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Soltera: The Times of Trouble (Full) Goto Page: 1 2 3 ... 4 5 6 7 [>] [»|]

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Kaewyn Star

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 1:43 pm
Late, late, late, why am I always late? These were the thoughts going through sixteen year old Ari’s mind as she gathered her books into her backpack and strapped her two daggers to her belt. Just last year she had been placed in the position of apprentice scout along with ten other kids in her class. She wasn’t the knight that her father had been, or her father‘s father. Ari wasn’t a ranger like her mother had been before she had a child. In fact scout was considered one of the lowest ranks in the king’s honor guard to her classmates, but an extremely important one to her teachers. What do teacher’s know?

Well, at the moment it didn’t matter what position she was, all that would matter was that she was once again late. She took one last look in her bedroom mirror. Her short cut white hair actually looked decent today but her usual bright blue eyes showed her exhaustion. She was a very pretty girl, but she was also a shy girl, which many of her classmates took as snobby. Ari’s leather scout’s outfit looked messy and hastily clad, but once again that wouldn’t matter if she didn’t make it to class on time. She stuck her tongue out at the mirror, grabbed her bag and ran out the door.


This RP is one set in a school of those who wish to be a part of the king’s honor guard. The positions to be filled are knight (the gleaming hero with rippling muscles who can mount a horse, ride into combat fearless and blah blah blah), swordsman (proficient with a sword but fights on foot), ranger (a ranged fighter excellent with a bow but still has some combat capabilities in close quarters), marksman (basically has poor close combat skills but can snipe a mouse at a hundred yards away no problem), and finally a scout (the sneaky, silent type that can track, find supplies, and gather important information about that enemy, but this position has the least amount of battle capability). The kids are placed in classes not according to age, but according to class and ability. Some classes are shared however like history and strategic warfare. There is no magic in this world which will be elaborated on later. There are humans and monsters but no elves or other humanoid races, good or evil. Man vs. man can be just as evil. The main characters are going to be between sixteen and eighteen years of age, and have an uncanny ability to get into trouble.

Character skeleton:

Class: (Knight, Swordsman, Ranger, Marksmen, Scout)
Family History:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 2:06 pm
Name: Ari Morningstar
Age: 16 years old
Sex: Female
Class: Apprentice Scout
Description: She has short white hair down to her chin. He eyes are usually crystal blue, except when she stays up all night reading. She is small and skinny, able to sneak around and fit in tight places, perfect for a scout. She is also naturally graceful that helps her move silently. She has a determined will, but is very shy and sometimes gets into fights with her other classmates about her father. She wears her leather scout outfit that she modified slightly. The symbol of the honor guard she dons on a headband. She put her family’s symbol of the morning star on the right arm of her leather top and changed the standard issue pants into tight fitting cloth pants and a loose leather skirt. In any other class but the scout this completely redesigned look would be prohibited, but her teachers let it slide since she will probably not need her outfit for combat. She also has on a pair of leather boots. Her weapons are a seven-inch dagger and a twelve-inch cresent knife both with bone grip handles. Both are strapped to her left hip.
Bio: All her life she had only known her mother. Her father left when she was just a baby, but she would like to forget him. It is said that though he was a great knight in his time, he betrayed his king and deserted his troops. Now it was up to her to bring honor back to the family name, since she was the only child of the Morningstar clan left. She studies hard but happens to get into trouble all the time for either being late, daydreaming, or getting into fights she has no hope of winning.
Family History: As stated above, she has some skeletons in her closet, but the rest of her family is very honorable. Her grandfather on her mother’s side helped take down the land’s most notorious villain, Sythian, during the Rune War. Her mother is looked upon with pity from the rest of their friends. They didn’t blame her for her husband’s actions, but she was associated with him, and that was enough to label her as an outsider. Ari tries not to let the other kids jeer her into giving up, but it is a hard task, and with no real friends, its starting to wear away at her more and more.  

