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this is a guild for megaman lovers of all shapes and sizes where you can meet others who love the games and the lore behind it. where you can live in which ever world you wish and build your on robot or reploid,net navi,bio metal what ever you want as long as you follow the rules set by gaia and as long as you follow my rules as well.

1. be respectful to your fellow members, if you have a problem with another member bring it to my attention or one of my vices.

2. yes this is a romance rp guild too but keep the adult content suitable for gaia's rules, if your gonna get dirty then lead up to it and black screen it and take it to pm's please. outside drama, dont bring in any outside bs to this guild keep it on the outside where it started. :T

4. yes there will be fighting but that doesnt mean you can just kill off someones OC who they have worked on and created, unless they have given consent for you to do so.

5. no mother flipping god modding ether this is a place for fun and taking chances if i see or hear of someone god modding i will warn you once, the second time you will be booted for i shouldnt have to tell you more than once.

6. this is a megaman based rp keep it megaman or i will deny your rpc or story arch.

alright with that said i hope you have fun here, and meet some friends,now get your weapons ready.


MegaMan era: in the year 200x, dr.willy had stolen dr.lights six robot masters and re-programmed them and was attacking the city. rock one of dr.lights newest creations had volunteered to be converted into a fighting robot. once this was done he was from that day forward known as megaman after defeating the robot masters megaman. megaman made his way to wily where he fought and was beaten by wily's machines, leaving the evil doctor to start to take over. as the years passed wily built more and more robot masters. but dr. light had formed a rebel group and is fighting against wily. will you join light and try to fight wily? or will you help conquer the world?

megaman X the elf wars era: in the year 21XX during the excavation of one of the old research labs used by dr.light found an capsule labeled as X, with a robot sleeping within. Dr. Cain. Cain, not being an expert in robotics, was baffled by the design specifications Light had included on the computer as even a century later they were ahead of anything the world had ever seen. From these specifications and with the help of X, Cain began developing his own version of next-generation robots, which came to be known as Reploids. However, the Reploids never received the same ethical testing as X. Apparently because of this oversight, over time more and more Reploids began to act strange and, eventually, become violent against humans and even other Reploids. These Reploids were deemed "Maverick" (Irregular in Japan) and, as incidents of Reploids going Maverick increased, the human government decided to found a department which was supposed to deal with the Mavericks, the Maverick Hunters.

Feeling responsible for this situation, X joined the Maverick Hunters and became part of Sigma's 17th Elite Unit. While other operatives such as Sigma and Zero were elevated to the higher classes, X remained at B-class. This was most likely due to a tendency in X to hesitate in battle instead of fully committing. This tendency caused other Maverick Hunters, such as Vile, to look down on X as weak. It has been noted, however, that X has "limitless potential" should he choose to access it (according to Cyber Peacock in Mega Man X4), and that Sigma, Zero, and Dr. Cain have all seen his potential from the beginning.

After many years of suffering and fighting X thought it was all over since the earth was saved only to find zero floating and glowing with an aura before him, claiming to have fully understand his purpose and how he will destroy X.

X faces off with Zero after he ignored orders to report back to Base for a full physical check on his virus readings, and the two are knocked out during the battle. Sigma appears and Zero saves X from him. The two then go on to confront Sigma. This is the canon storyline.

Sigma reveals to X that Zero's true form is the one that emerges when he is powered up with the Maverick Virus (this mechanic is also reflected during gameplay). As it turns out, Zero was the one who had spread the virus to Sigma during their first confrontation, as shown in a cutscene during Mega Man X4. Sigma also speaks of a mysterious new ally who built a body for him. He also says that this person is interested in Zero "as if he was his own father" and claims that he and X know each other well, because they were enemies in the past (obviously referring to the character Dr. Wily from the Mega Man series).

Once beaten, Sigma claims he will take Zero down with him. As X and Zero both lay damaged from Sigma's massive explosion, X stands over Zero's battered body, hoping for signs of life. Sigma's remains then fire a blast straight through X and Zero. Zero revives for just a moment, destroying Sigma's remains with a blast from his Z-Buster and then passing away. X was badly injured, but a hologram of Dr. Light appeared and miraculously repaired him.

After this zero remains are taking and studied which leads to the creation of the cyber elfs Cyber-elves are pure energy with artificial intelligence. They were invented for the sole purpose of ending the Maverick Wars. Their creators designed them to amplify the power of Reploids and to combat the effect of the Maverick Virus. The key in this development was the creation of the Mother Elf, which Mega Man X used in order to permanently destroy the effects of the Maverick Virus and thus end the Maverick Wars.
Neo Arcadia is built as a major city-state sometime after the Maverick Wars as a place where humans and Reploids can live in peace.
Elf Wars
The Mother Elf is stolen by Dr. Weil, who turns it into the Dark Elf and instigates the Elf Wars. This four-year period is so violent that it destroys 90% of the planet's Reploids and kills 60% of the planet's humans, and leaving much of the world barren. During this time Zero's remains is stolen by Weil to construct Omega. Weil also creates copies of the Dark Elf, the Baby Elves, to control all Reploids in the world. . X fight against Weil's forces and, in the end, go up against the powerful Omega, defeating him with the Final Strike attack. Dr. Weil is banished from Neo Arcadia, being punished by receiving a regenerative armor so that he will survive and "suffer" forever in the inhabitable lands outside Neo Arcadia. Omega is banished to space. After the battle.

megaman zero era:
After the Elf Wars, X seals the Dark Elf after the Elf Wars at Yggdrasil using his own body.
The Four Guardians, Sage Harpuia, Fighting Fefnir, Fairy Leviathan, and Hidden Phantom are created.
Copy X is built by Ciel.
Copy X labels several innocent Reploids as Mavericks in Neo Arcadia, and a Resistance is formed lead by ciel herself to confront him.Are you a part of the resistance? or do you work for copy X how will this story unfold? its up to you.