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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:14 pm
The council memeber stood there and looked at Shadow, the others had disappeared now. He looked at Shadow and smirked, " The Leader wants to see you... she's not too pleased." he said, his voice dark and full with a Scottish accent.

Dark black handcuffs appeared around Shadow's wrist, and Shadow grimaced. The handcuffs draining his power slowly, as if the crucifiction wasn't enough. Shadow walked slowly with the council memeber, "So she finally decides she actually wants to see me. Hmph..." he scoffed and looked forward. ~Hein keep an eye on them... I'll meet you back at the castle room when this is all over.~ he said to him mentally. And then all conncection was cut off between the two of them. Except his last words, ~ Don't try to get me... I don't want you guys to die.~he said sternly and then his mind faded to blackness between them.  
PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:20 pm
Hien fell to his knees, his power fading quickly at Shadow's last message. Tears rolled from his eyes as he choked in a whisper, "But I don't want you to die either..." He buried his face his his hands and wept. He jumped when he felt someone wrap their arms around him. He looked up to see a mass of midnight black hair. His breath hitched when he realized it was Zero hugging him. "Z-Zero?"  



PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:10 pm
The Council member stopped in front of a large set of stairs, that were only lit by fire. He had led Shadow there, and now he left going up the stairs. "Stay..." he demanded.

Shadow obeyed and looked up the stairs, he'd been here too many times when he was a child. He knew that he had never done anything really bad, but now this might be a different story. He had lied about changing the boy, Zero, and now he'd see what his punishment would be. He'd also said he'd take the punishment for Zero's, a sort of stupidity. He stood there silent, holding his head high, his eyes cold and black now.

Suddenly the Council member came back and walked halfway down the stairs. He motioned for Shadow to move closer, and Shadow moved. The man looked down at him, "She'll see you, stay at the end of the steps." he said his voice dull.

There were the sudden and slow sounds of high heels hitting the floor. Then a frustrated scouff and the shoes had been thrown. Shadow knew who this was as he heard the barefeet now pad across the floor. The cold steely grey marbled floor, only lit by a large fire and smaller ones. A short statured female came out, her gown was the color of fire embers. Her eyes were as black as the coals, and her hair was the color of an iris. Her skin was fair, almost looked like porcelain, and her lips were set in a small twisted smile. "Shadow... so nice to see you again." she said, her voice melodic and had a seductive tone to it. She moved to Shadow and gently toucher her ice cold hands to his face. Shadow didn't move, he was as stiff as marble. "You haven't changed much sense that last time I saw you... you were only a child then.... One of ours." she said, her voice showed disgust with the last words.

Shadow looked straight ahead, "I can't say I forget those times... or that it's nice to see you as well." he said to her, his voice cold, and his jaw was rigid. He'd remembered the times when he use to work with The Council, remembered when he was one of her little pets. And now all he could think about, feel emotionally and physically was a sting.  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 6:23 pm
*Zero gently rubbed Hien's back, not saying a word for a minute or two.* ... He'll be okay. *He finally said, pulling away to look into Hien's eyes.* So no more crying. Okay? *He lifted his hand and brushed his tears away. He then leaned forward and kissed Hien's cheek, murmuring soothing words into his ear and wrapping his wings around their bodies.* Everything's going to be fine.

*Ethiriel watched her brother with awe and a little bit of confusion. Zero had NEVER been one to show such emotion towards others. Why the sudden change now? Was there something special about this young angel? There must be.*  



PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:03 pm
The council leader stood there looking at Shadow with a smug smirk on her face. "Oh that's too bad my little boy... I enjoyed those times so much.... I almost feel like reinacting(sp) one. How about you?" she said and walked over to Shadow. She gently grazed her hand along Shadow's sharp chin, her gentle fingers just barely carressing it.

Shadow stood there, his muscles tensed, and he clenched his fist. He reacted when she touched him and he grabbed her wrist. His touch was harsh, but it wasn't strong enough to hurt her, he just couldn't do that. "I don't think we should..." he said, his voice steel cold. His eyes gleamed, they looked like the silver moon shinning on a lake, on a cloudless night.