Kaewyn Star

Ronyo Storm


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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 7:38 pm
Name: Kitsune (Kit) Leafstorm
Age: 17
Sex: male
Class: swordsman
Description: Kit, chose to wear the lesser of the armor choices for his class. Instead of picking the more durable and stronger scale mail he picked Hide. He wanted more freedom of movement and didn’t want to rely on the armor so much. Well that got him a handful of finger points and laughs. His attire, includes the hide chest piece, gauntlets, legs and small hip guards. Under his armor Kit wears his family’s deep forest green tunic, and dark oaken colored pants. His hair is black with a hint of brown tied back in a short pony tail. What hair doesn’t fit into the pony tail is let loose to stand how it wants to, which is manly everywhere. His eyes are light green with a bit of brown around the outer edges. Strapped to his left hip is his right hand curved sword, and strapped to his left shoulder is his left. The style also has gotten him laughed at but Kit usually doesn’t mind.
Bio: The only son of the Leafstorm family grew up with a different upbringing then most. With a ranger for a Father and a mother who supplied herbs and medicinal salves. His father is very nature oriented, which led him to Kit’s mother, and taught Kit how to respect nature. These ideas are what got Kit into a lot of fights in his younger days. Boys picking on animals and marking on trees tended to be meet by a charging Kitsune. Luckily for Kit, his mothers herb knowledge had him back on his feet in no time. When Kitsune was selected to be a swordsman his father was pleased an his mother worried. All Kit’s mother could think of was how much damage he was going to cause when he learned how to fight better then he did, and with that she began mixing stronger healing slaves.
Family History: The Leafstorm family has usually been one that followed the rangers path. Since the ranger had to know his area and understand it the connection with nature just came well… natural. Since any Leafstorm can remember they have always tried to convey a since of understanding with the natural world, and that has usually gotten them labeled as pacifist and weaklings. Most Leafstorms were far from it, but only the guards who have fought beside one could tell you that.  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:14 pm
Ari slowly peaked her head into the classroom to see if the teacher was watching. She spotted her history teacher at the front of the room with her back to the rest of the class. Ari cautiously made her way to her desk but before she sat down a loud voice called out behind her, “Mrs. Birdsong, the scout has finally decided to grace us with her presence.” Ari recognized the voice immediately as Tanya Fireheart. She was the most decorated of the female knights-in-training, and also the most eager to get Ari in trouble. Ari cringed as her teacher, Mrs. Birdsong, turned upon her. Easily the oldest and thinnest teacher in school, if not the world, Mrs. Birdsong was the History teacher and also the school’s chief librarian. Although Ari loved books, she dreaded the disapproving scowl that seemed permanently etched into Mrs. Birdsong’s face when she would return a book a day late. Her hair was long and silver, which would have made her appear more friendly if not for the stern eyes overlooking her spectacles that bore into your very soul.

“Thank you, Ms. Fireheart.” Tanya smiled smugly. “Ms. Morningstar, this has to be the millionth tardy this year and I am fed up with your constant excuses. Please see me after class, but for now take a your seat.” Ari lowered her head and slouched into her chair as Mrs. Songbird continued her lesson.

“Now class, for the past week we have been studying the founding of this school after the Rune War. Now I want you each to write a three-page parchment on something specific that the war has influenced in our society today. It can be anything from our current relations with neighboring kingdoms to the advantages of our society without Rune Magic.” Groans sounded throughout the classroom, except from Ari. The Rune War fascinated her for some reason. She quickly jotted down the assignment, her spirits lifting. The rest of the class went by slowly as Mrs. Birdsong began a new lesson about some dead people that influenced their lives in some way.

At the end of class after all the other students had left the room, Mrs. Birdsong motioned for Ari to come to the front of the room. Hesitantly, the nervous girl stood and approached her teacher’s desk.

“Mrs. Morningstar, you can’t seem to understand the importance of punctuality, and for the past four years that I have had you as a student, this concept continues to escape you. On top of that Sir Stone said that yesterday you gave Cynthia Stormhand a broken nose.”

“But she called my mother a…” Ari tried to jump in but she was cut off.

“I know what she called her and she was punished for such language, but this is not the first time you have hurt another student.” Mrs. Birdsong was referring to the many times that Tanya and her gang had goaded Ari into a fight. After all they were training to be fighters, was always Ari’s reasoning. They should learn to dodge.

The lecture continued until finally Mrs. Birdsong got to her point. “Mr. Stone has asked me as the Head of the school to insight a measure of discipline.” Ari didn’t like the sound of that. “So, from now on you will be on suspension. You will continue your schooling in the Great Library as well as work there as my understudy.” Ari felt like she was going to cry.  

Kaewyn Star

Ronyo Storm


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 8:41 pm
Walking into history class was always an interesting ordeal. It was one of the few classes Kit had with the others students. Most of Kit’s classes put him with the other swordsman, and woman and so he only had to deal with a few comments. In history he had to deal with everyone else who thought themselves superior. Especially the knights.

