Chapter 3: War of the Legends

Humanity is modestly rebuilt. New York is not 2/3 back to normal, and the population has begun to rise again. It seemed, for a brief period, that peace would reign and that Reality would grab the reings once more.

Not quite.

With the death of the Incarnation Of True Order, Asura, the world is in danger once more. Not from SCP any longer, most are destroyed. Now the thread is rearing up from the past, dark and sinister and only vaguely familiar.

Legends and heroes, once in the service of Asura, are now free to do as they please. Alexander the Great swaps war stories with Winston Churchill, Nobunaga Oda and Gilgamesh compare hordes, and Cu Chulainn and Leonidas spar.

Hundreds of thousands of historical, and fictional heroes wander the planet, All of them now controlled to some degree by the imposing, chaotic, and ever-changing Lord Spiral, King of Chaos.

Can anyone find the secret to defeating Spiral? Will the world fall to ruin under his massive heel? It is up to you to decide!

Welcome to the SCP Roleplay.