The female let out a seductive laugh, that had some kind of strange melody to it. "Hmph... well that's too bad... " she said and moved away from him. Her eyes were now purple, and her eyes glowed like amythest that's been held in the light. She raised one of her frail looking hands, palm up towards the cieling. 'You shouldn't ever cross us... especially by letting an angel turn into one of our kind." she hissed as a cross rose behind Shadow. She watched as stone grey chains pulled Shadow up onto the 12 foot cross. The chains pulled Shadow close to the wooden cross, constricting any movement. Then a black veil wrapped around Shadow's head, disabling his ability to see anything. She moved closer and looked up to Shadow. Barely touching Shadow's foot she stood there and watched as he tried to struggle. There was a long few moments of silence, and then she spoke. "Which of your senses do you value most?" she asked, his voice a bit colder now.

Shadow stayed quiet for a while and then looked away, that was the only thing he could do. His breathing had sped up a bit when the chains had pressed against him. He let out a deep breat, and griamced, "I value them all..." he said, knowing better to let her know that he had one. He heard the female laugh again, and then suddenly everything was black. He could no longer taste the saliva that had been, or was, in h is mouth. He could no longer smell anything, except a sweet sent, he knew only to be the scent of the female. He could still hear everything fine, he could feel the chains tightening and moving around him like a boa.

"I'll ask you again... Which of your four senses do you value most." she said, her melodic voice harsh. When she didn't get an answer she sighed and looked away. "Well then sense you refuse to answer the question your punisment will be torture, with only your two senses. I'll bring out two of your old friends, and they can have their fun. " she looked back and smirked, and then turned away completely. "And when they're done I'll return your sense and your little friends.... But one of your valued senses will be gone. Think hard about which one you care about most." she said and started walking away.

Shadow could hear the female leave and he just let his body hang there, not like he could do anything else. He let his grimace fade, and his face was gone. He could hear two of his old friends calling his name, as though they were teasing him.

"You shouldn't have betrayed us bud... " one said and he cracked the whip he apparently had against Shadow's chest. The other one did the same, and it continued on until their dinner time. Then they left.

When Shadow was sure they left he let out his breath, that he had been holding to not show his pain. His head hanged, his wrists limp against the wooden ccross. He couldn't smell the blood from his body, but he was sure that there was plenty. He let out an irritated scream and tried to move, but all he did was rattle the chains. God I'm soo sorry Ethiriel...but atleast your brother won't have to suffer this fate. he thought to himself. That was the last thing he could remember thinking when the guys came back and continued his punishment. Shadow kept his mind elsewhere, or tried to. He thought of the group he had met, he thought of one of his old lovers, hoping everything was okay. He thought of anything but what was going on, and what might happened. He invisioned a paradise for himself, making his mind seemingly detatch itself from his body. Leaving his body numb, as the men continued on. (( wow... ummm sorry ya'll that was long... and umm woots STORM!!! ))  
PostPosted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:44 pm
(Sorry it took me so long to respond. I've been... out of sorts, lately. Don't know why. Maybe it's the moon. Who knows.)

Hien blushed profusely when Zero kissed his cheek, but didn't say a word. Instead, he wrapped his own arms around Zero, sniffing and trying to hold back tears. He rested his head on Zero's shoulder, letting the older half angel hold him in a comforting embrace. "...I'm sorry..." He said after a while. "I feel like this is my fault..." Tears began to well in his eyes again, and he hiccuped once.  



PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 8:35 pm
(( I dunno if I should actually take the sense away)) The men that had left Shadow hanging there on the cross laughed when they heard Shadow's frustrated cry. The looked back into the room and saw that Shadow was just hanging there now, and looked as though he was barely breathing. They left with a smug snicker, and went to retrieve their foods that they had been promised.

Shadow stayed quiet and thought of what he could possibly do to get out. He couldn't call on the group, he'd just have to take it now. The Council's punishment was usually brutal without the leader actually giving it out. Just, now, she would decide to actually give it out, the time he really hadn't done anything too bad. Well, he personally didn't, but the female would find a way to make him slowly believe that he truly deserved his punishment. And as he realized this he head soft footsteps again, he knew he it was. He lifted his head, his breathing slow, his face paled and clothes torn. The picture of him must've been horrible to see, yet he knew no one here truely cared what he looked like. He didn't even care really, he just knew that he looked like hell, and with the viel over his eyes it looked even stranger.

There was a gentle touch agianst Shadow's cheek, and soft lips grazed his. "How are you doing?" a voice whispered, one that could only belong to the female. Her nails ran down his neck and Shadow tensed underneath the chains, she could feel it and she let out a small laugh. "Don't be afraid... it'll all be over soon." her voice melodic and calm. She put a hand down on Shadow's heart and made all of the pain go away from the wounds. Shadow knew she did this to make him ready for the next round of torture.