What was so great about being a Knight anyways? The were good at fighting on horseback, and what good would that do in a real life situation? Kit loved animals but he understood that the horse, no matter how well trained, isn’t dumb enough to die for someone who doesn’t respect it. The one that annoyed him the most was Tanya Fireheart.

‘How mush of a narcissus complex could you have?’

She always sat with her little click in her bright red family tabard with its gold embroidery. Everyone said she was good with the sword and good on horse back as well. Kit wondered if she ever drew that sword, or if it was just for show.

Walking into class Kit got the usual remarks about his family being pacifist and what not. There were a few nature lover and talk about relatives being animals instead of people. Kit hardly heard them anymore. Ms. Birdsong just nodded at him as he took his seat. Once the rest of the class was in there seats Ms. Birdsong stood up began her lesson. She talked about the assignment she had given them yesterday on the influences on today’s society. Kit wrote down some new information she gave about ideas for topics and ways to make them interesting. She also gave a few ideas of what not to write about. Most of them got laughs and giggles from the class, Kit just rolled his eyes. Class only had a few grains left in the hour glass that showed how long classes were, and Ari still wasn’t there. She was known for being late but never this late.

“Ms. Birdsong, where is Ari? She’s never this late,” Kit asked as he raised his hand.

“Ari has been rescheduled for classes for this week. She should be back the following.”

“They probably kicked her out for being so bad. Serves her right,” came the reply from Tanya as she looked at the rest of the students. Her stare ended on Kit, “Why should you care? Not like she of any importance to you, you’re a swordsman.”

Kit didn’t give Tanya the pleasure of a response but did give her a stare. One that said enough and made her react.

“Don’t stare at me like that you little pacifist. Like you could do anything anyways.”

Kit just smiled out how easy he got to her as Ms. Birdsong tapped a ruler on the desk.

“Enough. Ms. Fireheart please refrain from putting down other students. Mr. Leafstorm there will be no more need to provoke Ms. Fireheart.” With that she took up the rest of her lesson.


After class Kit began to make his way out of class when Tanya yelled at him, Ms. Birdsong had already left the room.

“Listen hear you little twit, next time you look at me like that it will be the last thing you do,” Tanya’s threat was followed by a few laughs from her male friends and some giggles from her female.

“Like I care,” with that Kit began to walk out but was stopped by to of Tanya’s male friends blocking the door. Kt recognized them from his swordsman classes. Figures Tanya would seen thugs she thought could simply handle him.

“You should care. Besides what are you gonna do?” The uglier of the two said, if that was possible

It ignored them and tried to shoulder past when one grabbed him and shoved him back. The second rushed in ready to give Kit a reminder to respect Tanya. Kit dropped to a crouch and put his foot out. The hulk did like Kit thought and followed his punch all the way, which led him to tripping over Kit’s foot. As Tanya and her friend dove out of the way from the flying muscled missile, the other swordsman came at Kit with a double over head fist. The blow hit nothing as Kit rolled just to the side of his attacker and turned on the balls of his feet to have a clear view the attackers backside. With a well placed shove a second muscled missile went flying at Tanya and her group. When Tanya and her “friends” managed to get untangled they saw Kit was no longer there.

“Get off me you baboons, somebody get that twit!”  
PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:55 pm
Ari’s mother woke her extra early the next morning so she wouldn’t be late for her first day of punishment. Although her mother sympathized, she also thought that this would be good for Ari, especially getting to work in the Great Library. That fact was the only thing making this next week seem bearable.

Ari entered the front doors of the library just as the sun was peeking over the eastern horizon. Upon entering, Ari was met by the enormous twin marble statues of the two greatest philosophers in written history. They were standing on each side of the entrance hall like two gatekeepers. Ari always felt like one day they would come to life and tell her she could not enter without solving some impossible riddle, but today they let her pass unhindered.

The Great Library was so named because of two things: for one, it was established long ago by the two men who guarded the entrance, and two because it was the largest building in the entire capital city of Soltera. It was three stories high above ground and several stories below. Ari was not sure exactly the size because many of the lower levels were restricted areas for reasons she didn’t know. The Great Library not only housed an innumerable amount of books, but also centuries of historical artifacts. As far as Ari knew it was the only place in the entire kingdom still rumored to house items imbued with Rune Magic. Of course such items were now outlawed but if they did exist they would probably be there.

