cardi; I meant Seal Slippers. T________T I miss Fluffy and Nuzzles. heart They were my seals. But, I gave them to my sister for her quest, she sold them, quit her quest, gave me back the gold from them and I shoved it into my art contest. gonk heart
I thought you meant sealed envelopes as well. xd
I got my slippers when my friend quit Gaia, so they're both nice and sad.
I keep thinking of hoding an art contest, but I wonder if it's really worth it. Because I'm not an artist myself I'm not very well known in the art community, but I love to buy and commission it, and sometimes I think a contest would be more efficient. Plus I love to see artists come up with their own ideas for my characters. ^^
Then I look at the massive prizes some of them offer and change my mind. whee