Welcome to the Chaos Realms. This place is the path to all worlds and Realms. Unfortunatly there is no direct path to each world. You are born and raised on a world and on your eleventh birthday you are given a ring and told a word of power this word is only know by you and you are the only one that can use it to activate your ring. Once your ring is activated it will take you to a random world or realm. There is no knowing where you will end up.

There are only a few rule here. You may chose which ever planet/realm you choose to grow up on but you much roll a die to determine were you will go from there once you have activated your ring. Your ring as unlimited uses.

No Godmoding
If you have a problem with someone report it to me and I will get back to you ASAP.
All are Welcome

Should you care to see a new realm added donate the money in the guild and pm me Angel C. Drake and let me know what kinda of World/Realm you would like to see added.