Shadow tensed a bit more and looked forwards, as if at her. "Why do this? Why not do this torture yourself...?" he said, his voice strained a bit. He knew the answer, 'She couldn't persuade herself to actually perform the act'. He knew that was bull, but he still had to question it. He felt the females hands move away from him, and he let out a sigh.

"You know the answer... maybe when I decide you're actually ready to endure the pain I could send you through then maybe...." she said and moved away from him. "But if you're lucky a miracle happens you'll never feel my fury my dear Shadow..." she said and kissed him again.

Shadow moved his head away quickly from her lips, "I don't believe in miracles... or the supposed fairy tale ending... so why don't you go ahead and have your fun... I already know how to block their torture." he said to her, his voice cracked slightly, but it was still sharp.

He notice there was no answer from the female, just the slowing sound of his breathing. The chains moved up and down and around his body, making a clanking noise. Then suddenly he realized that his sense of sound was gone, and he clenched his fist. He knew the only way he'd hear was through thoughts, and letting her into his head wouldn't be the smartest of ideas. There was the sudden ice cold feeling that he would expect if the female used her powers to chill the room. "So.. you'll do it....then I'll let you know what you asked...." he said his voice quieted from his now only slight tiredness. There was no reply, and he knew what she was going to do. And as he awaited the pain, and the full brought on punishment he drifted again into the world that he had created to numb all the pain, to forget where he was.

In the world he laid next to a lake by a beautiful female. She had a soft touch and she was humming to him quietly. There was a warm breeze and crickets could be heard somewhere off in the distance. But the world was suddenly shattered by a throbing stab to the left abdominal region of the body. The female disappeared and was replaced by a dense darkness. The silence was gone now, and the pain from earlier was back. His senses that were gone were still gone, but the ones he had screamed to be taken away. He let out a loud groan as he felt a blade twist around his abdomin.

"The womens touch is the gentlest touch... yet it can hurt more than a mans...." she said and suddenly the pain was gone. She had stopped and she looked at Shadow, who was unknowingly looking at her. She licked her k-9s as they began to ache. She was the seductress, the enchantress, the one men came to to get their fix for their lust. And now here was one of her creations begging her, one that had never begged, and it made her almost disgusted. But at the same time she longed to taste the flesh, his flesh between her teeth. The thought of the warm blood trickling down her throat made her loose control. She leaned down and turned his head, and began to slowly trace a cirlce around a spot on his neck.

Shadow's body automatically tensed again, but he couldn't help but want the female to taste him. This was deffinately the worse of punishments, knowing what was going to happen, knowing the craving that she had and he had. The female knew it urked him, that's why it made the punishment even better.

She smiled, "And sometimes a simple kiss can be as deadly as a snakes bite..." she whispered and bite down into his neck. She clamped down, and heard a loud groan of pain escape Shadow's lips. She smiled and pressed down harder, biting him, slowly draining him of the humaning that he had left of him. (( WOOT you guys are on... sorta... and sorry again for a long post ))  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 12:44 pm
*Zero pulled away from Hien quickly, grabbing his shoulders.* Don't ever say that again. *He said in a firm, but gentle voice, looking him dead in the eye.* In no way shape or form was this your fault. This was more my fault than anyone else. If I hadn't hidden my angel heritage, Shadow wouldn't be in the pain he's in. But in a way, no one is to blame here. Shadow knew what was coming, and he took it willingly. He'll come back when they're done with him. Until then... *He took Hien back into his arms, leaning close to his ear.* I'll be a rock you can lean on. Hold fast to me, and I will shelter you from the storm.

*Now Ethiriel was thoroughly confused. What was going ON?! Zero was getting soft! He never acted this way, not even towards herself! But here he was, acting all gentle and poetic towards Hien!* Okay, *She said, leaning down to Feredir,* What is going ON between those two??

*Feredir looked up at her confused face, wisdom and mirth in his eyes.* >Something very strong, something that can form the strongest of bonds. It's called love.<



PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 5:59 pm
(( Ahh sorry for disappearing I had a soccer game... we totally kicked a** ^_^ )) Shadow tried to move away but the females bite hardened, and the chains constricted up agianst his body.There were veins around the bite and they grew a dark crimson color that was almost black, and pulsed from the 'venom' his kind secreeted(sp) into their victims to either kill or turn them. Shadows' mind began to grow fuzzy and he struggled again to free himself from the bite of the female , knocking the female off of him slightly. There was a loud grumble of resistance from the female, and she once agian tightened her bite. The chains around Shadow constricted around him tighter, moving him closer to the cross, and dug into his skin.

