this guild is under consruction right now :]
(but that dosent mean you can't join or watever, its just like, not completly complete yet xD )

please send Rebeckymabober (captian) or Ranbows Heart (vice cap.) a pm if you would like to join =]
we will be more than happy to accept you, weather youre the one that feels you need help, or the one that wants to help. or even if your confused about depression and want to understand it better =]

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sometimes i Feel like the world has turned their back on me.
and i'll even feel alone in the middle of a crowd of freinds.
it was like i was the black crown in a colorful crayonbox.
isolated, lost, and just sad.

thats okay.

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and i know; sometimes its like nobody understands how you feel and its like you just want to scream.
sometimes i feel like i have my own personal pet raincloud hovering over my head, and i can get out from under the rain.
but slowly im learning that maybe i dont have to try to get out, maybe i just need to learn to dance in the rain.

this guild was something me and my freind, Rainbows Heart, decided to create to give people like us a place to come together.
to have a place where nobody is here to judge you, hurt you, or to be afraid of you.
We arn't here to tell you how to solve your problems,
but to let you feel that there is help and you are loved even in the darkest storms, there is always a sun high above the clouds waiting to shine when the storms pass.
and it can't rain forever.
even though it feels like it will.

we may not be professionals,
we may not have perfect advice,
but we are here to listen and to love.