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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 10:10 pm
Chapter 1

"So, you are coming, right?"

Daniel rolled his eyes and resisted the urge to hang up on his friend. "Yes, Eric. For the tenth time, yes I’ll go to Liquid with you guys. Now quit calling me so I can get ready.”

"Good, we'll pick you up around seven then."


With a groan, Daniel hung up the phone and fell face first down onto his bed. He really didn't want to go to any club tonight, let alone a gay club. It had only been two weeks since he told his friends he was gay, a fact he had tried to ignore most of his adolescent life. But now that he was twenty, on his own and in college, the time seemed right to tell his best friends, who were openly gay. That proved to be a mistake. Ever since then they had pestered t he life out of him to go to clubs or tried to set him up with strange men. After two weeks of relentless begging, he finally relented and agreed to go check out the gay nightlife.

“Oh well, too late now to back out. Might as well make the best of it,” he muttered, getting off the bed and walking over to his closet.

Not sure, what the dress code was he pulled out a pair of black leather pants and a tight, white shirt. Dressing quickly he ran into the bathroom and tried to figure out how to shape his long black hair into some sort of cool style. After a few disastrous attempts, he settled on pulling his hair back into a loose ponytail, leaving some long strands to frame his face.

*Ding dong*

With one last look in the mirror, Daniel hurried to the front door and opened it wide.

“So, what do you think?” he asked, spinning around with a flourish.

“I’m thinking no,” Kale said, looking him over with a judgmental eye. “Drab clothes. Boring hair and no make-up. Come on honey, you need to get with the program. This is a gay nightclub we’re taking you too, not the theater. Spice it up a bit.”

"Well, not all of us can carry off the full look" Daniel retorted, looking pointedly at Steven’s black, fishnet shirt and skintight leather pants.

Kale shook his head and took him firmly by the arm. “Please, you’ve got a beautiful face and a killer body. Now come on and don’t fight, I know what I’m doing. Steven, go out to the car and get my make-up bag. Eric, find some sharp scissors or knife and bring everything to the bathroom. I’m going to make sure you get yourself a man tonight.”

Realizing it was pointless to argue Daniel allowed himself to be dragged back to the bathroom where they were soon joined by Steven and Eric.

“Sit on the toilet seat and close your eyes,” Kale instructed, pulling out a black pencil from the bag Steven brought. “Try to keep still baby.”

Daniel did as instructed, trying to relax his face as Kale smeared stuff on his eyes, cheeks and lips. He then felt his hair pulled free of the ponytail, teased, and sprayed with what he guessed was hairspray.Finally, Kale stopped fussing with him and he was able to open his eyes.

“Is it safe to look in the mirror?”

“Not yet. First I need to fix your shirt,” Kale said, taking the scissors Eric handed to him. “Come on, stand up. Don’t look at me like that; I know what I’m doing.”

“Fine but you owe me a shirt after this and not some cheap Wal-Mart shirt either,” Daniel said, standing up and holding out his arms.

Slowly Kale cut away the lower half of his shirt, changing it into a tank top.

“There, that’s the best I can do. What do you think?”

Bracing himself for the worse Daniel moved to the mirror and gasped. His hair was very full and stiff while his eyes and lips were outlined in black. His cheeks were rosier his skin seemed to sparkle in the light.

“Man, I look like a young Alice Cooper or something.”

Eric moved closer and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “Relax, you look hot. Tonight will be crazy fun, trust me. Now let’s get this show on the road before all the cute guys are taken.”

Daniel rolled his eyes as he followed his friend outside to Eric’s car. Steven and Kale claimed the back seat, forcing him to ride upfront. When they arrived at the club there was already a very long line outside, one that didn’t seem to be moving very fast. Leaning against the brick wall Daniel tapped his foot along with the beat of the music coming from the building, his reservations about the night slowly starting to ebb away. Suddenly someone slapped his a** hard, startling him from his thoughts. He spun around to see Steven grinning impishly at him.

“Sorry, couldn’t help it. You got such a cute a**, nice and tight.”

Unable to think of anything clever to say Daniel stuck his tongue out at him and moved a safe distance away. It took nearly half an hour for them to inch their way to the door but once inside Daniel saw that the wait was worth it. He gazed transfixed at the scene in front of him. Neon lights flicker above his head in time to the unbelievably loud techno pop. This was so much more intense and incredible than he’d ever imagined. The people standing in the doorway behind him nudge him into the crowd and onto the dance floor. Looking around he realized that his friends were gone, lost in the sea of dancing men.

Not know where else to go Daniel made his way to the bar and ordered a beer. With drink in hand he moved away from the bar and found a place at the edge of the dance floor where he could watch without being too obvious. Everyone was wearing tight fitting tops, some bare-chested and really tight pants that left very little to the imagination. They were all so good-looking and confident that it made him feel all the more out-of-place.