"Don't resist it Shadow...embrace my loving touch. The one that brought you into this world of imortality... forget those creatures that you're suffering for. And the punishment given to you will lessen...and soon decease." she caressed his cheek as she mentally spoke to him.

Shadow snarled mentally at her, "Never..." he growled and he heard a furious snort from the female.

"Fine then.... You'll suffer just as that boy did when the two parts faught against each inside his body. Slowly it'll kill you and your imortal life shall be shortened...." she said and the veins that had been pulsing underneath her teeth began to squirm down through the rest of Shadow's neck, past his collar bone to his heart. "Adventually your powers will slow your body down til you're dead." she said and released his neck from her bite. She kissed it before she pulled back, blood trickled slightly from her rosey lips. The female looked at Shadow with disguts and licked her lips, then removed the last bit from the corners of her mouth and wiped it away on his torn shirt.  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 11, 2010 3:59 pm
Hien shuddered a little bit when Zero whispered so close to his ear. He took a deep breath, then let it out, letting his breath rattle a bit. What was this feeling? So sudden... it made his heart beat fast, his face flush, his head reel... Was this love? Did Zero... love him? 'Only one way to find out...' Hien pulled back for a moment, staring into Zero's eyes. After a moment, he murmured, "Forgive me, Zero." Before the other angel had a chance to answer, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Zero's.  



PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:40 pm
Shadow hung there just barely breathing, staring in the genreal direction he knew the female could possibly be. "A... curse to kill..." he mumbled, his voice hoarse. He lifted his head slightly, as he heard the female move once agian. "Is this what he would have gone through....?" he asked, knowing that it most likely was if he hadn't of taken Zero's place. -Ethiriel...- he thought and struggled again to free himself. He grimaced as he felt the poison, or whatever the female had put into him snake through his veins again. He grimaced, and his head drooped hair covering his face. His breathing sped just a bit, and the chains that were around high constricted even more.

The female let out a cold laugh, "Hahah... hmm... hmm... scuse me? Yes that is what I would've given him. But if you have a problem with it I can just send your little friends back in... I'm sure they'd enjoy it. " she said, her voice melodic and chilling. She snapped her fingers and his friends appeared again. They brought their weapons, the faces expressionless, "But you know what... I'm bored with you again.... I guess I'll check on you at a later date. You've served enough time here." she said and ran her fingers through one of the friends hair after she turned and began to leave.

Shadow stayed there, looking forward, knowing what was about to happen. His friends would beat him a few more times and then release him. And if he even tried to hurt either of them, or go back after the female they'd kill him without a second thought.

The next thing Shadow knew his friends were bringing him down from the cross. His body limp and just barely able to move, he grimaced. His skin was pale in comparison to what it use to be, and the poisoned veins squirmed again. He moved himself, trying to break free of his friends grasps. One let out a smug chuckle and kneed him in the center of Shadow's back. That knocked the wind out of Shadow, and they just dropped him.

"The Mistress has had enough of you... she told us to release you now." one of them said and laughed.

Shadow looked up and let out a weak snarl, that was really the only thing he could muster. He wondered now if he could change into his wolf form. And he concentrated and shifted into his large black wolf=form, suprisingly to him. HE stood there and snarled at the men in fron ot him and looked towards the escape. He didnt' care if they were about to let him go, he was going to get out before they had a chance to do anything more. He charged for the exit, and ran wobbly towards it. His vision was still blurred slightly, and he knew that whatever that female had done to him was reacting to the use of his powers in this form. He also knew that his human form still had the veil or whatever had been covering his eyes, but he didnt' care. He ran out of the Councils domain and back into the woods. When he got to the place where he had disappeared he let out a weak howl -Ethiriel... come... alone- he called out to Ethiriel and collasped. His body shifted into human form, and fell face down into the muddied grown.

