Tyrim The Bloodedge, Known as "The Black Devil."
Son of: Okuni Tenshi, Lord Raizen The Bloodedge.
Brother of: Ragna The Bloodedge.

Race- Hybrid
Age- Immortal
Height- 5'8'
Weight- 155 lbs.

After the Battle with Satan, Okuni had just enough strenght to give birth to her Two sons before breathing her final breath, Ragna and Tyrim.

As a baby, Tyrim was born in the Bloodedge state. This caught his fathers eye because Ragna was lying right next to him as normal as could be.
This caught Raizen of guard due to the fact he'd never seen anything like this before. Tyrim's Hair and eyes were as black as the Nights sky. He held a little black sketchy aura around him, as if he was repeling or pushing Ragna away.

As a Kid, Tyrim was a quiet and hard working child who always stayed a step behind his brother. Every time their father set a mission or test, Ragna would pass with precision and accuracy as would he, Tyrim loved his brother very much, but hated the way he carried and tossed his leadership qualities back and forth. He though Ragna would have learned to be better than who he was.
But Tyrim kept his mouth shut about multiple secrets he hid from his brother and his thoughts..

Tyrim was told of the Passing of his mother, The Angel of Justice.
He took dedication to live for her and have her spirit carried on through his dedication and hard work throughout the years. Even though he didn't know his mother very well, he sought the revenge of her one day..

Several Years passed, at the age of 16, Tyrim joined the "NA" (Nephilm Army), just as his brother. He was a dispatched special forces and tactics soldier, 101 evacuation unit, squad patrol. He carried most of the responsibility for the Armed forces, leading the main vantage points.
Not being able to make it back to see his brothers return infuriated Tyrim, it set off his Bloodedge seal and managed to use the power it had to wipe out the whole others special force unit with precise speed.

(Note: Tyrim had used the Bloodedge seal before, during training. Only when Ragna wasn't Around. That was a secret he hid from Ragna and still doesn't know he can use it even up to now. Tyrim only uses the Bloodedge seal when he is really infuriated, In a tight situation between life or death, or when he thinks its time. He uses it very seldomly)

Throughout the last few months, Tyrim came back to Nephilm and was appointed a higher classification, Sypthon X. Sypthon X was an Elite group of bounty hunter which very deadly and precise skills that ranged from minimal distance or hand to hand combat. Since Tyrim having been in Syphon X his promotions went through the roof, He was the Units Squad leader for Team Alpha.

One day Tyrim caught word that at the throne ceremony Ranga had vanished.
Raizen sent Syphon X after Ragna.
Tyrim, grabbed his gun, and his flex suit, and shook his head with a sigh mentioning his last words,
"It didn't have to be like this, Ragna..."