‘This is crazy. I can't just stand here gawking like some pathetic idiot all night,’ he though, looking out into the crowd. ‘Maybe I should move around and mingle.’

Suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder, nearly dropping his drink in surprise. Turning, he saw three men standing in front of him with hungry looks on their faces. They surrounded him like sharks moving in for the kill. A cold sweat broke out all over Daniel’s body as he struggled to think of something to say. Before he could, one of the men moved closer and gave him a toothy smile.

“So, what’s you name cutie?”


“Daniel. I’m Tom and these are my friends Ray and Carlson. Is this your first time here Daniel?”


“Well then, you’re in luck. I’m friends with the staff and have access to the VIP room,” Tom said, placing a strong hand on his shoulder. “Why don’t you come with us and we’ll have a privet party, just the four of us.”

‘Oh god, this can’t be happening to me,’ Daniel thought, panicked. ‘My first night out and I get hit on by three guys. s**t!’

Forcing a smile he shook his head. “Thanks but I’m waiting for someone.”

Tom’s smile wilted a little but his hand remained firmly on his shoulder. “I don’t believe you. I think this is your first time out and that you’re all alone.”

Daniel’s skin started to tingle with fear. He felt trapped and alone but didn’t know what to do about it. Swallowing hard he tried not to show how freaked out he was.

“I’m not alone. I came with my friends who are here somewhere. They’re probably wondering where I am so I better go find them.”

Nobody moved and Tom's hand slid down and wrapped tightly around his arm.

“Come on, what are you afraid of? We just want to have a good time. That is why you came here wasn’t it? Just relax, go with the flow and don’t make a big scene.”

“No, I don’t want to. Leave me alone!” Daniel shouted, but his protests were drowned out by the loud pulsating music.

With Ray and Carlson pushing him from behind he was forced to follow Tom through the crowd of dancers until coming to a well-concealed door in the back of the room. Desperately he looked around, hoping to see one of his friend or anyone who could help him.

“This is a very sweet room, nice a quiet,” Tom said, unlocking the door. It’s a perfect place for us to get to know each other better.”

He had just opened it when a deep voice from behind them called out. “Stop!”

Writer's Note. Please tell me what you think, I crave reviews.  
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 7:30 am
I happen to like it.Write more please  



PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:10 pm
Chapter 2

Daniel looked over his shoulder and saw the most handsome guy he had ever seen. Tall and wiry, the guy looked like a fashion model dressed in black PVC jeans and a black lycra top. His short hair was jelled into jagged spikes that shined blue in the flashing lights. Slowly he walked over to them, his intense eyes fixed on Tom.

"Get your hands off him ********, he's with me."

Relief washed over Daniel as he pulled himself loose of Tom's slack grip and moved to stand besides the guy. A strong arm slid around his waist protectively, nearly causing him to melt onto the floor.

"Come on baby, lets hit the dance floor," the guy said, giving Tom and his followers an icy glare before leading Daniel away into the dancing crowd.

They wove their way past many twisting and writhing bodies before finding a place big enough for them to stand without getting hit. When he was sure his voice wouldn't crack, Daniel turned to his rescuer and smiled shyly.

"Thanks for helping me. How did you know I was in trouble?"

The guy gave him a dazzling smile that made his heart quicken. "I was on my way over to see if you wanted to dance when the three stooges moved in. I saw that you were over your head so I followed. They didn't hurt you did they?"

"No, I'm just a little shaken up. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before. This is sort of my first time at a club."

"I figured as much. I'm Aaron. Would you like to dance?"

Daniel felt his face grow hot and suddenly there wasn't enough air in the room.

"Sure, I'd love to," he managed to say, cringing inwardly as his voice cracked.

Aaron flashed him another fetching smile and wrapped both arms around his waist, pulling him close. Feeling painfully shy and awkward Daniel did the same and tried not to step on his feet. Thankfully the song was slow and they didn't have to move much. Aaron leaned closer to him so that their forehead touched.? Closing his eyes Daniel savored the feel of Aaron's arms against his bare waist and breathed in his spicy cologne.

"What's your name?"


"Put your head on my shoulder and relax. You don't have to be nervous with me."

Hesitantly, Daniel laid his head on Aaron's broad shoulder and sighed, letting all his pent-up tension out. Aaron's arms tightened slightly around his waist, sending electric pulses through his veins. Powerful feelings of attraction filled him as they swayed to the music. Never had he ever felt like this before towards anyone, let alone a stranger he just met. Yet something about being close to Aaron felt right, felt good.

'OK, get a hold of yourself now. Aaron probably just felt sorry for me and this is nothing but a charity dance,' he thought as the song neared the end. 'He'll probably go to the bathroom or something now and ditch me.'

