Alpha Gene

Alpha gene is a guild based on the Story written by TheRedCoyote and TheBlackCoyote. It is basically a human and animal roleplay where you can shift from human to wolf. The Alpha gene is the name of the school and the gene what cause's this.

This is basically a school based Role-play.

User Image

"Welcome to Alpha gene, all first time students, or Orphans, or those without a home to go to may come here. Even if you are only looking for temporary refuge. By law the school is a fighting free zone. "

Roleplaying Rules,
Use, " to talk, (Or use something to indicate when you are talking) You can use, ' for thinking, and please try to do more then one sentence per post.

Anyone who is not active in a month without explanation can be banned. Thought if you would like to join again you may just send me a message. (TheBlackCoyote) Unless you have been banned for being rude.
Your character may swear at another character, just don't swear at a person roleplaying.
ABSOLUTELY NO GODMODING WITHOUT PERMISSION AT LEAST> If you need to control some ones charracter let me know.