Ari approached the front desk where she saw Mrs. Birdsong writing something by candlelight. “Good morning, Ms. Morningstar,” she said without looking up. “I am glad to see you could make it, not only on time, but early this morning.” Ari wasn’t sure but she thought she saw a hint of a smile on her teacher’s face. “I am writing down a list of things I want you to do for me before lunch. After which time I will have gathered your assignments from your other teachers and then you can begin those.” She was done writing and handed the list to Ari. It wasn’t very hard work, but it would take time, mostly categorizing books and cleaning.

“I trust you have been here enough to know where these are to be shelved,” Mrs. Birdsong continued, motioning to a rather large stack of books. Ari nodded. “Good. Then I will leave you to your work until I return.” Mrs. Birdsong turned to leave and then remembered something. “If you should need anything, Stella, my assistant will help you. She is in the third floor office working on a book she is writing.” Ari nodded again and watched as her teacher left the building.

“Well, might as well get started,” she said out loud and filled an empty cart with books.  

Kaewyn Star

Ronyo Storm


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:15 pm
Out in the main hall Kit sighed as he was under the impression that his encounter with Tanya was over for now. That is until he heard the sound of three boots pounding his way. He turned to see the two big guys who he had used missiles and a third. The two big guys names finally came to him. They were Lee and Vince Sabershield, and the third was a knight.

‘Oh this will be good. Why can’t they just leave me alone?’

The knight was Aaron Sickleblade, not the most noble of knights. It was surprising to Kit how blatant they were being about coming for him. He halls didn’t have a lot of people but enough to see three guys attack one. The three encircled Kit and gave him glares that showed they were just waiting for him to say or do something.

“Come on you twit, try some of those moves on me this time,” Aaron grinned as he raised his fists up, Kit just stood there.

“What’s wrong, you almost had us going back there. For a minute we thought you might actually be able to fight. Guess your just like the rest of your pathetic family,” Lee barked as he gave Kit a shove. Still Kit just stood there looking at the ground.

“Come on, fight us you piece of…,” Vince couldn’t wait anymore. He swung a heavy fist at Kit which hit him in the gut.

The blow caught Kit off guard. He didn’t think they would actually attack. Tanya must have been either pretty mad or just wanted to see someone hurt for her falling on the floor. Kit dropped to one knee from the blow and looked up at the three, specifically Aaron.

“A knight, what a lie. Your about as knightly as a bandit. You don’t deserve the title your parents bought you,” That was all Aaron needed.

The knight swung a fist at the kneeling Kit but missed as the swordsman rolled out of the way. He came up to see Lee squaring up with him. The large student gave a one tow combo but missed each one. Kit never brought his hands but always stayed a few steps ahead of the lug. He turned after hearing a grunt to see Vince about to attack him from behind. Kit flung his bag at the charging Vince, which hit him right in the face. The bag didn’t have much in it but Kit didn’t throw it to cause initial damage. Vince, like last time, continued his motion. Kit ducked as Lee gave another heavy punch forward. The two forced collided, face and fist, and the fist won. Vince lay on the ground holding a bloody nose and Lee looked at Kit like he was about to draw his sword.

“What is all of this? What prey tell is going on here?” came a deep haughty voice from across the hall.

The man walked over dressed in plate armor and an air of superiority about him. Sir Stone, the knight teacher looked at The three boys then at Kit. Vince holding a bloody nose and Lee with his hand on his hilt.

“I hope you weren’t thinking of drawing that blade Mr. Sabershield, that would mean expulsion. No student is allowed to draw his or her weapon on another, you know that.”

“Yes Sir, I wasn’t Sir,” came Lee well practiced response, Lee might have made a decent knight if he was a bit smarter.

“Can someone tell me why Vince has a bloody nose? Mr. Sickleblade?”

“He attacked us,” Aaron pointed at Kit, “ For no good reason too.”

“Is this true Mr. Leafstorm?”

“If it wasn’t, would believe me? Someone who wasn’t a knight.”

“That is not the kind of attitude you should show your superiors…”

“No, but it’s the one all knights show to everyone else. Only thing is they get away with it. When anyone else does it, it’s considered rude. Hypocritical class.”

“That’s it, I’ll send you to Mrs. Birdsong. She shall take care of your attitude.”


The Library doors opened as Sr. Stone escorted Kit in. Upon seeing only Ari the knight rolled his eyes.

