Welcome to the "Film Reviews and Movie Hype" guild. I'm your captain of this guild. I happen to be an online film critic that loves playing on gaia, and I was planning to use this guild as something of a promotion for my reviews. However, that's not the entire focus of this guild. Granted, it's part of it, but the main reason I opened this guild was to allow gaia users such as yourself to freely talk, rant, or even review/rate some of your favorite/least favorite films.

Your welcome to open up any forums you want, but it has to relate to movies, and/or the people involved in that industry in someway. Meaning if you guys decide to open up a forum to talk about your favorite director/actor/actress/etc, then that's fine.

If you want to open up a forum talking about how excited you are that "Avengers 2" is going to come out soon, then that's fine too.

Having said all that, there are some basic ground rules we need to go over

1. All guild members must be respectful of each other's opinions. Debate is welcomed in this guild, as long as it doesn't lead to childish insults, and/or derogatory statements (i.e. "Shut the f*** up you freak). I apologize if my example offends anyone, as I was merely showing the type of comments that will not be tolerated in this guild.

2. Like all of gaia, the TOS stands here as well. Any members caught not following the TOS agreement from gaia will have their posts deleted; while immediately being banned from the guild.

3. Any genre of film is welcomed to be discussed EXCEPT porn of any kind. This includes hentai as well. If I find anyone discussing any pornographic films of any kind, then those comments will be deleted; along with immediate banishment from the guild.

4. If a member of the guild does something to violate any of the rules listed above, then please notify me immediately via pm, and I'll gladly investigate the situation.

5. Have fun. As long as you follow the rules I've posted, then I'm sure everyone here will get along just fine. Just remember we're all movie fans here, so lets all play nice and have some fun.

Also, donations are welcomed in this guild, but it's not required.