Because being a parent isn't for everyone...

Because creative people need simple lives in which to carry out their work...

Because there are so few shelters from the slings and arrows of those ignorant and judgmental enough to believe that everyone should live exactly like them...

Because we freely admit that we are self-centered, self-indulgent, and impulsive, and thus are unfit for parenthood (which, ironically enough, is often the provence of those who are equally as self-centered, self-indulgent, and impulsive, but lack our wisdom and foresight, making them even worse parents than we would have been)...

Because we are neither arrogant nor conceited enough to believe that our genes are worth preserving...

I give you the Childfree Guild of Gaia!

Why "childfree?" Because the term "childless" implies that children are missing from our lives, which is no more accurate than saying that malignant tumors are missing from our brains. The term "childfree" is more accurate in that it indicates our freedom from the burdens of raising children.

This guild is a forum for the childfree to get together, make new friends, and talk about absolutely anything. While misbehaving brats, entitlement-minded parents, and our sickeningly child-centric society are sure to be popular topics, the floor is open for whatever you'd care to discuss.

If, for any reason, you have chosen to forgo having children of your own, or if you are undecided and would like to explore the possiblity of a childfree life, you are welcome and encouraged to join. Current and future parents are absolutely not welcome. This is not a debate forum, it's a refuge for the childfree. You have your space, this is ours. We respect yours. We expect the same courtesy in return.

Finally, please do not, under any circumstances, donate to the guild! It's a waste of gold! There is no way for me or anyone else to access or use donated gold. It serves no purpose whatsoever. It's nothing more than a bottomless toilet. Thank you for not flushing your gold down it. Also, please forgive the one vice captin, XenoReiji, if he is a bit slow in getting you admittance to the guild. He is doing his very best to make sure he pays attention to all requests. So if you have not heard back from him for two ro three days, please prode him with a PM.... and a stick.