His clothes were torn to shred, only barely covering his manly bits(hehe). Blood trickled into a puddle nearby Shadow, and he laid there still barely breathing.  
PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:22 am
*Zero's eyes widened a fraction of an inch. Then, he closed his eyes and leaned into Hien's kiss. The kiss seemed to nail him to the floor, sparks of happiness and pleasure using his spine as a race track. He should have known. All this time... he had been falling for Hien, falling hard. He wrapped his arms around Hien and pulled him closer, deepening the loving embrace.*

*Ethiriel was shocked out of her mind. Her brother was kissing another male! He was gay! Her thoughts were suddenly pulled away from this as she heard Shadow calling to her. She inhaled sharply, but quietly. After a second, she turned to Feredir.* I'm going somewhere. Don't follow me. Don't let anyone follow me. *Without offering an explanation, she turned to the door and walked out of the room. The moment she was out of sight, she apparated to the woods. A moment later, she found herself standing in front of Shadow. She took one look at him and let out a strangled cry.* Shadow!! *She dropped down next to him, taking him into her arms and holding him close, his face against her chest.* Xeria, Shadow... what did they do to you...? *Tears began to stream down her face, her face a mask of utter pain.* Shadow, if you can hear me... you can't die. Not now... Not when I have so much to tell you... *she pulled him tighter to her chest, tears falling onto his face.* You may be an a** sometimes... but you're the sweetest person when you want to be. You're willing to take whatever comes at you, sacrificing yourself for friends. You're kind and generous, protective of those you care about. That's why... *she hiccuped, a very un-Ethiriel thing for her to do.* That's why... I love you... *she bowed her head, crying almost hysterically.*  



PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:32 pm
Shadow opened his eyes and looked up at, and slowly reached up to her cheek and wipped away a tear from her cheek. "I...may be an a**... but it's too keep you guys from doing that....To keep you...people that care for me... to not get hurt." he coughed and looked away grimaceing. Blood trickled down his chest as it moved up and down slowly, his breathing raged. He winced when he felt her grip squishing him against her body. He looked back up at her, and took a deep breath, came out in one painful whisp. "We....I..." he looked away, a not really sudden tiredness took him under. His eyes rolled into his head and he just laid there limp now in Ethiriels arms. He still was breathing, just a bit slower now.  
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:01 am
*Ethiriel felt Shadow go limp in her arms, and she almost had a panic attack.* Oh, Hell no! *She put her cheek to his nose and mouth, feeling for his breath. When she felt it, she leaned back with a sigh. She knew she only had one chance to heal Shadow, and she had to do it now. She knew what the consequences would be of doing something like she was about to do, but she was willing to take any chance for the man she loved. Standing with Shadow in her arms, she closed her eyes and concentrated her energy into the clearing. A moment later, the clearing was cleared of leaves and grass, revealing a glowing blue transmutation circle. The circle stopped glowing, and Ethiriel took this moment to move to the center of it. She knelt with Shadow still in her arms, and she looked down at his pained face.* If you're going to die... then you're taking me with you to heaven. *She leaned down and gently pressed her lips against Shadow's. The moment she did this, the circle began to glow white and black. The glow surrounded her and Shadow, and Ethiriel could feel her heartbeat growing weaker while Shadow's grew stronger, until the two were beating in time with each other. At that moment, two ghostly figures appeared in front of her and Shadow. One was a handsome angel, a male with pure white hair swept to one side, a white long sleeved shirt with matching white pants, white gloves, and beautiful white wings spread wide. His gray eyes looked on with sympathy and gentleness. The second figure was a female, equally beautiful, but this was a dangerous beauty. She had long black hair falling past her hips and blood red eyes. Her skin was as pale as alabaster stone, and she stood a little shorter than the male. She wore a long red dress that had a slit going all the way up both legs to her hips. She had wings as well, but hers were black ad leathery. Ethiriel pulled away from Shadow to bow her head to the two.* Ezekiel, Enepsigos. *She murmured in awe.*

*Ezekiel nodded, looking from Ethiriel to Shadow, then back to Ethiriel.* I see why I have been called here. *He said in a quiet, kind voice.*

*Enepsigos sniffed and looked over at Ezekiel.* You mean why we have been called here. *She looked back to Ethiriel and Shadow, her eyes softening a bit.*

Yes yes, whatever you say, Enepsigos. *Ezekiel waved his hand, casting a glance at the fallen angel.* But we weren't summoned here to bicker. *He said, looking back at the duo in the center of the circle.* You wish to form a bond with this demon?

*Ethiriel's eyes flashed dangerously.* Don't call him 'demon'. He's a good, kind, wonderful man. He can't help the way he is. But I love him for who he is.

