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Gaia towns and gaia hollywood have become rampant with crime and lawlessness and it is the job of every officer to band together and create the Gaia Police Force.

Force Captain - PurplexPeach
Officer of administration - Axxninja2
Detective Captain - Caesar_nitz (Acting Captain)
Patrol Lt.- (OPEN)
Patrol Sergeant - (OPEN)
Training Lt. - Annie Anthrax (Lt.)
Training Sergeant - (OPEN)
There are only 3 requirements

1. You must have a lawl and order suit and badge OR something that looks like a police officer and is deemed appropriate by the captain. THIS IS ONLY NECESSARY WHILE YOU ARE ON PATROL.

2.You must swear to protect and help all lawful Gaia members.

3. I understand we all have lives and this isn't a priority in them, but PLEASE try to be as active in the forums and out patrolling as you can be.

When you dawn your uniform and help your community you will find new respect for yourselves and the Gaian people will have respect for you as well. (Plus, the ladies love an avi in uniform! ^^)

Please, read the thread titled Uniform Funds before donating to this guild!!!
Join us and help crack down on gaia.
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Or, just hang out and take a break in the forums.