“Where is Mrs. Birdsong…what was your name again?”

“Her name is Ari, again with the superior thing,” Kit sighed

“Enough, you have dug a deep enough hole. Do not make it deeper for you to have to dig out of. For a hole dug to deeply is hard to un-dig out of,” Stone looked like he had just given a speech that would make it change his ways.

Kit, and Ari, just stared at him.

“Err, just give her this, and tell her that Mr. Leafstorm is under her care now,” With that the knight turned and walked out of the Library grumbling.  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 6:37 pm
Ari looked at Kit. He knew her name. Well, of course he knew her name, they were in the same class together, weren’t they? But he really knew her name. Ari blushed, and then went back to cleaning the tables.

“So, where should I wait?” Kit asked clapping his hands together. Ari didn’t say anything but motioned to a chair. Kit sat down. She knew she was probably being rude not saying anything, but she didn’t know what to say. While polishing the oaken surfaces of the reading desks, she went through many hypothetical conversations in her head, but couldn’t find it in herself to open her mouth. She got close once, but when she looked up Kit was watching her and her stomach contorted in a menagerie of knots and butterflies. She immediately lowered her eyes again and went back to her job.  

Kaewyn Star

Ronyo Storm


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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 7:23 pm
Kit sat in the library with nothing really to do but watch Ari clean, and watching her didn’t seem like the right thing to do. He stood up and walked over to the young scout.

“Hi, my name is Kit Leafstorm, your Ari right? I’m probably going to be here for awhile, is there anything I can do to help you?”

Kit looked around the large library and then at Ari’s small rag an smiled, “It looks like you could use an extra rag arm.  
PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 8:12 pm
“That won’t be necessary, Mr. Leafstorm,” came a familiarly stern voice. “Ms. Morningstar is doing her job, like I told her to. Thank you, Ari. You have done a wonderful job. I have prepared a lunch for you in my office. Please be back in half an hour. Now what can I do for you, Mr. Leafstorm?”

Mrs. Birdsong came in with a small pile of papers in her arms, which Ari assumed were her assignments for the week. The scout-in-training took her leave just as Kit handed the note to Mrs. Birdsong. She took the note and after reading it, slowly peered over her glasses. Kit shied back at the storm brewing in her gray eyes.

“All right, Mr. Leafstorm,” she said turning red in the face. “I understand that you don’t get along with some of the students here, but both you and Ms. Morningstar have to learn that fighting is not the only way to resolve conflicts. And before you say anything…” she said stopping his obvious rebuttal. “This school was not founded to turn our children into mindless fighting barbarians, but to form an elite group of comrades capable of protecting all that we of Soltera stand for, and I know that your father would be able to work out problems without resorting to violence.” Mrs. Birdsong had to stop herself there and take a breath to calm down. Two students in two days, and both from that man they assigned as the Knight teacher. Mrs. Birdsong knew that he was a very competent man in battle, but as a teacher he could use some major improvements.

“Well, I am sorry but I am going to have to give you the same punishment as Ms. Morningstar. For one week you will be suspended from your classes and working in this Library under my supervision.” She took a deep breath regaining her composure. “For now, go to lunch and then return here.”  

Kaewyn Star

Ronyo Storm


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:20 pm
Kit walked himself to the dinning hall before anyone else was let out for lunch. When he walked in the attendants stared at him.

“Mrs. Birdsong told me to have lunch and then return to the library, for my punishment. Is it ok if I go ahead and eat before the other show up. I don’t want to have to deal with he people who got me in trouble.”

The larger of the attendants walked over to Kit, “I think that will be fine Kit. What did you mean by got you into trouble?” The lady smiled at Kit, this wasn’t the first time Kit wanted to eat before everyone else. Eating with all those people just meant a larger number that would pick on him.

“I won’t go into it. A knight said I did it so that’s the end of the story. What’s on the menu today?” Kit faked a smile like it was no big deal, but the lady understood what he meant. However she did feel sorry for the boy. Not all the knights were like the few picking on him.


Kit returned to the library to find only Ari there once again. This time the scout was busy writing on sheets of parchment. The swordsman walked over an took a chair on the other side of Ari.

“What assignment are you working on?”

“The one from Mrs. Birdsong, about the influences. I just like the Rune Wars.”