*Enepsigos let a small smile cross her face.* You're brave, speaking to us like that. We could both easily end you.

*Ezekiel gave Enepsigos a light smack.* Another time, Enepsigos. This is neither the time nor place. *He turned back to Ethiriel.* Do you realize what you're risking, forming the kind of bond you are forming?

*Ethiriel looked the angel and fallen angel straight in the eyes.* I know what I'm risking. But I'll do anything for Shadow.

*Enepsigos arched an eyebrow, a sly smile on her face.* Anything?

*Ethiriel sensed some sort of malicious intent, but she kept her gaze steady.* Anything.

*Ezekiel looked from Ethiriel to Enepsigos. He leaned over and whispered something in her ear. Enepsigos appeared to think for a moment, then nodded. Ezekiel nodded in approval, then straightened.* We have your bond. Now we must make ready. *He pulled one of his wings around his body, pulling out a single, pure white feather. He handed the feather to Enepsigos.*

*Enepsigos took the feather, then raised her free hand and conjured a simple knife with a black handle. She made a simple slit on the hand holding the feather, disposed of the knife, an let the blood seep into the feather, turning it red as her eyes. She then held the feather up, blood dripping down her arm.* I, Enepsigos, fallen angel, begin this bond. *The feather began to glow black. She then handed the feather to Ezekiel.*

*Ezekiel held the feather up and spoke.* I, Ezekiel, Archangel, bless this bond. *The feather then began to glow white and black, a mix of holy and unholy power. Ezekiel moved in front of Ethiriel, taking one of her hands and placing the feather in it.*

*Ethiriel held up the feather, and with a shaky voice, spoke.* I, Etheriel, accept this bond with all my body, heart, and soul. *The moment she said this, the feather began to glow blinding white, and the glow surrounded her and Shadow. Ethiriel felt a piece of something leave her, but at the same time, that something was replaced by something else. Etheriel suddenly arched her back as a horrible pain ripped through her body. She grit her teeth against the pain, but this didn't keep a few whimpers from passing her lips. She could feel something within her change, and she felt her body morph. Suddenly, the glow around them vanished, and the transmutation circle stopped glowing. Ethiriel almost collapsed from exhaustion, but she managed to look up at Ezekiel and Enepsigos. She gave them a weak smile, and murmured quietly.* Thank you... *Ezekiel and Enepsigos both nodded, then disappeared in a flash of white and black light respectively. Before the glows were gone, Etheriel could hear them both say something.*

And so it is done.

The bond is made.

*Ethiriel sighed and conjured a mirror. She looked into it and gave a soft gasp. Instead of her normal white hair, it was now a beautiful, bright silver. Her hair was pulled into two pigtails tied off with blue bows, which sat high on her head. She now had two silver, furry, wolf-like ears. Her eyes were no longer purely brown, but had a ring of purple around the brown. She looked several years younger than her normal age, now looking about 19 or 20. She ran her hand over her face, marveling at how soft the skin was. She then looked down at her body. she was wearing a short dress with long sleeves that flowed behind her. Tied around her waist was a blue obi with green strings tied in a knot in the front. She then looked behind her and almost had a heart attack. There was a small hole in the back of the dress at her lower back, and from that hole sprouted a long, fluffy, silver tail. She pet the tail curiously, and was amazed at how soft the fur was. It was at that moment that she noticed her hands. They were small with long, delicate fingers, and at the end of each finger was a long nail. It was suddenly, at that moment, that Ethiriel realized what she had done. This was exactly what had gotten Shadow in trouble the last time! This was what almost got him killed! In a panic, Ethiriel dropped Shadow and stood, looking around wildly. He heightened senses were beginning to give her a headache, which only added to the panic. She let out a tiny whimper, looking from Shadow to the woods and back again. She knew Shadow would be able to follow her no matter where she went; his senses were more developed than hers. Suddenly, Shadow began to stir. The drop had somewhat woken him up. The moment he sat up and looked at her, Ethiriel's panic reached its' peak. She turned and began to run as fast as she could from him.* 'If I run... maybe I can save him...' *Tears poured from her eyes, making her panic more. Now she couldn't see. Her foot suddenly hit something, and she let out a startled, pained yip as she fell hard to the ground. Finding no will to stand, she got to her knees, crying hard into her hands in the dark night. She had condemned them. She had condemned them both. She let out a wail into the night, then panicked again when she realized Shadow would be able to find her like that. The panic made her begin to hyperventilate.*  


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