<img src="http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/9787/mybanner48af9152535a5ba3.jpg" alt='Create your own banner at mybannermaker.com!' border=0 />

This is an RP that takes place in the Inuyasha universe, but it does not take place in the Inuyasha story line. (This means that you cannot be a main character, or even a minor character, please make your own custom characters.) You can make a character that is from any youkai race. You can live in any land you want, just have fun and enjoy while we make more lands. There are a few basic rules.

1. No God Modding, this even goes for those of us that are leaders of the lands.
2. Respect the mods, they do have power over you, so if they tell you to do something please do it...and don't worry about the mods going power crazy, all the mods are picked out so that they will not do that.
3. Killing of characters is permitted, just be nice to those who just arrived in the guild for they will not be powerful enough to defend themselves.
4. Please, be as literate as possible. That means no chat speak.
5. Keep it PG-13
6. Everyone (except for the leaders of the lands) must start out as a lesser Youkai.
7. Please be active.