hahah I dont know how that works, but I can do it now
By the way, thankz for the welcomes
blaugh Reserve #1
this is what I started out with:
A leafmon I like to call Tailen ...very cute huh? I got him a while ago... I swear I thought I was dreaming when I ended up in the digital world... it was masive... the trees were weird colours, and I was just sitting there with millions of eggs. Then one appeared right infront of me. it was glowing, and so were two other objects that just happened to be in my pocket: a D3 and a crest... once I pulled that out of my pocket and recognized it , I saw it to be the crest of light... weird... So there it was I picked up the egg and put it on my lap for a bit, and sat there with it. it didnt budge, so I sat with it for the night and fell asleep with it. then when I woke up there was a baby leafmon curled up in my arms. I woke up so startled, but so excited! I finally had a digimon to call my own!
heart he's a little shy like me but is very smart, and because I think way too much , he calms me down when I start to panic a little bit. he likes salty snacks. I like them too, but I'd prefer sweets. once in a while I'll bring him cheesecake and he goes bazzerk! we both share that love ... even though he's small he's tough, and uses problem solving to get out of trouble. he cries when he really wants to play with another baby digimon, then when he gets the chance ( cuz its not often, I spend a lotof my time with him ) he loves it for a while.
Baby Tailen in a nutshell!
And this is where I introduce Minomon!!!
he's a bit wackier...yes wackier ...but so cute!! he get's a bit aggressive if he thinks someone is trying to hurt me, but he's the same old baby tailen, with a few perks...or pricks... sometimes if I dont hold him the right way... it can hurt
eek . but I can't get mad at this little guy
blaugh heart I didn't forget about wormmon, because I know that this s his regular form, so thats why I warp Digivolved minomon into Stingmon!
now Tailen is really powerful...and he can fly
whee still the same Tailen from before, but I talkto him way too much about philosophy and try to diagnos him to see what his personality is like (I'm a psych student) so he picks up on this ...and at the most random times while out in the digiworld ( or hiding in a not so populus place in the real world) he will ask a random question, like... "does everyone have a heart, because you told me about people who are evil and that have no feelings of remorse?" and thats where it starts. I love the convos, but I'm not always in the mood... I guess he's just really as curious as I was when I was younger...and still am.
okay so here he is!... I'm so proud of him!
Cool huh?... let's see what happens next!
blaugh Now I've Got the Digiegg of Darknesss to Digivolve Stingmon into Angewoman!
Tailen's not gone... I just found an alternate way of digivolving him... now into a her
razz if that makes sense
razz My Alternate Ultimate
mrgreen Shes Really Wise and insightful. like a gaurdian Angel
wink I still call her Tailen, she doesnt mind, but for the purpose of this unexpected evolution I'm going to call her Sakura
blaugh She knows things that only a bhudist monk would know... sooo much wisdom
xd She Was my Unexpected Christmas Gift and I love her to death!
Now for my new years present!
Yeay! I'm Complete... I think... or completely different from what I started from