"You want to go sit down somewhere and talk?" Aaron asked when the ballad stopped.

Surprised by the request Daniel pulled back and looked up at him, searching his eyes to see if it was a genuine request. Aaron gazed back at him expectantly, an amused smile forming on his sensuous lips.

'Oh wow, maybe he is into me,' Daniel thought, smiling coyly at him.

Before he could answer Aaron lowered his face and kissed him gently on the lips. The sensation was electric. Surrendering himself to the feeling Daniel returned the kiss. He felt Aaron's hands snake possessively up his back, sending shivers down his spine. After what seemed like hours they finally parted and Daniel was able to catch his breath.

"Sorry, but I couldn't help myself," Aaron whispered in his ear. "Your lips looked so perfect, so inviting I had to try them."

"Yours weren't bad either," Daniel said once he found his voice. "I think finding a place to sit down now would be a good idea. My legs are feeling a bit weak all of a sudden."

Aaron chuckled, took his hand and led him through the thick mob of dancers to a small table in the back.

"I'm going to get a drink. Would you like something?"

"Water is fine."

Daniel watched as Aaron disappeared into the crowd and tried to compose himself.

'This is so incredible. The guys would flip if they saw us together. I wonder if I should give him my number.'

Suddenly Kale was standing besides him, looking none too happy.

"So, this is where you've been hiding, you bad boy. I knock myself out changing you into a gay man's wet dream and what do you do, run off and hide in a corner the minute my back is turned," he scolded. "How do you expect to find a man sitting on that pretty little a** of yours hmm?"

"I did find someone. A drop-dead gorgeous someone who will be back any minute so go away."

"Oh? And who exactly is this Mr. Marvelous? I don't want my boy hooking up with some cheap bar skank."

Now it was Daniel's turn to be annoyed. "His name's Aaron and he's not a skank. He's kind and considerate. There's nothing phony, nothing hidden about him."

"And you determined all this after spending an hour with him? Right. Since I'm here I might as we check out this sex god, see if he's really all that."

"You're kidding right?"

"I most certainly am not."

"Come on Kale, give me a break," he pleaded. "This is the closest I've ever come to an actual date. If Aaron sees you here he's going to think I'm afraid to be alone with him."

"Don't worry your pretty little head, kitten. I just want to make sure he's not a letch."

Before Daniel could say anything else Aaron appeared with a bottle of water in one hand and a blue margarita in the other.

"Everything OK here?"

"Yeah," Daniel smiled and took the offered water bottle. "Aaron, this is my friend Kale who's leaving now."

"Nice to meet you, Kale."

"The pleasure is all mine, honey," Kale said, looking him over slowly. "I hope you're taking good care of Danny. He's fresh out of the closet and isn't use to playing with the big boys yet."

Daniel brought his hand up to his face in embarrassment. "Why don't you go find Eric and Steven, Kale. I'm sure they're wondering what happened to us."

"Yes, yes I'll leave you lovebirds alone now to talk but don't go anywhere peaches. We'll be leaving in another hour. Play nice."

When Kale was gone Daniel released the breath he had been holding and glanced sheepishly at Aaron. "Sorry about that."

"Don't be, I think it's sweet your friends care about you," Aaron said, sitting down across from him. "How long have you two known each other?"

"Since middle school. He's one of my closest friends."

"Never anything more?"


Aaron regarded him thoughtfully as he sipped his margarita. "Have you ever been with a man? Intimately I mean."

Taken off guard by the question Daniel shook his head dumbly. 'Does experience matter? I'm sure a stud like him has had tons of guys crawling at his feet. God, I must have been nuts to think I stood any kind of chance with him.'

Leaning forward, Aaron looked deep into his eyes. "Would you like to come home with me and spend the night?"

Daniel stared at him in stunned disbelief. "Are you serious?"

"Very serious. I like you Daniel and I want to get to know you better. Come home with me, I promise you won't regret it."

Everything suddenly seemed to move in slow motion around him as he gazed into Aaron's sparkling sapphire eyes.

"Uh...sure. I just need to tell my friends first so they won't worry," he stammered foolishly.

Aaron smiled and leaned closer for a kiss. Daniel met him and they didn't part until his friends showed up.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:43 pm
awwwww write more write more  



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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:33 pm
absolutely brilliant. I love it  
PostPosted: Sat May 09, 2009 7:16 pm
He who smiles when something goes wrong...


Super awesome ness...


...Has found someone to blame it on.



PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2009 4:58 pm
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:19 pm
I like this. Your story, your punctuation (I'm a real punctuation whore sometime) and the general tone are just really...
*thinks of word to say*
*can't think of one*
...good. sweatdrop

On an unrelated note-I wrote a story I titled "Choices" once. It was about a pregnant 15 year old deciding if she was going to abort her baby or not.  


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