'm not asking anyone to donate one to me because of their cost. I'm not asking my friend for it back because she hasn't been on Gaia since late November (meaning: the damned thing is gone).
What I am asking for is if any of you charitable souls would send me gifts of small, inexpensive items that I can sell back to the store, or sell easily in the marketplace. I would GREATLY appreciate it! I checked the mp and an OMFG is currently selling for about 191,000 gold, and I have now saved up just under 73,000 gold. Any help is appreciated, and let me know if I can help you!!!
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