So I saw threads for posting WoW-related images, but I saw nothing for posting your own art. I know I can't be the only artist who's inspired by World of Warcraft, so I'm asking anyone else, post your WoW inspired doodles, drawings, paintings, costumes and crafts! I'd love to see them.
Here are some of mine:
Alliance Crest Embroidery:
My first ever attempt at embroidering anything, and I'm very pleased with the result. Mostly the product of blind guesswork.
Horde Crest Keychain:
A gift for a friend, plastic charms painted with acrylic and sealed.
Hearthstone Choker:
Plastic hearthstone charm painted with acrylic and sewn onto a blue calico choker. I love this choker, it's so comfy.
heart Draenei Mage:
This is...mediocre at best. Just a low-quality pencil-crayon doodle stuck on a screenshot. But it's WoW-inspired art, so I included it.
Draenei Paint Experiment:
I don't have much talent for digital art. This was essentially an experiment out of boredom. I spent some time messing around in paint yesterday, with this as the result. It was alright.
Night Elf:
This is one of my favourite pieces ever. It's totally beautiful in real life. Sadly, scanning it totally washed out the pencil crayon colours.
Alliance Crest Keychain:
This is my personal keychain. Made of the same materials as the horde one, and I love it dearly.
Skirt Sketch:
The initial sketch for a skirt I plan on making, one of these days. The alliance border print will all be embroidered.
So I'm sure you can all figure out which faction I play. =P
I'd love to hear opinions, and critiques. I do take commissions for crafts, if anyone's interested.
And by all means, post YOUR art! I love looking at other people's WoW art/crafts.