“It did sound like an interesting assignment. What influence are you doing?”  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:58 pm
Ari blushed again. “Well… I haven’t quite decided yet,” she said and stuck her nose back into her book. The butterflies returned to her stomach from this simple conversation. Kit was about to say something else when Mrs. Birdsong returned with another stack of papers. She looked a little exasperated by the day’s events.

“Well I have returned with your assignments as well Mr. Leafstorm,” said Mrs. Birdsong catching her breath. “Now I would appreciate it if you would get started. Each of your teacher’s has given you written instructions on your assignments and if you have any questions, please ask me. I will either be at the front desk or in my office. Any questions?” Kit and Ari shook their heads. Mrs. Birdsong nodded and went to the front desk to grade some of her history papers.

Kit looked over his list. This was going to be a busy week. He looked at Ari who was once again reading her book and occasionally jotting some notes. He looked over his list again, sighed, then got to work.  

Kaewyn Star

Ronyo Storm


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:18 pm
Kit went through as many of his assignments as he could in the time he had. He didn’t make much of a dent in the stack of assignments but he had made some progress. Ari seemed to have done a lot too and was looking like she was about done herself. About that time Mrs. Birdsong came in.

“Alright you two, I think that will be all for today, but tomorrow I want you here bright and early,” Mrs. Birdsong gave a nod and the two students got up and stretched.

Kit looked over at Ari who was getting her things together. Her attire was a bit different then most scouts he had seen. There was no real practical purpose to her outfit but it worked for her.

“This was fun, can’t wait to do it again. So where do you live?”  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:36 pm
“Um, by the west wall, in the Fourth District,” was Ari’s timid response. Her house was one of the few that looked out over the immense city wall towards the sea. She considered herself very lucky to grow up being able to watch the sunset over the water every night.

The capital city of Soltera is Ballaryn. It became the capital city because of its defensible location. The city was built along the steepest and tallest cliffs in the region, making it impenetrable from three sides. During the Rune War, the original capital fell to the enemy, so the new one was set up in Ballaryn.

“Well, my house isn’t too far from yours,” Kit began acting nonchalant. “I live in the Third District. Would you mind if I walked with you?”

Ari blushed, but shook her head. The pair started down the street, both carrying their homework and walking in silence. It wasn’t long before they reached the Fourth District. Merchants used this area of Ballaryn primarily to sell their wares, where as the Third District was mostly residential. Ari’s father moved his family into the Fourth District before she was born. Ari loved living here. There were so many shops and vendors to explore. Some sold exotic jewelry, some hand-made weapons, others blown glass, delicious foods, unique clothing, and so much more. There was never a dull moment here. Where the Third District had very strict rules about respecting the noise level, the Fourth was always alive and busy. Privacy was enforced when necessary, but friendliness was abundant among everyone.

The two students rounded a corner and Ari’s house came into view. It was a two-story dwelling made of white stone, as were many of the houses in the city. It wasn’t very lavish, but more than enough room for Ari and her mother. There were purple flowers growing in the windows and a small fountain in the patch of green that made up their yard.

Ari was about to say goodbye to Kit when her mother burst out the front door with more energy than stallion being let loose from a pen. “Welcome home, Ari,” she said with a huge smile and an even bigger hug. Ari almost fell over from the force of her release. “And who is your friend? So nice to meet you! My name is Sabina Morningstar, but just call me Sabina,” she ended with an impromptu curtsey. Ari’s mother looked a lot like her, except her hair was black, instead of white, and she was anything but shy. Ari cringed and turned bright red. She then turned to Kit and offered up a weak apologetic smile. Kit just smiled back.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs. Sabina. My name is Kit Leafstorm,” Kit said courteously with a deep bow.

Sabina looked positively ecstatic and couldn’t control herself. “Oh such wonderful manners, such a polite young gentleman! Come, come, now you must stay for dinner tonight, won’t you please?” Although the thought of Kit staying for dinner made Ari happy, it also made her quake in her boots. She couldn’t be more embarrassed at this moment, even if her clothes suddenly fell off.  

Kaewyn Star

Ronyo Storm


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:14 pm
Kit smiled and looked at Ari who was avoiding eye contact. He thought it over in his mind for awhile and then looked back at Ari’s mom's big inviting smile. She seemed so enthusiastic about him having dinner with them, and he didn’t want to be rude.

“As long as its ok with you and Ari. My parents won’t mind if I’m out late. Especially if its with as nice a person as you Mrs. Morningstar.”  
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