A ship named Destiny... It sounds unconventional at first. But to those who knew the ship, the name was more than accurate. It was perfect. A masterfully crafted and sleek Warship, Destiny could make even the ships of Kings look like squalid wrecks in comparison to her Beauty. Able to fit a full crew of over a Hundred and Fifty quite comfortably, it sailed through the oceans, visiting distant lands, performing acts that could be comparable to those of Heros.

Now, the image of the sleek ship that used to sail the waters tall and proud was broken. Here lies the Destiny Ship, broken, gutted, and mossy. Dragged up far into a cove when the Crew as disbanded several years ago, the Ship had become a home to rot and lichen, some of the boards lining the hull now missing. It's proud features of Iron were now rusted, from the cannons to the bands on the mast. Pigeons roost inside the Ship.

Also inside the Cove is a campsite. It consists of a single tarp tent and a bedroll, with the remains of a fire lying on the beach.